Jon's Second Grow, First Grow Journal, Soil Grow Autos & Photoperiod

Very impressive grow thus far, a combination of skill, passion, and knowledge utilization. Love to see folks utilize their knowledge they obtain from the community.

Look forward to following and learning throughout your journey.
Thanks man! And what you said is very very true - I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am without this community and a few others I depend on. The support is much more appreciated than you know. Thank you and all you experienced growers for your willingness to share your knowledge with us newbies. One can research all day forever online and learn a ton of stuff - but it's not the same as being able to take that knowledge and ask someone with hands on experience about why this or how that or when something else or hey I read this is it true. There's no substitute for experience. Besides, the bud porn on this site is amazing! :laughtwo:
Very impressive grow thus far, a combination of skill, passion, and knowledge utilization. Love to see folks utilize their knowledge they obtain from the community.

Look forward to following and learning throughout your journey.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Right on

the bud porn on this site is amazing! :laughtwo:

It is isn't it? :circle-of-love:

I share your excitement my friend, I'm with you on that 100 %
Good job thus far, looking forward to see how they'd grow
Couldn't have said it better myself. Right on

It is isn't it? :circle-of-love:

I share your excitement my friend, I'm with you on that 100 %
Good job thus far, looking forward to see how they'd grow
Thanks man. I like how everyone says "so far" and "thus far." It's cuz they know the journey has only begun. But it's still a victory to get to this point. You gotta celebrate the little victories all along the way, I think. That way when you take a hit it doesn't hurt as bad. Lmao. I share your excitement too. I know you gotta be getting antsy when you're as close as you are. I had a hard time learning patience my first grow, and it's an important lesson. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to re-learn that one every single grow.
Wow man impressive set up you have there :thumb: I'm definitely along for the ride and hope to learn a thing or two from how you have your garage set up. From one garage grower to another :passitleft:
Cool, thanks MH! Yeah, a window would be nice so I could vent to the outside, but I really have nothing to complain about. A ton of people have to adapt spaces way worse than mine. I know I am in a fortunate position. But my level of OCD about my setup is two-fold: one, I'm kind of naturally that way, and two, I have to be hyper about the setup cuz of the wheelchair thing. It forces me to think ahead, which turns out to be a good thing. Btw, I'm finding that so far in the Gorilla tent I am not going to have to use the AC very much at all cuz the light puts out almost ZERO heat. It's really amazing and far exceeding my expectation in that regard. I will need the AC in the blurples tent cuz they get way hotter. That is why I am trying the coming in from above and exiting the cold air above the lights thing this time in that tent. I'll be posting the autoflower tent pics as soon as it's started in a couple days. I decided to separate the starts of the two grows by a week or so, so that I can kind of get the photos going and know they'll be okay first, and especially because with a light I have never used I want to be able to give that tent my sole attention for a week or so.
I'm windowless in the space we have as well. Ran our vent up into the ceiling, over the exterior wall and out the soffit outside. I will admit, it was a lot of time on a ladder to set that up so i cant imagine a wheelchair would make that any easier. I'd offer to help, but your comment about lack of need for AC shows that we do not live anywhere near one another :(
I'm windowless in the space we have as well. Ran our vent up into the ceiling, over the exterior wall and out the soffit outside. I will admit, it was a lot of time on a ladder to set that up so i cant imagine a wheelchair would make that any easier. I'd offer to help, but your comment about lack of need for AC shows that we do not live anywhere near one another :(
Ha! I appreciate that Michael. Yeah, my climate for the next two months or so is incredibly perfect. After that it gets a bit warm. But thanks for the thought. I couldn't do that anyway, I'm a renter.
Day Two of Veg

I am not going to be an everyday poster, but a couple significant decisions "were made since the last post so here's an update with pics.

