JustMeds Kilimanjaro Mist Cloner & Quad Tub RDWC No Airstones - 2017

Anything I can collect data on about grow I will. Be interesting to see how things change, and effects one has on others. Hoping it will be like dyno tuning the grow room.

Smart man! You cant get the most out of your genetics if your just pissing in the wind!
The waterproof probe came today. Got to do some testing with it. Looks good so far. I ordered some humidity probes to monitor the humidity and temp in the root zone also. I think that may be interesting to keep an eye on.
ITS CLONING DAY. Here is what I use to propagate my clones:
Then I get a plant I want to clone:
I then count down at least 6 internodes and cut:
and trim up the bottom 3 internodes. This is what you would get if you bought clones from the clubs in California:
Then after I trim the bottom 3 internodes I make my slant cut with a brand new razor blade:
I try to find 2 internodes close together. Then I dip it in Dip & Grow for 5 secs:
and then I push into the Rockwool:
Then I dip it back in the Clonex:
and then on to the rack:
Who's clones do you think you have a better chance of reaching maturity Mine or the Club's. After I finish taking the number of clones that I want of a particular strain, ( I only clone one strain at a time as not to get them mixed up ). I put them in produce bags, blow them up and seal with a twist tie:
Here's the outdoor grow room with 28 new plants waiting to root:
and here's the indoor grow room with the plants I cloned:
While I could of doubled my number of plants there were plants I didn't want any more of, so I just cut those plants back to try and create an even canopy for flowering. Well folks that's it for today. TOAST

Thought this might be a good resource for mods for any future faster rootings. First post! Apologies.
I'm learning a lot. Still have to read this one cover to cover. One other point came up wrt SCADA. There's a DIYers dream software, beautiful automatic trending, 50 I/o tags, all free. VTSCADA_LIGHT*
This would work if a person wants to run microsoft software. I have a plan in my head, will be letting the cat out of the bag soon. I think it may impress.
If you can't use the PI directly, you may be able to set up the server on an old PC, and use the PI as a client through a web browser. Looks the same as being directly on the server.
I found some very nice software that is fully functional for 2 hours at a time. Then you can reset and good to go again. From what I see its even built to run on a pi. Hope to do a little testing of it soon.
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