Jon’s 3 Autoflower - 3 Pounds Attempt Grow

The way I see it @TwelveCoffee is this: let’s say you do what I always used to do, which was to wait until the cup drains in 24 hours to bone dry. Then you up pot. When you do, you have a large mass of roots all around the plant, somewhat curled up at the bottom, right? A seemingly perfect time to transplant. But here’s the rub doing it that way - you just MIGHT lose a day or two of growth, due to the time the roots need to unravel themselves and stray into the new medium. Versus doing what I did here and now generally do - do it earlier, like as soon as the root ball will hold together. Then, when you up pot there IS no unraveling that has to happen. The roots just continue to grow out and the plant literally doesn’t even know the difference. See what I mean?
Sure do I did it the way you were saying mainly cause I didn’t know another way and I’m inpatient lol
Sure do I did it the way you were saying mainly cause I didn’t know another way and I’m inpatient lol
Hey man, however you get it done, you got it done! And lmao, I can totally relate. I can’t stand patience.
Until the wife asks you to do something am I right?! Haha ;)
Lol! Well, not to get too personal but the wife (long term gf) was not able to accommodate the bf not walking anymore so she’s gone, but yes, exactly until then!!!
I’m really sorry to hear that Jon I didn’t know
Oh worry not my friend, I’m not looking for sympathy. Never me. It’s long ago now, no sweat. Just couldn’t grab the wife joke as much as before. Lmao!
Ok so the last plant in the tent gets chopped two mornings from now. At that point all I have to do is clean up the tent, re set the stuff I’m gonna use, prep the pots, and drop the seeds and the entire grow will be up and running. This tent will be 20-something days behind the other but that’s okay. At least it spreads the trim out. Can’t wait!
Haha that’s fair :) I got more but not pg enough for here :p
Cool but just so you know - you’ve seen some of what I post. This isn’t exactly the thread where we worry a whole lot about saying the “right” thing. Lol! Do what you want here man - within reason.
Banana Sherbet
Day 20

I was really hoping I’d be able to top her by today. Our fourth node is pushing out, we’re a few days from five being up enough to cut. That’s a pretty late topping for a scrog auto and one you’re trying to get a pound from. Part of me is already admitting defeat. However, the hope is that she stays in veg as long as the long end of Growers Choice says the range is: 35-42 days. If I get 42 days to train her this is a done deal. So the watch has to begin in about a week. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile she’s growing like mad and is healthy as an ox.

Btw - “healthy as an ox?” What an odd saying. Are oxen a particularly healthy animal or something? Hmm….

I like quality infrastructure. This fits the bill. Awesome fan. 90 degree oscillation to sweep the upcoming canopy. Solid as hell. Forgot I snagged this too while I was at the Zon.



Just grabbed two more of these for the 5x5.
You mean Super Double XXL 1 LB size...
Lol! Well….about that….

There’s a few things working against us. One is, this plant does not have quite the side branching that the Watermelon WeddingCake XXL has. Two is that we didn’t get to top her until day 21 today. However, GC specs say 35-42 days of veg. Filling this screen in three weeks seems rather daunting but it might be able to be done, and I’ll get a few days extra through the stretch. So we’ll see. Like I said up front - the odds are low, but I wouldn’t say infinitesimal. I feel pretty confident about the other two with the pot tricks we’re using. It’s this one I think I may have to make up an ounce or three on. Lol.

Don’t think I ain’t gonna give it my all. I have a kitchen sink for her.

Tomorrow we begin week two of the PB feed chart, and we will also give her her first foliar feeding.

Fingers crossed.
The way I see it @TwelveCoffee is this: let’s say you do what I always used to do, which was to wait until the cup drains in 24 hours to bone dry. Then you up pot. When you do, you have a large mass of roots all around the plant, somewhat curled up at the bottom, right? A seemingly perfect time to transplant. But here’s the rub doing it that way - you just MIGHT lose a day or two of growth, due to the time the roots need to unravel themselves and stray into the new medium. Versus doing what I did here and now generally do - do it earlier, like as soon as the root ball will hold together. Then, when you up pot there IS no unraveling that has to happen. The roots just continue to grow out and the plant literally doesn’t even know the difference. See what I mean?
Makes perfect sense!
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