Jon's Second Grow, First Grow Journal, Soil Grow Autos & Photoperiod

unless your using fabric pots
I still think they cannot reach a great enough volume in that amount of soil for a 2 pound plant. The roots simply get air pruned when they reach the side of the pot so they never "wrap around" but instead just grow more naturally which is a good thing but you would still harvest a bigger yield from 25 gal soil than you would with 5 gal soil it's just harder to deal with a 25 gal pot. Really doesn't matter it's personal preference... lots of small plants or one giant big one?
this was one of my first scrogs, back in '07
You're plants looked awesome even back then... do you ever f up? :rofl:

Daddy's little bitch ended up being daddy's little girl... you tamed her good :headbanger:
I still think they cannot reach a great enough volume in that amount of soil for a 2 pound plant. The roots simply get air pruned when they reach the side of the pot so they never "wrap around" but instead just grow more naturally which is a good thing but you would still harvest a bigger yield from 25 gal soil than you would with 5 gal soil it's just harder to deal with a 25 gal pot. Really doesn't matter it's personal preference... lots of small plants or one giant big one?

You're plants looked awesome even back then... do you ever f up? :rofl:

Daddy's little bitch ended up being daddy's little girl... you tamed her good :headbanger:
Logically, I would have to agree, more root area would make a bigger plant.

And thanks :passitleft: that plant was back when I was in Miracle Grow, and using CFLs...and BTW :rofl: I've fucked up more than I care to admit :rofl: but mistakes are the best teachers, and I've learned to be preemptive...I pre treat all my soil with Beneficial Nematodes for pests... they kill everything that walks across my soil :thumb: ...and after that :hmmmm: I just keep them healthy and happy, a healthy plant can fight most things as long as your room is dialed in...

And Daddys little Bitch was a nickname my brother from another mother called it :laugh: it was a mistake actually :thedoubletake: I had a Liberty Haze and a Grand Daddy Purple in flower and the GDP ended up being a male :hmmmm: now I have about a thousand regular seeds from it :rofl: i have to sex them when I pop a few, but no biggie it's a monstrous growing girl once she starts her thing :thumb:
So the Cinderella Jack #1, first of the CJs harvested and hung, was dry enough for the next step in my process. I did not do this with the Gorilla as there simply wasn't enough of her. But there's plenty enough of the Cinderella with three plants worth of buds.

They dried for four days. Small buds. I tried to extend that but I got four days out of them.

Now I take the buds just as they are and into the small bin they go. I put a box underneath them to take up space in the bin until the buds from the other two CJs dry and get added to these. Shortly this bin will be filled with all three Cinderella plants just as you see here.

I will burp that bin just as you do a jar for five days. If the buds feel more moist than they should or I want, I simply run my smallest fan on them on low for a half an hour or so. I burp this thing two or three times a day.

When all the buds have been in the bin for at least five days, normally the next step would be to transfer them to even smaller containers, still just as they are (except if you have to cut to fit the new smaller container). The bins for the photo grow are huge, I just got this little one for the autos. So the second smaller container after this bin is food grade five gallon buckets with the twisty air lids.

I burp those for five days too. Again, still with the buds exactly as they are, nothing trimmed. By this time there's no fear of over moisture, and you only burp them once in the morning and once before you go to bed.

By the end of those ten days in the two containers, THEN I take them out, final trim them, and place into jars. I use the Infinity jars, which makes curing a breeze.

There's really nothing new about my process, I didn't invent it by far. And I can't tell you why it is so effective. All I can tell you is that this "pre cure" ten days before you jar them up has the effect of jump starting your cure. They are basically cured after the ten days as if they had been in jars for a month. My pro grower buddy in Oregon taught me the technique and says it's old school.

Anyway, if that's of any use to any novices out there like me.

So here's a pic of the buds in the bin and the lid of the bin for reference point of how tightly it closes and how solid the container is. And light proof.

Step 2.jpg

So the Cinderella Jack #1, first of the CJs harvested and hung, was dry enough for the next step in my process. I did not do this with the Gorilla as there simply wasn't enough of her. But there's plenty enough of the Cinderella with three plants worth of buds.

They dried for four days. Small buds. I tried to extend that but I got four days out of them.

Now I take the buds just as they are and into the small bin they go. I put a box underneath them to take up space in the bin until the buds from the other two CJs dry and get added to these. Shortly this bin will be filled with all three Cinderella plants just as you see here.

