Also have yellow or burnt tips, so overfeeding? But she needs nitrogen, lost here on what to do?
I'll throw this here as a refresher:
Strain: Black Indica crooking
Medium: Promix Veg and herb mix
Age now: 22 days, into the 23rd
Lights: cfl 23w 100weq 6500k all three
Light cycle, 24hrs light, was on 18\6 for first 2 weeks or so.
×im getting more lightsx
After transplanting twice, last transplant into this pot early day 21.
After feeding with calimagic twice, not at all until day 14.
Deficiencies described
Yellowing on leaves starting with the first, single bladed leaves and slowly moving up. 2
3 bladed leaves are now fully yellow, drying up. One bladed leaves are fully yellow and dry and curling upwards. Growth seems to be slowed or slacked.