Juicing The Plant For Her CBD's


New Member
I have had a couple patients come in recently talking about Juicing asking if i have any raw fresh leafs that i can get them. i told them that i prune plants about every week so i throw away alot of fan leafs and small branches. they went on to tell me that their doctors told them about juicing 8 fan leafs and one gram of flower into a juicer with some veggies and or fruit. to not heat it as that will add the psychoactive effect that many are not looking for.

i love to research and every day i dont feel like ive done anything if i havent discovered something knew about the plant. its been a couple days since they came in and i have watched this documentary on youtube called LEAF and it has convinced me that i will no longer throw away my fan leafs, that they serve a purpose even when they arent fully covered in that heavy resin. now ive followed this up by trying to find different methods of juicing the cannabis plant. the first i found mentioned to remove the stems from the leaf and use a handful with no specific amount. i personly believe that stems hold property's of their own so i would recommend leaving the stems in with the juicer (blender if you feel like straining or eating chunks). the second i found was another video on youtube and the guy mixes fruit and veggies as well as herbs into a juicer with 10-20 leafs. Youtube (juicing raw cannabis)

this last method seems to be the way that i like and recommend right now. you can see that he doesnt get much juice from the leaves he adds so i feel 8 would not be enough but 15 is about perfect. now im still researching this and look forward to hearing anyone else that has had experience with juicing as well. since its shown that it works for humans, this could work for our animal friends as well.

i watch any video i possibly can find new in the industry daily in between helping patients. like you said learn something every day and the plant is always amazing me! this new juice method is a real simple way to make medicine that most people were trying to make into cannabis oil. only down fall with this is there isnt any thc in it, so maybe Fresh nugs from the plant would be beneficial as well?

sorry for not knowing what you mean by "yards" are you speaking of my veg room?

edibles are amazing to make, specially when u start extracting with coconut oil and agave.

really i just like making my house smell like a rastafarian bakery shop.. but you can always smell it from around 200' away in my driveway.


sorry for not knowing what you mean by "yards" are you speaking of my veg room?

edibles are amazing to make, specially when u start extracting with coconut oil and agave.

really i just like making my house smell like a rastafarian bakery shop.. but you can always smell it from around 200' away in my driveway.



He just means your threads :laughtwo:
Trichs is like a very comedic riddle.
I agree, you have some really interesting threads GFC, thanks for sharing! :high-five:
i actually did see another member use the term yard in another post.. not sure where. but i did see it and it wasnt you trichomes.. i thank both you and soil girl for taking a interest in my threads. its a passion of mine that has been in over-drive for the last 2 years now. love everything this site has to teach and taught me, great people, and comedians ;)

Gfc, been lurking through your content. Great stuff. I love meeting people that have passion and desire like you. I will be following and your documented research.

Cant wait to grow so I can juice some cannabis!
I just had a little more time to go over your links.. and great shares GFC! I'm actually looking at getting some Medicann Blue Blood going here soon for my Dad to help control seizures, help with pain related insomnia and to help encourage the repair of cognitive abilities and stop/slow the onset of dementia. My Dad unfortunately suffered a work accident the Spring of 2013, fell from a ladder working for Douche Dome Depot, who quickly denied any responsibility and didn't help with our medical bills for a Sh*t, and we can't afford to sue. He got severe head trauma, went into a coma, started having severe seizures that in turn wrenched his back so badly that he actually fractured a spinal column leading to long term back problems, was in the hospital over a month and even led to blood clots in his legs (from staying still so long and having blood flow pulled to his legs) that threaten to become a pulmonary embolism. Its an ongoing crap fest. I've read a lot about CBD and actually think it might be my Dad's savior, get him off of all these awful seizure meds, help his memory and brain functionality, as well as help lower blood pressure and get him off of the TERRIBLE blood pressure meds he's on as long as I can provide a consistent every day dose for him... I really believe CBD is a miracle drug that will change medicine forever, it's sad that so many people still are stigmatized against cannabis being a medicine. I'll definitely follow your CBD growing and posts closely, thanks for sharing again!
Hey SoilGirl, Heard about your troubles in your grow journal just a second ago.. As was mentioned in your journal i also recommend you to seek out 420motoco he has helped one of our fellow 420mag members from start to finish and has great results. he will work with you daily to make sure you are getting the specific strains that are available in your area. luckily for you your in colorado where many well known cbd strains are as your aware of. the great thing about juicing is you dont need a finished product to juice so you can start juicing a month into veg (normal defoliage) anyways. Cannabinoids will be released from the leafs when you juice (any strain, obviously some are stronger then others) as long as you dont heat the juice. once you heat the juice is when you activate the thc that your not wanting for seizure patients at all. So you can juice the leafs you have in your journal right now as long as you dont activate it with heat he will get strictly the cbds (not as much as in a concentrated oil form) keep that in mind please. If your able to in the mean time i would recommend getting at least one cbd strain as soon as possible and start cloning her. with cut off leaves juice them with some carrots, kale, spinach, mango's, bananas, whatever makes you smile ;) once you have your plants ready to harvest, making oil with a food grade solvent is recommended. ive made oil with blue agave and everclear, blue agave i could almost become a diabetic from haha. Also coconut oil (can be used as a cream/lubricant) used great for massages. butter is good but i prefer coconut oil it just feels better.


is one of the strains im growing right now, on average its got a 1/18 (thc/cbd) ratio. so im excited for this lady to bloom.

Cannabis is a 1 year reliable viable medicine for its intended purpose. After that..... It becomes something else effects and medicinal wise. The older it gets the more "Stoned" I seem to get. My fight for almost 2 decades is my personal understanding that what I grow is most usefull when I pin point the maturity and cure after dry. We all have a complicated metabolism. Our metabolism is what dictates our "Current" need for various ailments. A lot of us have quite similar metabolisms and that is a good thing , a lot of people can be treated the same easily when the medicine is pinpointed. The problem is there are a lot of population with different metabolisms so pinpointing can be more difficult. However.... The adventure to find your strains and form of administration is golden. An adventure that all mankind should go on. To cure ailments , enjoy life more , heal and think more clearly this adventure is something I tell ya! Namaste , seriously NAMASTE my friends.
They report that they both consume 1 cup a day of freshly squeezed goodness..

you should ask if they have found trying different strains will have different levels of each cannabinoid. i love this method, i only mix a few leaves in my smoothies every other day or so has just a nice twist to berry smoothies.

i am very interested in this as i care for dozens of patients that have came to me for leafs and recently the last couple months i have been having doctors sending patients with a requested amount to complete their ingredient list that was supplied to them by their doctor.. its good to see doctors prescribing patients to go home and blend veggies and herbs instead of popping another pill and drinking it down with some cola.

Hey there GF and Plat! Im the one that Plat is talking about lol. He gave me a shout and told me to jump in here haha. I did not know there was a page like this so ty for bringing me here!

Ya like Plat was saying we are about to be running a 8x8 tent for vegging and then juicing with the Harlequin/Sour Tsunami strain. We have mothers that have been tested in veg that has 2%+ CBD and 1.5%ish THC in just the vegging leaves that we will be juicing as soon as we get up and running in a few weeks.

Ill also be adding Charlotte's Web not long in the future and depending what I can find Cannatonic #3 and ACDC to have a 3rd strain or both if I can find them haha.. In a few weeks after my other tent and equipment gets setup ill be making a journal of this adventure with Platinum LEDs powering the way! Ill be sharing all the Juicing along the way on our youtube channel also
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