JPS's 4/20 Pictures

I'm back, and I'm completely gone. Today has definitely been my favourite 4/20 to date. Here are some more pictures:

The next three are from the session I smoked right before I left for my friends' house.




The rest of the pictures are from the period of time I was at my friends' house. When I got there, we went for a nice long nature hike and had a few sessions while we waited for one of my friends to get off work at 3:30. When he got home, we each ate two pieces of cake and rolled up a nice fat/long joint and sent a few bowls around for our 4:20 PM session. I had dinner at 5 and went back at 6:30 and we each ate two more pieces of cake, and we sessioned until most people left at about 8, and then two of my friends and I each had three more pieces and bottle-fed their new baby goat before I left. :laughtwo: I just noticed one of my friends' noses is in the first picture.







The remainder of the cake (lol):


The three pieces of cake were the last form of cannabis I consumed, and since the night isn't over yet, I think I'm about due for some more! ;) I'll probably take ten more pictures at most for tonight. I'm gonna go get ready for the next session... I'll be back with you all in a little while. :partyboy:
Johnny!!! What a day! I've got to go to sleep . . . I've smoked and ate all day (except for the long motorcycle ride, but I did smoke a joint while out riding) and my eyes feel like they are bleeding and my body has already gone to sleep. I know I'm getting old; can't keep up with you young fellows. Have a nice one!
I hear you Herb! I'm completely exhausted. I don't even know if I'm gonna post many more pictures... probably two or three more.

And thank you very much, MsRedEye!

But from being high all day, I've had no pain, no anxiety attacks, no hypomania, or anything associated with any of my conditions. I've felt great all day. I'm also going to try to get away with not smoking until around 9 tomorrow night so my tolerance isn't too effected. I really need to medicate before my exam on Tuesday night so I want to make sure the effects will be enough to prevent or stop an anxiety attack. If I took my prescribed medication, I wouldn't be able to even write the test. It would most likely not make any sense at all.

I'm going to smoke now. I'll be back soon. :smokin:
Thanks everyone!

I'm very tired, so I'm going to light one last joint (since I probably won't smoke another one for over a month), eat a little snack, and then lay down. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I'll post the end result pictures in the afternoon.

Thank you all very much for sharing this wonderful day with me. I've also learned that ingestion helps a lot more for my pain than smoking, but I prefer the quick effects of smoking for my anxiety and related problems, so even though all of the cannabis I consumed today is gone, I still took something away from today.

I'll post my end result pictures as soon as I can tomorrow. I hope you all had a great day! Good night!
I've also learned that ingestion helps a lot more for my pain than smoking, but I prefer the quick effects of smoking for my anxiety and related problems,
I agree Johnny. Ingestion does help a lot with pain. After having cake, I worked on the roof for two hours doing repairs/maintenance. I don't think the pain went away, but I really didn't give a damn because I was feeling really good - just working and grinning and then grinning some more! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks for all of the comments everyone! They are very much appreciated.

I fell asleep last night very quickly after I logged off and I forgot to take any last pictures! :thedoubletake: Sorry everyone!

I'll just tell you what the end result was. There was only a few of the little cakes left as you saw in the picture, so I told my friends they could have the rest. I also didn't end up smoking all of the herb I'd gotten for the occasion, so I still had about a gram left over today and I didn't have to smoke any out of my normal stash today. I have to say I accomplished my goal of having a great 4/20 without spending a fortune. I stayed high the entire day, and I only had to spend $65 on the bag (10 grams), $10 for the cake ingredients (besides the herb that was in it, of course :smokin:), and I just pitched 6.3 grams of herb I had saved on the cannaoil (my other friend pitched 8). So I really only consider it $75 spent even though its a bit more if you include the herb I had saved.

I woke up today in excruciating pain. I've never really explained this to any of you before, but since I was 13 years old, I've had several problems with my knees due to sports injuries and they've never been properly treated. Within the last six or seven months the pain has become close to unbearable, but I [stupidly] waited until a few weeks ago to see a doctor. I was immediately prescribed painkillers (I don't want to say exactly what), but I don't like the "narcotic daze" sort of feeling that comes with the relief. I had to go get a bunch of x-rays, and I just found out two days ago that I've got to see a specialist next Wednesday to talk about surgery and set a date. I was in such pain I wasn't able to work today and it looks like I'm not going to be able to for awhile but I think I have enough money to get by (as far as cannabis goes).

Also, tomorrow night I have an exam, so I'll be studying hard all day and most likely won't be online very long. Wish me luck! I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Thanks for helping make my 4/20 so special everyone! It was great sharing it with you guys. I hope to do the same next year. Have a good one! Thanks again!
Great spending 420 with you, Johnny. Sorry to hear about your knees. I wish you the best with your exam and with your physical exams. Remember, you make the final decision, not the doctor.
Thanks Herb! That's some good advice right there. :smokin:

My exam starts at 6:30, so at 5 I'm going to pack my usual 3/4 of a bowl and top it off after a few hits to get me nice and ready. I'm going in with a 94 and I've studied hard, so I should be fine. My first class is finished after tonight! :cheesygrinsmiley: I won't get home until around 10 because after the test I have to stop in at my grandma's and help her get ready for bed since she's been sick lately and I have the last couple of nights (minus 4/20 when my mother went). After a celebratory session I'll be back around. Have a good one everyone! Thanks again for spending 4/20 with me. :smokin:
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