Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

Today marks the end of flowering week 8. Our total daylight hours today is 11 hours, 22 minutes. This week the weather has been sunny until the rains set in yesterday. Our average temps are trending down with highs in the low to mid 50s and overnight lows in the low to mid 30s. This is day 13 of the flush.


Weed, weed everywhere yet not a nug to vape. Every few hours I wander into the garden to see if just one freaking branch will be ready for me to chop, only to be teased with colas that are so close, but just aren't there yet.


KG2 has the best main cola of all her sisters. I stare at her a lot. Starting to feel like a creepy voyeur.


Remember how I complained about Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom a few weeks back, how it yellowed all the girls who received it while KG5 who had no exposure, was green and lush? Well, it seems the tables have turned. Though the girls who got TB, became visibly yellowed a week later, I have to admit they also have the best colas. KG5 isn't doing so hot. She still has most of her leaves, but her colas look pretty weak, immature pistils with barely any trichomes. She is dark green, purple and super leafy. I learned this is normally a sign that the plant is receiving too much nitrogen, but how can that be when she is the only one who did not receive fertilizer? I am going to do a massive defoliation on her later today to see if that helps speed up her bud development.


A side branch of WW1. What you can't see is the buds underneath all those leaves match the one at the top. All the pistils have darkened and curled in. What is fascinating about this is that Wonder Woman is advertised as having a flowering period of 8 to 10 weeks, while Kaya Gold is advertised as having a 7 to 9 week flowering period. Well, here we are at the end of week 8, and the Wonder Woman group is closer to harvest than Kaya. I've been so focused on the KGs, thinking they would be ready first that I ignored how much progress the WWs had made. How can this be? I spent the better part of yesterday pondering what could have caused WW to mature faster, and I have some theories. The first one is the daylight clock. 14.5 hours is the rule of thumb for outdoor growing, but maybe Wonder Woman's clock is set to flower earlier than most. Perhaps flowering was triggered by environmental factors, by genetics, or a combination of both. When I went back through my notes, I saw that WW did begin flowering a solid week before KG. The other theory is weather. It got too cold, too fast. Wonder Woman is a high maintenance gal. She likes very little fluctuation in temps and isn't as cold hardy as the Kayas. It may be she was developing at a normal rate of speed, but after a few nights of temps dropping into the low 30s, her rate of maturation accelerated. WW has a solid rep of producing huge dense colas, but what I have are tiny little buds sparsely spread on sticks. I take this as possible evidence they never had a chance to reach their full potential because they had to hurry up and mature before they die. I cut a small branch from WW1 yesterday and today. I tried speed drying what I had yesterday and vaping it. That was a waste of time......it tasted like grass and only got me mildly high for like ten minutes.

Which brings me to the next topic of conversation....bud washing. Some people see this as unnecessary and potentially damaging to the trichomes, while others insist bud washing removes unwanted residues from the weed without any negative repercussions. Now, I'll fess up my own bias. I really like the idea of having the cleanest weed possible, especially if that equates to edibles that aren't harsh to my tummy as well as a smoother vaping experience. Earlier this week, I found a handful of leaves that had PM which I promptly removed. Still......it had me thinking for every spot of PM I can see, there are probably thousands of microscopic spores I can't see. So I made a solution of 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 part baking soda, 2 parts lemon juice, 10 parts cold water. I also filled one sink with the hottest water available from the tap, then filled the other sink with the coldest water available from the tap. I agitated the branch in the wash solution for about 30 seconds, swirling it gently. Then I dunked it in the hot water rinse for a few seconds, followed by a final cold rinse to stop the blanching process.


Here is a photo before the bud washing


And here is a photo after. I tried to take matching photos, but that is hard to do with strong magnification. I took many before and after photos. After scrutinizing them several times over, I don't see any damage to the trichomes at all.