Regarding the lighting:
This is a new light. Manufacturer tells me it's designed to be run at full power, even though it has a dimmer. I didn't (and don't, generally) think my newbie seedlings needed this beast at 100% power (it's as bright as the sun). So I decided to run it at 40% and at 24" above the plants. Day One ran that exact way. Well, overnight I researched my new light online via finding others with videos using it. After seeing several of those I have decided to crank this beast up to full power, and adjust the amount of light the plants are getting by changing the height of the light instead of using the dimmer. The one downside to this light so far is that the dimmer, although infinite sweep 0-100%, doesn't have numbers or a "click in place" at certain levels. The percentage of power I am altering using the dimmer is therefore a guessing game to some extent. I "guessed" based on observation about the 40% power I used on Day One. But I'm gonna go with the manufacturer. They are growers. I trusted them enough to spend four figures on the light. So what the hell.

Therefore, as of this morning we are going with 100% power at 36" from the plants. I am well aware this may fry my seedlings. I'm afraid it will. That's the chance I'm taking, and judgement call I'm making. If they fry, it's so early in the grow I'll just start over and no harm done. That would suck, but I will more importantly learn my light. Getting to know your light is just as important as getting to know your plants. So we'll see what happens.

The other thing of note is how well the reservoir container idea is working. I filled the styrofoam container with water last night, up to about 1/2" below the bottom of the Dixie cups. Maybe four or five inches of water. As described earlier, the idea is to add just a few points of humidity, as my target humidity for seedlings is 80% and I can make it around 72-74%. Well, this morning the water was entirely evaporated, which I found surprising. And the numbers this morning when I opened the tent were 78 degrees and 79% humidity. PERFECT. So I filled the reservoir back up and will do so every day as often as possible until the plants develop a couple sets of leaves.

I am watering using Emilya's How to Water guidelines. The short version is I water around the very edges of the Dixie cup, and then mist the top. I let the cup dry almost all the way out before I do it again. The idea is to entice the roots to grow out towards the edges and begin developing a sweet ass rootball from day one.

I will know by this evening if the light is going to fry my babies at 100% or if they are the strong, light thirsty whores I think they are. :laughtwo:

Below are the girls this morning, one closeup. You can see they have shed their seed coats, (no help from me, lol) and you can see they all look remarkably consistent for three different strains. So far so good.


