Maybe you should get checked out brother that is serious shit.
I have had the condition at least since 2004 (though possibly much earlier), with varying intensities. At this point, it seems that a diagnosis is just not in the cards, though we keep trying new ideas. Nonetheless, my doctor is kept updated and I receive prompt treatment for the damage done. Not all mysteries can be solved, as difficult as that can be to accept. My neurology is abnormal and has made life a challenge - but I'm a gamer. Having been ejected from the workforce early as a result of this condition, honestly, the number one threat to my well-being remains poverty, but stoving my head in on a quarterly basis comes in a solid second. Thank you for your concern. (I didn't mean to start 'a thing')
Hello everyone, so 4/5 of the Paradox seeds are ready to go into the ground, the fifth seed I think is dead and looks like this.

So what the seeds will grow in is a light mix from biobiz.

Here is the tent set up and the @ViparSpectra XS1500 PROs are set to 25% power.

So and so all four seeds are in their new homes where they will spend some time.

Thanks everyone for stopping by friends.
So here I am again and 3/4 of the Paradox keys are out in the world, they probably wanted to light up very quickly 😁

Thanks for stopping by, do you have any tips on how I should approach sativa? So far, I've grown mostly indicas, so I don't know if I should approach it any differently. Thanks for the tipi.
So here I am again and 3/4 of the Paradox keys are out in the world, they probably wanted to light up very quickly 😁

Thanks for stopping by, do you have any tips on how I should approach sativa? So far, I've grown mostly indicas, so I don't know if I should approach it any differently. Thanks for the tipi.
Welcome to the world little seedlings
any tips on how I should approach sativa?
We’ve grown Skunk 11 and Kali Mist. Both pretty classic sativas.

Both very similar. Grow spindly everywhere got to be on top pf the training (we weren’t with either and they go everywhere.) they flower a long long time. We got to 12 weeks+ both times and tbh pulled them a bit early as needed the space back.

Also both went yellow from deficiencies in early mid veg. Banging up the Cal Mag mostly fixed that. Oh and they’re always thirsty af. CND Warlock I have in 6 in Solos Airpot style taking 300ml a day each. To scale that's huge. 10.5oz into a 16oz Solo. Twice a day feeding is near. 2 weeks in veg.

That’s about it for my experiences.

We’ve grown Skunk 11 and Kali Mist. Both pretty classic sativas.

Both very similar. Grow spindly everywhere got to be on top pf the training (we weren’t with either and they go everywhere.) they flower a long long time. We got to 12 weeks+ both times and tbh pulled them a bit early as needed the space back.

Also both went yellow from deficiencies in early mid veg. Banging up the Cal Mag mostly fixed that. Oh and they’re always thirsty af. CND Warlock I have in 6 in Solos Airpot style taking 300ml a day each. To scale that's huge. 10.5oz into a 16oz Solo. Twice a day feeding is near. 2 weeks in veg.

That’s about it for my experiences.

WoW the solo drinks a lot.
I can see some of these going to 5-600ml a day soon. I need to get the wand hooked up. I’m using nutes scooped into jugs out of the tank and two 100ml syringes (kind of thing I guess they use for enemas 😅) leaning out over to the back ones under the cheapo LED rhat tuns hot is bad - when there’s 1315W of HIPs and CMH light in there no way do I want to be doing that!

We’ve grown Skunk 11 and Kali Mist. Both pretty classic sativas.

Both very similar. Grow spindly everywhere got to be on top pf the training (we weren’t with either and they go everywhere.) they flower a long long time. We got to 12 weeks+ both times and tbh pulled them a bit early as needed the space back.

Also both went yellow from deficiencies in early mid veg. Banging up the Cal Mag mostly fixed that. Oh and they’re always thirsty af. CND Warlock I have in 6 in Solos Airpot style taking 300ml a day each. To scale that's huge. 10.5oz into a 16oz Solo. Twice a day feeding is near. 2 weeks in veg.

That’s about it for my experiences.

According to the seeds, the poison would have 56 days of flowering. So you're saying it's good to train them properly?
Nice @Kanno26 - babies in the house! I have a couple things for you on sativas versus the indicas you’ve been growing.

- sativas usually are spindlier, with thinner leaves, and lots of side branching. Usually with longer internodal spacing
- they tend to outstretch indicas a lot. Make sure you plan for enough vertical space
- they tend to go longer than indicas, sometimes significantly so, so plan for more nutes, more time, etc…
- in my experience they are more likely to become Nitrogen hogs later in life - I watch my leaf color very carefully with sativas
- almost every sativa I’ve grown likes lots of light

There’s a couple anyway. I like the cutout Paradox grow stick thingie too - nice touch.
Just caught up the breeding. So Jack Herer 55%/45% Sat/Ind x Afghani Indica.

Guess that explains the shorter flower time. You’ll know soon enough - look out for one of these in the tent in about 3-4 weeks.


Classic signs of a sativa invading your space manifests similarly to the above, more than two arms often feature.

I have never smoked a hybrid that smokes like a real Sativa-squared (a Sativa Sativa, if you catch my meaning) But I have come across a lot of seed houses claiming they have cracked the puzzle of a short-flowering plant that gives you a real Sativa buzz. So, together we will discover if Paradox is just another hollow mystery box, or if there is something truly special inside! Kanno and his SIPs will get us there, one way or the other.

