Just used Magnum Synthetic urine

Hi I have used magnum for the last 12 years and have never had a problem with texas department of transportation. D.o.t this year I have taken 2 drug test and have used quick fix and magnum and have failed both test due to pH levels being way off ether too low or too high I'm going to have to clean up or get real clean pee to pass technology is too advanced now it will work on stick quick tests not lab tests any longer DO NOT TRUST SyNTETIC anymore you will be DISAPPOINTED
Hi there everyone! I am posting my experience on here for not only other users, but also for reassurance. I just used Magnum Synthetic Urine for a UA at LabCorp in Texas. I know the test is a 10 panel test and I am hearing mixed results on what has happened for people in this situation. The test is done and over with and im just waiting on the results, but I would really like to hear any stories anyone has about their experience with Magnum Synthetic Urine or LabCorp. I am stressing big time, even though i have used Magnum in the past and it worked, I will stress till the results come through. I actually stopped smoking and it has been 44 days, but I can still not pass a home test so I had to result to using Magnum. I followed the directions exactly and the bottle actually read that the temp was 98, but when i placed it in the cup it seemed like the temp dropped. I saw the 90 degrees line light up but she took it from me before i could see if it went up.
all liquide urine i sbasicaly th esame some are not as good like quick fix as it barley passed creatinine cut off is 20 and its 21.4 and specific gravity is under , upass has record of ph issues but the real thing is they all CAN be detected IF the place your testing at does SVT specimen validity screening powdered synthetic doesn have these issues
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