My camera is so old toy barbie cams got more megapixels now

Cannon A570 7.1 megapixel Indoor macro mode freehand cropped
But I can still get a not bad picture sometimes

It still works pretty good. 🍋
My wife is going to have something to say when things start showing up. I bought 5 20 gallon and 3 15 gallon grow bags plus the camera. Thats only 3 things this month. I would say I am doing pretty good. I have not purchased anything that cost any large amount like a new light and larger tent. Hell I just bought the 2x2x3 last month and the light was given to me. :cool: 🍋
I have not purchased anything that cost any large amount like a new light and larger tent. Hell I just bought the 2x2x3 last month and the light was given to me.

a number of us pass our old or used equipment around between our friends here as well. it's great to help others out.
I plan on doing just that if I get any replacement equipment. I have some extra grow bags if needed. I have 20-gallon bags. Also, when I buy a new light, I will pass my light that was given to me on to someone that can use it. That is one of the best things about 420 magazine there is a lot of really nice people here. I hear of fellow members handing off things a lot around here. 🍋
My wife is going to have something to say when things start showing up. I bought 5 20 gallon and 3 15 gallon grow bags plus the camera. Thats only 3 things this month. I would say I am doing pretty good. I have not purchased anything that cost any large amount like a new light and larger tent. Hell I just bought the 2x2x3 last month and the light was given to me. :cool: 🍋
You think you can squeeze in a couple more purchases? 😂 That's what I usually do, but get beat by the wife over it.
Hope you are having a great day buddy.
Now I have to get some ffof I will need 3 bags. What I will do is buy 1 every other week actually I have over a month till I will need it. I can put it on the back porch Ya that's what I will do. 🍋
I like the OF better than the HF but you get more for the money with HF. Sometimes I mix it 50/50. CL🍀
To be honest Capt. I think it was the happy frog I used last year. I will know once I get to the store. :thumb: 🍋
Lots of people are using Pro-Mix but I never tried it myself. I’m considering using it the future though. CL🍀
Just don't ever grab it off amazon. They're gouging like crazy.
Think it was under 40 dollars here for 3.8 cubic feet meters.
You can reuse it a 2nd time if u don't mind picking the roots out.
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