I'm not posting any photos of the mystery seed group because it is over for them. We had two nights this week of temps dropping to 32 degrees. SA and ADS are alive, but the flowers that were just emerging, have dried and turned brown. HH and NN's bud growth has completely stopped. Their flowers are beginning to wither and whole branches are dying. There is no point trying to help them because they are at least 3 or 4 weeks out, and sadly for all the girls, they will not make it the end of week 9. Our weather is trending down. The forecast calls for rain for the next week. On the night of October 11th, the forecast predicts temperatures will drop to 24 degrees and bring lots of snow. That goes well beyond my acceptable risk so come hell or high water, all the plants worthy of harvest, will come down on the 11th, one day shy of completing their 9th week. I wish I had more time.
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

What a wonderful update! I'm both happy and sad to hear the harvest date has been set. I'm sad for the plants that didn't make, but super excited for those who are ready. I'm also very excited you'll have a ton to smoke soon, and I still feel very bad for your poor fingers after the trim. :blalol:

As for breeder flowering times, I like to think of them as mere suggestions and for safe keeping add at least 2 weeks to that. If it ends up they're right, fantastic. More often than not it just helps prevent excessive frustration at having to wait. I always have to wait. :laughtwo:

The budwashing looks safe to me. I highly doubt it would hurt the plant. Heck, I've water cured buds before and didn't notice a difference in the high, only in scent and flavor. I'm with you, especially with outdoor plants, I'd rather risk losing a trichome or two and have cleaner buds.
Got up before dawn this morning to harvest all of WW1. After pre trimming, washing, and hanging up to dry, this is what I have:

Tried to get the entire harvest in that last pic, but a few branches on the right got cut out. I also have about 1/2 cup of "popcorn" buds in a drying rack. She's no beauty queen nor is she winning any monster cola of the year awards, but the high is good, and that's all I care about. For all the finicky behavior of this high maintenance girl, she gave me more usuable weed than I expected. I had to throw out three small branches that had die back. Everything else on this plant was healthy, free of worms and budrot. After she's done drying, I'll trim some more leaf to save for edibles, then I'll do a final weight to see what each plant gave me.
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

The forecast changed. Now it's saying overnight lows for Monday night will be 28, and Tuesday night will be 32. Both days are supposed to be clear and sunny. Then heavy rains from Wednesday on. I'm thinking about harvesting WW3 tomorrow. I'm still on the fence as to what is the best move for the Kayas. Now that the forecast has improved, should I see if the Kayas can take a couple more days of cold? Should I not take that risk and harvest them tomorrow? They are so close!! but.......I still see a lot of white hairs on the lower half of the branches. I don't want to pull too early. Everybody harvests too early. I don't want to lose them to frost they can't recover from either. They've survived more than a handful of cold nights the past few weeks already, but the day time temps were in the 60s. Now, they're in the mid 40s to low 50s. Can they recover from two nights of freezing temps if the daytime temp is that low?

Hopefully the great weed goddess in the sky will just make them be ready to harvest tomorrow!
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

and it changed again......

NOW the forecast states it will be 25 degrees both Monday and Tuesday night. With that in mind, everything gets pulled tomorrow morning. I'm in for a long day filled with happy work!
I gotta say......I'm really humbled at how labor intensive harvesting is. It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday, I ot up just before the sun came up and took down everything but the sativa sisters since they had no flower at all. I cut them all right at the base and carried them into the house. It got colder than expected. 31 yesterday morning. The ground was partially frozen, a good sign that it was time.

What people say about cutting them down before the dawn being best, is true. I got to them before the branches soaked up the water they release back in the ground at night. The branches are light and snap easily.






KG3 By god, this one was a bitch to harvest. Took longer than KG1 and 2 combined. Though she was a good 6 inches shorter than her sisters, she was super bushy with an endless amount of small branches. 1/3 of her was popcorn buds which I put in a cheap cooler for the time being. That was all I as able to finish yesterday.


Got up bright and early this morning to process KG4.

KG1 and 2 is washed and hanging in the dry room. KG 3 & 4 will be joining them shortly. KG5 is going to be a long job. She is the biggest, bushiest plant of them all. I'm taking a short break, getting medicated before I tackle that job.

Wonder Woman 3 (left) and part of Kaya Gold 5 (right)


KG5 took forever, but the effort paid off. Many long sticks of sticky weed right there


I was even able to scrounge a modest amount from Naughty Natasha (left) and Hungry Helen (right).

Wonder Woman 2, Sweet Alyssa, and Alyssa's Dirty Sister, didn't produce anything worth keeping.


Everything fit in my dry room. I took up every available string hanging from the ceiling. I have about a gallon of trim & popcorn buds in a drying rack.