Wow man impressive set up you have there :thumb: I'm definitely along for the ride and hope to learn a thing or two from how you have your garage set up. From one garage grower to another :passitleft:
Hey Michael does your garage get real hot in the day and too cold at night? That's how it is for me. I have spent the last three days since the cups went in the tent working on tweaking the temperature/humidity regulation. From about 8 am til around noon I can run the tent with the lights on and the doors a bit open and the garage door shut. That maintains my temps in the low 80s. Then from around noon to five I have to use my low AC setting or the garage gets too hot and the tent then gets too hot. So I do that. Then around five it starts to get more like the morning so I go back to open doors but with the garage door opened a little, and then from around 9 pm til 1 am when they go to bed I have the garage door closed, the tent closed, and the house door open. CHRIST. So I am wondering if you experience something similar? Seems this is the bane of garage growing, depending on your garage. In my case it's just a classic one car garage that get direct sun for around six hours a day and has no windows. It's a challenge for sure. The 8 speed adjustable exhaust fan (Cloudline s6, great fan) is essential. Without the adjustability it would be way more difficult. If you go through any of this I'd love to hear about some of your coping mechanisms.
Hey Michael does your garage get real hot in the day and too cold at night? That's how it is for me. I have spent the last three days since the cups went in the tent working on tweaking the temperature/humidity regulation. From about 8 am til around noon I can run the tent with the lights on and the doors a bit open and the garage door shut. That maintains my temps in the low 80s. Then from around noon to five I have to use my low AC setting or the garage gets too hot and the tent then gets too hot. So I do that. Then around five it starts to get more like the morning so I go back to open doors but with the garage door opened a little, and then from around 9 pm til 1 am when they go to bed I have the garage door closed, the tent closed, and the house door open. CHRIST. So I am wondering if you experience something similar? Seems this is the bane of garage growing, depending on your garage. In my case it's just a classic one car garage that get direct sun for around six hours a day and has no windows. It's a challenge for sure. The 8 speed adjustable exhaust fan (Cloudline s6, great fan) is essential. Without the adjustability it would be way more difficult. If you go through any of this I'd love to hear about some of your coping mechanisms.
I feel your pain man. Without a climate controlled garage we have to do a strange dance to try and keep conditions right. We have some crazy temp swings here but i have our on a timer so that it’s lights out between noon and 6. The hottest part of our day here. Our temp swings seem to come day to day. Yesterday it got up to 85* with crazy humidity and today its in the 40’s, with crazy humidity. Humidity is our real Achilles heel here. Our outside RH frequently hits the 80-90% mark. Sweating concrete concrete in the garage, and moisture on everything is starting to be our main problem. In a few weeks it’ll be hot even at night, and hotter during the day. Really not looking forward to it. Gonna need to add another 20a outlet in our closet to take some of the load for all this cooling we are going to need. Feel free to stop by my journal to follow along and we can bounce ideas between our two similar situations.
I feel your pain man. Without a climate controlled garage we have to do a strange dance to try and keep conditions right. We have some crazy temp swings here but i have our on a timer so that it’s lights out between noon and 6. The hottest part of our day here. Our temp swings seem to come day to day. Yesterday it got up to 85* with crazy humidity and today its in the 40’s, with crazy humidity. Humidity is our real Achilles heel here. Our outside RH frequently hits the 80-90% mark. Sweating concrete concrete in the garage, and moisture on everything is starting to be our main problem. In a few weeks it’ll be hot even at night, and hotter during the day. Really not looking forward to it. Gonna need to add another 20a outlet in our closet to take some of the load for all this cooling we are going to need. Feel free to stop by my journal to follow along and we can bounce ideas between our two similar situations.
Awesome. Thanks. I will do so. There's gotta be a lot of folks in our position. In your case do you just AC the whole garage itself? I considered that, and with two window units I probably could do it and then just work the tents. But then I have to run them both start to finish 24/7, which is costly as hell. And then also I have less control over each tent, versus having the two AC units going to individual tents as I do. I use them as needed during the grow and they are necessary all the time once buds start forming. I thought about that night/day schedule, but with two tents going and one being photo and one auto and it basically being 18/6 or 12/12 versus 20/4, the easiest way to do it and for me to be able to sleep at the same time was to do it along my sleep schedule. This is only because I'm stupid and don't trust any timer but trust myself so I am the start to finish timer for turning lights off and on for both tents the entire grow. Dumb, eh? Lol. It feeds my addiction. Yeah, it's a strange dance indeed, I dig that, Lol.
I actually just built the whole thing so i haven't gotten as far as to air condition the whole garage yet. Gonna put a portable unit in the closet eventually when the temp dictates it. Haven't had any air temps above 82 in the tent yet. The heats coming though, and an ac is going to be next after the chiller. You could always use an Inkbird controller to help you run the ac units on thermostats in each tent.

Funny you mentioned the timer thing. I was thinking about that comment while doing some work on the house and sure enough, our light shut off earlier than expected for some reason. Weird how the universe works like that :lot-o-toke:
Hello, I'm glad I found your journal and looking forward to following along. I am just behind you in many aspects (just at the tail end of my first grow) and can appreciate your approach and experience.

Not sure how easy it would be to implement in your situation but I have some experience in a volatile environment and can suggest that creating some type of lung room around your tents can be very helpful if you are experiencing wide swings. Every barrier between the garage and the plants will serve to buffer the rate of change and I found that once I did this, my environmental settings were much more controllable and easy to keep stabile.

Are you using any type of data logger? This really helps with Journaling as well.

I can relate to you on multiple levels here and will enjoy tagging along for the ride. I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I have so I totally get it!

