Juicy's Sea Of Green Inn'A SCreeN

FLOWERS OF THE NIGHT-the night between day 23 and 24, from first sight of flowers





I wish I could share this heavy aroma up in here, but I tell ya, they STINK soooo GREAT :allgood:
Sexy...Sexy...Sexy! I just wish you had a digital ballast for better pictures. And still the pictures are great! I wish I could jump in there and roll around like rolling around on top of a pile of money ;-) I'm glad I stumbled into your journal. I'm gonna read from beginning today or tomorrow ;-) Puff...Puff...And Puff some more ;-)
Sexy...Sexy...Sexy! I just wish you had a digital ballast for better pictures. And still the pictures are great! I wish I could jump in there and roll around like rolling around on top of a pile of money ;-) I'm glad I stumbled into your journal. I'm gonna read from beginning today or tomorrow ;-) Puff...Puff...And Puff some more ;-)

I hear you on the digital bro, I wish as well ;)

Stumble on in, happy to have ya! And thanks for the kind words :high-five:

Puff :passitleft:Puff

Bro I am pretty confused about this girl, I flowered her very young as I have space restrains and I see these grape looking things that open to three bananas, but some have a haire popping out, can you tell me if you can see enough if those look like hermie balls to you please?

Bro I am pretty confused about this girl, I flowered her very young as I have space restrains and I see these grape looking things that open to three bananas, but some have a haire popping out, can you tell me if you can see enough if those look like hermie balls to you please?

Yeah, to me they look like male flowers evolving :bitingnails:
Havent got any experience with hermies so far *knock on wood*

Does not look good bro, what you gonna do? Is it in your journal?

I'd say bag it! Unless its your only plant?

I've just found something in the grow as well, but I think this is just a false seed pod?
Made me a little nervous seeing yours tho, here is a pic.



Or is it a seed?
What you guys reckon, someone please chime in if ya know :)
Looking good there bro, I don't know if it is as there are hairs coming out of some of those ball sacks I don t know, if anyone has an idea please share I would be pissed if it is and contaminates my lil garden, and no bro juice I do not have a journal popping yet, I think next round maybe I am just watching and learning and applying, but as soon as all comes along and my lil room gets better I will have a journal.
Thanks anyhow bro, I will look further into this hermie issue I hope it is just me being paranoid.
Good growing and thanks again.:thanks:
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