Don't forget the wife said earlier are you going to be spending a $1000 & hopefully you didn't give her a answer but $945 is acceptable
Don't forget tax!! 🤣😂
We have a couple inches of snow this morning, but it will not last and hopefully will melt in a day or two. I have to get a piece of plywood 24 inches by 24 inches and then set up my light. I think I like my little tent and hope the light is not too hard to set up. I will need a couple more straps to hang the light there was 2 straps missing from my tent. 🍋
All set up I will have to make adjustment



I set my light for clones as this is what they suggest for seedlings and trying to set up the clock. The light is set at 95% I am no good at figuring this stuff out. I will keep trying till I get it and will not use the program of 21 hours light on and 3 hours off. I am going to manually turn on the light and turn it off. I will have it on during the day and off at night. On at sun rise and off at sun set. I know there is a way to set it up for that, but I cannot figure it out. I really suck at this never could figure out electronics. It is too confusing for me. 🍋
I have to figure out how to turn it down I am shooting for 50% but really do not know what it should be at. There are a lot of things this light should be able to do I just have to figure them out. I am no good with electronics.
She has only asked the simple questions like will the light burn down the house and do you know what you are doing. I answer is the same for both questions No it will not burn down the house and No I do not know what I am doing. These instructions are in a different language. I cannot figure this out. But I will keep trying. 🍋 :smokin:
She has only asked the simple questions like will the light burn down the house and do you know what you are doing. I answer is the same for both questions No it will not burn down the house and No I do not know what I am doing. These instructions are in a different language. I cannot figure this out. But I will keep trying. 🍋 :smokin:
Keith, you might want to soften that second answer just a bit!

How about trying, "Pretty much." 😁
Even if you can find the dimmer you're in good shape to start!

I woulda sworn there was a manual somewhere in there...
The manual....
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