I'm going to start posting final weights after drying and trimming each plant. Wonder Woman 1 will be ready in a couple of days. Man, I'm beat!
I finished jarring Wonder Woman 1 and Kaya Gold 1. They are set for curing. I butchered some of the trimming with my inexperienced hands. I ended up with more top shelf trim than actual buds. Here is how it all panned out:



Wonder Woman #1
Trim 1 oz, 5 g
Bud 1 oz, 14.5 g



Kaya Gold #1
Trim 3 oz, 11 g
Bud 2 oz, 25 g

I wanted to get KG2 done today too, but my back says no more. Hoping to get 2 3 and 4 done tomorrow. Can't wait to start making tinctures and edibles!
I'm done!


This is the harvest from the indica sisters, Naughty Natasha and Hungry Helen. The jar on the left is the trim. The other jar is the buds. NN gave 11.54 g in buds and 5.9 g in trim. HH produced a whopping 5.46 g in bud and 5.92 in trim.


This is the harvest from the Wonder Woman group. The first jar on the left is their collective trim. The middle jar is WW1 buds and the small jar on the right is WW3 buds. WW1 produced 42.49 g in buds and 33.71 g in trim. WW3 gave 19 g in bud and 17 g in trim.


I saved the best for last :)

From left to right: 1st jar is trim from Kaya Gold 5. The huge cookie jar is trim from Kaya Gold 1 through 4. The rest is buds. I stacked the jars according to which plant they came from

KG1 80.78 g buds, 94.98 g trim
KG2 126.10 g buds, 83.10 g trim
KG3 49.97 g buds, 44.52 g trim
KG4 104.36 g buds, 56.13 gtrim
KG5 70 g buds, 78.3 g trim

The Kaya Gold group produced a total of 431. 21 g in buds and 357.03 in trim. It's clear who the winner is here......

I started with 20 seeds: 5 Kaya Gold, 5 Wonder Woman, and 10 free mystery seeds. Of those, all 5 KGs, 2 WWs and 2 mystery strains produced flowers worthy of harvest.


My total harvest from my 1st attempt at growing cannabis is 509.7 g (1lb, 2 oz, and 5.5 grams) in buds and 419.56 g (15 oz) in trim. My grand total is just over 2lbs, 1 oz of quality weed. I've been vaping on nugs of WW and KG this week. KG has well exceeded my expectations. I'm blown away by her potency, and also feeling kind of pissed. For some reason, I automatically assumed that whatever I grew would not be as good as what the rec store sells. I figured a commercial operation would grow superior weed to what I could do on my own as a complete novice. Vaping KG this week has made me realize this is a complete fallacy. All this time I've been buying inferior weed from the rec store thinking this was the best quality available. I call this first experience a huge success and that is thanks to Kaya Gold. I am going to wait for another week before issuing a detailed smoke report. KG1 will have cured two weeks by then. Already she is developing a strong sweet citrus scent. Love it! WW is good weed too, but let's face it this would have been a shit experience if that strain was all I had to show for my efforts growing this year. My primary goal in growing this year was to grow enough to get me through to harvest time next year. I believe I have succeeded in that effort. We aren't wealthy; we barely scrape by. I am so happy to not have to spend money on crap rec store weed ever again.

About fertilizers: I don't have enough data points to formulate a conclusion just yet. I will say that KG5, the girl who was not exposed to fertilizer, had the second lowest yield. The least producing was KG3, but I suspect that had more to do with genetics due to her being small and bushy throughout her life. Though I have strong bias towards growing organically, I have to give credit where credit is due. The plants that received Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, produced bigger yields with denser flowers. Next season I will space my plants further apart and try the experiment again.

A word about free mystery seeds. If plan on growing under similar conditions, I wouldn't let the offer of free mystery seeds influence your decision. The harvest wasn't worth the time and effort. Plus, it could have gone very wrong. The mystery seeds that made it to flower, could have turned out to be males. I was lucky they didn't as I don't know I could have caught that in time.

About Kaya Gold and growing naturally:
It's genetics are a mystery. It is advertised as sativa dominant, but all five of my girls had big fat indica type leaves. Growing this lady was a true pleasure. I did no training or topping. Kaya Gold grows side branches that are just as thick and long as her main cola. She is truly resistant to PM. I never sprayed for PM and only had to pick a few leaves off in the last two weeks to control it. I live in an area that is subject to routine high winds, with 25 mph gusts. None of the KGs lost a single branch and I never used cages for them. They grew thick woody trunks with strong branches. Truly an amazing strain!