I actually just built the whole thing so i haven't gotten as far as to air condition the whole garage yet. Gonna put a portable unit in the closet eventually when the temp dictates it. Haven't had any air temps above 82 in the tent yet. The heats coming though, and an ac is going to be next after the chiller. You could always use an Inkbird controller to help you run the ac units on thermostats in each tent.

Funny you mentioned the timer thing. I was thinking about that comment while doing some work on the house and sure enough, our light shut off earlier than expected for some reason. Weird how the universe works like that :lot-o-toke:
Yeah well I just made the decision to put a few more bucks in Jeff Bezos' pocket and went ahead and ordered a humidifier from Amazon. It'll be here tomorrow. The weather here is so dry this time of year that I've already found that unless it's raining outside I cannot maintain a humidity level higher than about 50%, and that's a struggle. I know my babies want it to be 70%. I tried misting the tent, adding standing water, adjusting all my fans, ac, not ac, open house door, not open house door, etc...and nothing will maintain what I know I need. Would it be alright at 50% humidity, or 45%, for now til budding (all of veg)? Probably wouldn't be THAT big of a deal. I'm sure it would work out just fine. But as I stated before, I ain't going for "fine." This is MY weed. I want the best I can possibly produce. So it comes down to, what's your own weed worth to you? I decided mine was worth spending $56 for a good humidifier with a three prong power cord and large reservoir that has a digital readout of the ambient humidity and you can set the humidity level you want. I'm 99% sure this will solve the problem within a half an hour of when it gets delivered tomorrow. Lol. Goddamn grow getting more expensive already. Lol. I justified the expense by telling myself the manufacturer of my light is correct and it really WILL cut my electric lighting bill by 40%. Ha!
I had to make another executive decision tonight. It's only been three days, but already I can see that due to the weather here and my growing conditions, I am not capable of giving my babies the 70% humidity I know they want. If it's raining I can. But this time of year here it hardly rains. Ugh. 45-50% is the best I can do. I tried everything: standing water in the tent. Misting the sides of the tent. Lowering exhaust fan speed. Reducing inside fans. Keeping door to house inside garage open. Etc. None of it was getting me over 50%. Well, this is unacceptable. I suspect it would work out just fine for the girls to grow up and veg at 50% humidity. But I KNOW it'll be better if I can have them at 70% now and work my way down over veg til I get nice and low for budding. The solution seemed pretty obvious, and even though I really didn't want to spend the coin (damn grow getting more expensive already, lol) on a humidifier, I found a decent one that is grounded, has a large reservoir, a digital readout and a setting to set your desired humidity level. $56 bucks and it'll be here tomorrow. I figured this is MY medicine, and if I want to grow crappy dispensary level weed do nothing, and if I want to grow GOOD weed get the humidifier. So I did. I'll let y'all know if it was a crappy or good purchase in short order.
I hope you have good water quality? Putting in overtime with any humidifier will leave white powder all over the place if you have a high mineral count in your area.

I had a humidity problem myself and I had the bad luck of poor water quality and had to use distilled water in my humidifiers to make the solution sustainable. I hope you don't have that problem because it can be more expensive than high power lighting... A good quality water distiller (that can keep up with high demand) can run $1500; ask me how and why I know...?:thedoubletake:
I hope you have good water quality? Putting in overtime with any humidifier will leave white powder all over the place if you have a high mineral count in your area.

I had a humidity problem myself and I had the bud luck of poor water quality and had to use distilled water in my humidifiers to make the solution sustainable. I hope you don't have that problem because it can be more expensive than high power lighting... A good quality water distiller (that can keep up with high demand) can run $1500; ask me how and why I know...?:thedoubletake:
Thanks. I had that concern but our water is pretty soft here and I really only feel the need to run it for around the first 18-21 days of seedling to veg. I think it'll work out okay for that short a time. I'm okay at around 55% for veg once they get past the seedling stage and develop a few leaves, and I can make that without the humidifier. If I gotta get 15 gallons of distilled water, so be it. But thanks, it's a good point.
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