I will burp that bin just as you do a jar for five days. If the buds feel more moist than they should or I want, I simply run my smallest fan on them on low for a half an hour or so. I burp this thing two or three times a day.

When all the buds have been in the bin for at least five days, normally the next step would be to transfer them to even smaller containers, still just as they are (except if you have to cut to fit the new smaller container). The bins for the photo grow are huge, I just got this little one for the autos. So the second smaller container after this bin is food grade five gallon buckets with the twisty air lids.

I burp those for five days too. Again, still with the buds exactly as they are, nothing trimmed. By this time there's no fear of over moisture, and you only burp them once in the morning and once before you go to bed.

By the end of those ten days in the two containers, THEN I take them out, final trim them, and place into jars. I use the Infinity jars, which makes curing a breeze.

There's really nothing new about my process, I didn't invent it by far. And I can't tell you why it is so effective. All I can tell you is that this "pre cure" ten days before you jar them up has the effect of jump starting your cure. They are basically cured after the ten days as if they had been in jars for a month. My pro grower buddy in Oregon taught me the technique and says it's old school.

Anyway, if that's of any use to any novices out there like me.

So here's a pic of the buds in the bin and the lid of the bin for reference point of how tightly it closes and how solid the container is. And light proof.

Step 2.jpg

Always looking for the best dry/cure techniques. May give this method a try with a portion of our harvest to compare. Have you ever tried budwashing?
Always looking for the best dry/cure techniques. May give this method a try with a portion of our harvest to compare. Have you ever tried budwashing?
I have not. Haven't even researched that. Is that something you do?
I have not. Haven't even researched that. Is that something you do?
Not yet but would really like to give it a try. From what I've read, you'd be surprised how much dust and dirt and other contaminants wash off the buds that you would otherwise be smoking. Considering nothing good on the cannabis plant is soluble in water it should be relatively harmless aside from the moisture. There's a whole process to it, but it's definitely worth some research if you haven't. The more knowledge the better right :thumb:

Here you go man :passitleft:

Here you go man :passitleft:
Thanks. I'll check it out.

Here you go man :passitleft:
VERY interesting. Might have to try that on one of the Lemon autos. Sounds easy enough. Just adds a few days to the dry I guess. COOL.
Always looking for the best dry/cure techniques. May give this method a try with a portion of our harvest to compare. Have you ever tried budwashing?

VERY interesting. Might have to try that on one of the Lemon autos. Sounds easy enough. Just adds a few days to the dry I guess. COOL.
If you two aren't growing outside :hmmmm: bud washing is a waste of time and money (IMO)...unless you're like "Pig Pen" from "Charlie Brown" and always got a cloud of dust around you :rofl: ...
Bud washing is a very good thing especially for an outdoor grow or one that has had some issue with bugs or mold. I wash when I have any of that. Nothing to fear, very few trichs get lost. Lots of folk do it every time and say it enhances flavor by giving them a longer time to dry. If I had the energy I'd probably do it all the time too but only for cause for me these daze.
Phototown Update
Grow Day 79
Flower/Stretch Day 5

Posting the progress I'm making on filling the screen. These girls are BEASTS. All of them are going nuts. It's hard to tell how much they'd have stretched tall in the last five days had I not been tucking them, but I have been doing a tucking session first thing in the plant's morning and last thing before lights out. So far so good (I think). Most of a 4x4 is filled, even though it appears in the picture to have many empty holes. I just can't get overhead enough to show the buds that are slightly too low to make the picture. There's way more than 100 bud sites. I can't imagine what this is going to look like in a few weeks. Anyway, I guess I keep plodding along through the stretch until the bud sites are set. So far we just have tons and tons of preflowers, no actual little tiny cotton balls forming yet. Which is good I guess, cuz at this point I WANT the stretch to continue so I can fill out the edges. The plants are all very healthy to my rookie eyes. They don't appear to have any issues. They are loving the light with the flower booster engaged. I have it at 18 inches until buds start to form, then I'll move it down and increase the par dramatically. The flower booster added reds, far reds, IR, and UV (timed), and increased the actual wattage from 550 to 680. 680 actual watts *should* be enough to grow some sweet ass buds, I hope. Ph, temperature, humidity, and moving air are all where they need to be on these girls, although I do wish I could reduce the humidity another 10 points. But it is what it is. Starting to get REALLY damn hot in the day here, and there you go. But they'll be fine. The only leaves I have removed have been the occasional fan leaf up top if it was blocking a bud site and couldn't be tucked, or a few giant ones from way down low that were serving no purpose and getting zero light. Basically I'm going to let them leaf up until the stretch is over and the buds are set a week, then I'll do the lower canopy stripping and a proper defoliation. The next watering the plants are going to get a three or four gallon CalMag mini flush just to try and clean them out and get them "set" for the switch to bloom nutes.