In conclusion of my first grow journal, I highly, HIGHLY recommend Kaya Gold from NirvanaShop for growing outdoors in a northern, sub alpine & arid climate with a short growing season. This strain is highly suitable for guerilla grows. Conversely, I do not recommend growing Wonder Woman from NirvanaShop under these same conditions. Wonder Woman grew beautifully in mid to late summer when temperatures were ideal. When they weren't, she constantly had problems. Only two of the five produced flowers. I am grateful I got anything off of her. The potency is good, on par with the quality of weed I used to buy at the rec store. I can imagine how heavily she produces when grown under optimum conditions. As with KG, I will wait till she has cured a full two weeks before writing a detailed smoke report. Thanks to everyone who supported me and took time to impart some sage advice and wisdom so I could celebrate this success today!!!!
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

:hugs: I'm so happy for you! This was amazing for your very first grow, outdoor to boot! Congratulations on being done with the harvest. Now you can vape the rewards. :)

Also thank you for sharing all your insights into how the various strains grew in your climate. I'm sure this will be helpful to others.

:passitleft: <-- You're providing the bud right? :blalol:
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

Thanks so much for the encouraging words! My prime motivation in keeping this journal was to help others. There just isn't a lot of info out there for growing outdoors in a northern climate. This was a lot of fun to do and I can't wait to do it again! Next season I'm doubling the number of Kaya Golds from 5 to 10. I feel like I struck gold with KG. I'm also going to try out one auto flower and a regular strain to be determined. They'll come from Nirvana; I'm so freaking impressed with this seed bank. They are going to get epic amounts of free advertising from me.

Here's my smoke report for Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman by NirvanaShop.com I'm going to wait at least 1 to 3 weeks to do the review for Kaya Gold. Her smell has undergone some radical changes, from citrus to gasoline (eek!). Hoping it will go back to sweet once its cured for a spell.
re: Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

Thanks so much for the encouraging words! My prime motivation in keeping this journal was to help others. There just isn't a lot of info out there for growing outdoors in a northern climate. This was a lot of fun to do and I can't wait to do it again! Next season I'm doubling the number of Kaya Golds from 5 to 10. I feel like I struck gold with KG. I'm also going to try out one auto flower and a regular strain to be determined. They'll come from Nirvana; I'm so freaking impressed with this seed bank. They are going to get epic amounts of free advertising from me.

Here's my smoke report for Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman by NirvanaShop.com I'm going to wait at least 1 to 3 weeks to do the review for Kaya Gold. Her smell has undergone some radical changes, from citrus to gasoline (eek!). Hoping it will go back to sweet once its cured for a spell.

Ooh I'll definitely go check out the smoke report. I hate it when plants get that fuel smell. No matter how great the high is the smell is always a bit off-putting. This is my first time running anything with a lot of skunk in it, and I'm pretty nervous about what they're going to smell like. Fingers crossed your Kaya Gold turns citrus again and my skunk smells like anything but. :blalol:
Just posted my smoke report for Kaya Gold here Big Thumbs Up for Kaya Gold by NirvanaShop.com

I wanted to share a few final thoughts for my last post in this grow journal.

Between week 7 and 8 of the flowering stage, the trichomes of Kaya Gold looked like this:

All cloudy with a random amber thrown in. I wouldn't even call it 1% amber. That is what the trichomes looked liked right up till harvest. Visually, all the Kaya Gold plants did not look ready to harvest (few orange hairs, white pistils sticking out all over the place), especially Kaya Gold 5.

Now look at the trichomes after 6 days of hanging and 23 days of curing

See how much amber is in there now? That all happened after harvest. I used conventional wisdom in deciding when to harvest, but given how the weed turned out (see report) I wonder if it would've been better to harvest a week earlier. I suspect the first frost might have something to do with why KG hits like an Indica even though visually she looked like she had a couple more weeks to go. As soon as that first 32 degree day hit at flowering week 7, it was like the plant went into suspended animation. Even though her trichomes looked like they stopped maturing, I think all the chemical processes were still taking place. Next year I am doubling the number of Kaya Gold plants from 5 to 10. I will harvest 1 plant at week 7, 1 plant at week 8, then compare with the remaining plants that will be harvested using conventional wisdom

In addition to Kaya Gold, I will plant one auto strain, and one regular feminized strain. Right now the leading contenders for the auto flower are Papaya, Blue Mystic and Bubblicious. It is very likely my new regular strain will be Master Kush, all from NirvanaShop.

That wraps it up for the season. Can't wait for 2017!!!
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