Kanno, did ViparSpectra provide you with any specifics about hanging two of those lights together? I'm curious whether they offered specifics due to the light's design, when used alone, is specifically created to avoid a central hotspot. I would hope they had considered a side-by-side installation and provided you with some insights.

I think your germination success bodes well for the final product. I'm curious, how long did you leave them, after removing them from soaking, in the wet paper-towel? Such long tap roots... in my experience, strong germination reveals something about the plant's, erm, 'virility' going forward.

I think that every Master Grower's dark secret is great genetics, and their most judicious act is not wasting their time with middle-class seed stock. At least, that's how it appears from my position, far, far from being a "Master Grower". I don't mean to take anything away from the skill and patience they also possess, I just know that the first step, while often forgotten, is always the most important.

Maybe have a look at "Carhooks" if you want to try a new training style, however, your scrog net seems to have served you up to this point, and it sure photographs well! Of course, we are talking about quite a few plants here... How exciting!

We should start a pool for guessing what day the soil finally gives up its ghost and the first yellowing appears! Don't take that the wrong way, I mean that if these are going in SIPs I wouldn't be shocked if the nutes drain out even more quickly than usual as the plants really seem to use it up fast in my recent experience with organic SIPs. I mixed a light seedling soil, perlite, and my special worm castings 1-1-1 and after 5-6 weeks of vegging they needed a recharge, badly, so I amended with more castings from the top. However, the plant was in a small SIP. Anyway, forward!
I have never smoked a hybrid that smokes like a real Sativa-squared (a Sativa Sativa, if you catch my meaning) But I have come across a lot of seed houses claiming they have cracked the puzzle of a short-flowering plant that gives you a real Sativa buzz. So, together we will discover if Paradox is just another hollow mystery box, or if there is something truly special inside! Kanno and his SIPs will get us there, one way or the other.

Kanno, did ViparSpectra provide you with any specifics about hanging two of those lights together? I'm curious whether they offered specifics due to the light's design, when used alone, is specifically created to avoid a central hotspot. I would hope they had considered a side-by-side installation and provided you with some insights.

I think your germination success bodes well for the final product. I'm curious, how long did you leave them, after removing them from soaking, in the wet paper-towel? Such long tap roots... in my experience, strong germination reveals something about the plant's, erm, 'virility' going forward.

I think that every Master Grower's dark secret is great genetics, and their most judicious act is not wasting their time with middle-class seed stock. At least, that's how it appears from my position, far, far from being a "Master Grower". I don't mean to take anything away from the skill and patience they also possess, I just know that the first step, while often forgotten, is always the most important.

Maybe have a look at "Carhooks" if you want to try a new training style, however, your scrog net seems to have served you up to this point, and it sure photographs well! Of course, we are talking about quite a few plants here... How exciting!

We should start a pool for guessing what day the soil finally gives up its ghost and the first yellowing appears! Don't take that the wrong way, I mean that if these are going in SIPs I wouldn't be shocked if the nutes drain out even more quickly than usual as the plants really seem to use it up fast in my recent experience with organic SIPs. I mixed a light seedling soil, perlite, and my special worm castings 1-1-1 and after 5-6 weeks of vegging they needed a recharge, badly, so I amended with more castings from the top. However, the plant was in a small SIP. Anyway, forward!
Excellent post @ReservoirDog!! I agree with you 100% on the genetics. It’s can be or seem mysterious, genetics, to many. One wonders “how the hell do I know one genetic from another? What makes a good genetic plant?” whether or not they ever voice the question. I know I did. It’s actually pretty easy - grow a bunch of different genetics over a period of time. You’ll see which ones have the most important qualities. Imho that most important quality is consistency. I need repeatability. Dependability. Confidence in what I’m growing. If you happen to have access to a breeder, ask them what they grow. I have that luck and the first breeder I asked about good genetics pointed me to Ethos. She was right. Consistently awesome plants. I’ve also been having great luck with anything I get from Blimburn. My monster Apple Fritter auto is a Blimburn seed. You just have to try a bunch of breeders and not get stuck on the first nice plant you grow. Humboldt Seed Company is another one I’ve had great success with. Also, certain breeders who sell autos and photos are much better at one or the other. It just takes time to find what you prefer. And boy is that time fun!

Edit: I have found that taking the plant at all milky and minimal amber can way up the sativa effect on any plant.
So here I am again and 3/4 of the Paradox keys are out in the world, they probably wanted to light up very quickly 😁

Thanks for stopping by, do you have any tips on how I should approach sativa? So far, I've grown mostly indicas, so I don't know if I should approach it any differently. Thanks for the tipi.
Pure sativa tip: They like soil ph between 6.5 and 7. That's a little higher than crosses and indicas. Not water/feed ph but the soil. You can use your regular soil and water it differently.
They don't like change much also.
Pure sativa tip: They like soil ph between 6.5 and 7. That's a little higher than crosses and indicas. Not water/feed ph but the soil. You can use your regular soil and water it differently.
They don't like change much also.
Interesting. Never heard that before. Think that would apply to like a 70/30 or 80/20 sativa heavy hybrid too?
Hello friends, all the PARADOX girls are out and enjoying life😉

Thanks everyone for stopping. 🖖
Sure looks like the start of a Kanno grow. Did that Paradox plant thingie come with the seeds? I’d love to have those for my strains.
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