JoeDaddy's Perpetual Playhouse Of Bliss

Should I still be checking the pH and the ppm even with those nutes? I don't have a ppm reader either. I just measure out the nutes to the strength the directions say for 1 gallon and multiple it by 3.5, bc these buckets hold 3.5 gallons of water.
I ran AN for 2 years and never run full strength, I’d run maybe 1/2 strength it could be a lock out.

Right on. I'll cut back on the next rez change and see if there's any improvement. Thanks. I got a bit of a newb question lol about cloning. I just got a clone king 36 aeroponics cloner and I have very little experience cloning at all, zero in aeroponics. Should I still use a cloning gel? Also, with the neoprene inserts, once they get roots how do I get them inside the rapid rooters without damaging the roots? Or what should I be doing to grow them in DWC buckets after the roots are established?
If I used an aero cloner I just put them in the net cup with clay balls.
My net pot is like 6" across, it will stay up on its own in there? I've seen that with those 2" net pots, but I thought it would need something to have a small root system built up in like a RR or RW and then it has some stability. So, if it just goes into the clay pebbles how long do I need the roots to be before taking them out of the cloner? Long enough to reach the bottom of the net pot?
No, hydraulics will pull water up into the clay balls. I also pour a little Nute solution in from the top. You could transplant to a solo of coco until roots get a little longer.
Day 4 clone king 36
No, hydraulics will pull water up into the clay balls. I also pour a little Nute solution in from the top. You could transplant to a solo of coco until roots get a little longer.
Okay, do you use cloning gel too? Also, should I be splitting the end a bit? I've always kinda scraped the end of the cutting and then dipped into clone gel. The instructions on the cloner says not to scrape them, but to make 1 cut to split the end after cutting the 45° angle.
Day 10 in aeroponics cloner Clone king 36. The Gold Leaf strain is more hearty and took roots faster and without any yellowing leaves. The super Skunk also took roots, but have some loss of green to a yellowish tint, so I did put a lil bit of cal/mag in the reservoir a few days ago. Idk of this is the right thing to do or not.
The red discs are Super Skunk and the black discs are Gold Leaf.

I put half nutes in the 2 ladies last feeding bc of the chlorosis. The new growth seems to be good. They are on the 6th day of flower. With both scrog nets up now.
Shouldn’t need anything until they have roots then you feed them small amounts of nutrients. If they are turning yellow you may still be good if the newest growth is still green.
I had a 100% success rate with the Clone king 36 aeroponics cloner. I'm very happy about that. I know it's best to keep a mother from seed, but can I use one of each of the clones I cut off the original mother and put into soil to keep as mother's?
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