I *think* I'm doing okay for my first attempt at a proper scrog. You guys tell me.


- This is the girls upon waking them up this afternoon, overhead
- Also just woken up, canopy level shot to show the results of one night of stretch
- This is the girls after my "morning" tucking session, overhead
- Also post tucking, canopy level view.

one nights stretch from overhead pre tucking session.jpg

One nights stretch from canopy level before tucking session.jpg

Overhead view post tucking session.jpg

Canopy view post tucking session.jpg
Friday Night Bud Porn Special
Lemon Autoflower
Day 60

This is the first planted of the two Lemons. Today is her 60 day birthday so I thought I'd feature her in the Friday night porn special. I haven't talked much about the Lemon, mostly cuz my expectations for the plant were so low. BOY was I wrong. This plant is a BEAST, is very very stinky sweet lemony, and is shimmering with trichomes. The buds are big and dense. This may be a three ounce plant when she's done. The best part is that she's STILL THROWING PISTILS! Every day I see a sea of white hairs reaching to the sky with her. She may go another two weeks yet, which would be amazing. The other Lemon, four days back from this one, is also a beast. I severely underestimated this plant. It has been the healthiest, most consistent plant of the bunch. All she has is a touch of Tiger Bloom burn on her leaf tips and a few red spots from me waiting one watering too long to give her CalMag. No big deal, easily fixed. She is gorgeous. Takes to everything I did to her very well. Great plant. Without even smoking it I would grow it again.

Check her out! And have a great weekend guys!

Lemon BEAST.jpg

Lemon bud top.jpg
Damaged Plant No More Update
Day 79 Veg
Jelly Rancher Recovery and LST Pictures

So I continue to try and keep this beast under control. By the time I get her into a tent to bud she's already going to fill a 5x5. I'm learning so much about how to train a plant by having to take this course of action. They really can bend ALOT if you're patient, even the woodier branches. I don't know if you can tell in the picture but a few of the stems on the original colas look like the rails of a roller coaster going up and down and I even tossed in a 90 degree turn to see what would happen, and that works too! It's something that actually will likely prove useful in the future, cuz I can see certain advantages depending on the goal to "winding" a plant around in a corkscrew shape. Maybe around a tomato cage or something. Might be an interesting experiment.

Anyway, here's an overhead shot and side view of my attempt at training this plant and attempting to keep her in some semblance of a canopy.

Overhead evening LST session JR.jpg

Side view evening LST session on JR.jpg
Last one, I promise.

This is the trichome watch picture of the last Cinderella Jack auto still growing. I turned off the blurples for this picture, and you can get a glimpse of how colorful this bud will be. I just really liked this picture. And what's a Friday night if not for cool bud pictures?


Cool CJ trichs.jpg
All I can tell you is that this "pre cure" ten days before you jar them up has the effect of jump starting your cure.
I find a good cure enhances the buzz as well as the flavor.
Last one, I promise.

This is the trichome watch picture of the last Cinderella Jack auto still growing. I turned off the blurples for this picture, and you can get a glimpse of how colorful this bud will be. I just really liked this picture. And what's a Friday night if not for cool bud pictures?


Cool CJ trichs.jpg
Your just amazing.
that plant was back when I was in Miracle Grow, and using CFLs
You could probably get a job selling miracle grow that's a damn fine looking plant for any setup IMO.

I stole your nematode idea and love them. It's like a pesticide you only have to apply once. I hate spraying my plants as it only seems to create problems but that's what I used to have to do to get rid of pests. No more spraying with the todes they seem to infect any bug in the vicinity. Too bad they only live in dirt.
so now I have about a thousand regular seeds from it
Those would be some nice seeds to have from the looks of her. Liberty Haze x GDP should make some nice smoke on the potency side too (liquor is quicker right?).

Sorry @Jon I'll quit clogging up your thread with my idle chatter now :rofl::popcorn:

Nice trichs... I think I'm making out a little amber in there. That jelly bounced back real nice too. :slide:
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