Jew Brees Blue Dream, Nirvana, Virgin Grow, 1/17/19: Seed Germination Date

She’s staying strong and growing good no problem with the skinned knees. Just topped her again more pics when the new tops start growing. I had a serious problem with a manganese deficiency all because i slacked and was ph-ing at 6.0 for a while but now I dropped to 5.65 ish And she is back in business. I know the old affected leaves won’t come back as it’s a stationary nutrient so I trimmed off some dying garbage.since then i have stopped feeding 1/2 gal. every 3 days and started feeding 2 to 3 cups every 7 to 9 hours with the lights on 24 really treating her like hydro now and I think the growth should take off. I always thought letting her dry out was the best... I have read more entries about people doing that at first for better root growth and then watering more often for increased above grown growth... in all my early research I’ve never came across this conversation for coco ... The More You Know!! Pics soon when I feel I can brag on her a lil
She’s staying strong and growing good no problem with the skinned knees. Just topped her again more pics when the new tops start growing. I had a serious problem with zinc and all because i slacked and was ph-ing at 6.0 for a while dropped to 5.65 ish And she is back in business... since then i have stopped feeding 1/2 gal. every 3 days and started feeding 2 to 3 cups every 7 to 9 hours with the lights on 24 slowly progressing to more... really treating her like hydro now and I think the growth should take off
Pretty sure I have leaf septora trimmed all of it off... I kept thinking it was a deficiency looks somewhat like sulfur... or I thought pest for a long time yet never found a single pest....... so new pics before trimming looking bushy.. after trimming ready to grow more... and a few leaves.. whatever she still looks good and hopefully I caught before it spread too much will spray with neem oil tonight unless yaull have better ideas.....She is finally growing after readjusting ph for a week and half and now this oh well... I believe in my girl


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Transplant to 7 gallon smart pot.... the roots were pretty stuck to the old smart pot I think they just got there about a week ago. She got this big under 3 75 w replacement Phillips 6500 k I believe 1300 lumens a piece and this next week it will be time to put her under the 600 mph and a screen for some more training... I’m pushing flower back a little... question and this is I plan to travel 3 days around cinco de Mayo. If I were to leave her with a good watering would that work best in veg, transition, or flower. Cause I can lay it out any of those options depending on how she will last in them with a healthy watering


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White spots are diamaceous (not spelled right but you know. Not a huge big problem can’t find them though I found a very small web about 1 inch in length so I sprayed with alcohol water.. rinsed repeated and treated with diamaceous. Will treat regularly with been oil as well. I keep getting either calcium, zinc idk everything looks alike and I’m losing my mind so I’ve been watering 2 a day mornings are cal mag and manganese evening is nutes. Though I’m laying back on watering as maybe this is causing some problems... and honestly I think most of my problems could be lack of light. I really need to put her under the big one but I might be moving in a week and want to take care of that before large light and trellis.


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Mangled twisted new growth, some spotting and yellowing on older leave and sometimes one the older new growth after a new one starts. As well as last pic is bent down leaves only one spot at the bottom. I’ve been ph’in to 5.65ish. These are the same problems that I’ve had for months though but it just came back after transplant so also I think maybe stale water in the coco the roots have not reached yet so I’m watering less on the outside... any thoughts? Again whites spots are all diamaceous... positive though I did have a very small bug problem very unnoticeable that I am treating


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Even a while time to post some new pics of my girl. Thinking about putting her in flower soon rather than what will no doubt be another month to fill the m2 box. Considering now that she is under the scrog net I won’t be able to repot. She is approx 4 months now.. I started a lol friend for her unknown strain feminized from nirvana (free seeds) in fox farm soil right now she is in 3 gallon smart pot and has some chlorosis maybe from early over watering though I tried hard not to. Looks like iron deficiency I should name her ....


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Her name is Paris J. Because I believe in her! ....... any help on the yellowing. It starts at the top new growth I added 1/4 of a liter of flora trio to the gallon of water to see if it helps and 1/4 of cal mag. That raised ppm in water from 160 to about 225 I plan on only doing that every 2 waterings


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What’s new switching to flower after tonight’s light cycle just flushed like I ate a veggie patty at subways. Blue ivory in the back is now about 3 x 3 feet in width!!!! Not too shabby for about 4 1/2 months of veg.... and Paris j in front is about 4 or 5 weeks. Humidity is still a lil high but I did put a cheap 45$ dehumidifier in and manage to get the lows to 45%.... with that said I’m just gonna go for it since I can’t spend any more money. Gonna give them 36 hours of darkness and switch to my hps bulb I also think switching to 12 /12 will help heat and humidity since I will have lights on only at night rather than the 4 hour overlap I have now. Can’t wait and I can’t believe how long I have grown this plant and managed not to kill her!!!
Flower week three
All the orang photos is the blue dream.... bud production is a little behind the mystery plant... I lowered the light a few inches hope she staled off maybe a strain thing the way blue dream buds form? Anyone? Ordered some canna boost as I hear good things. Figured light distance is problem as smaller plant is not on a rig net but raised higher off to the side of the light.


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Here she is... all kinds of effed up! Big problem with calcium deficiency but I’m glad she survived I’m harvesting a little early... because she scares me. But I tested out some quick dried nugs and it’s strong they tasted like garbage but were strong so I brought her inside for 2 days of darkness and I’ll trim her up and put her to hang this weekend! The other plant ( which I recently discovered to be bubblelicous) has a few weeks left.... but this diary is for blue ivory so stay tuned for trimmage and weight.... she won’t be a pound I’m hoping for about 6 ounces which isn’t great for the 6 months she has been growing. ... but she survived and I’m happy for that! I think she had a shitload of heat stress too not helping the calcium problem but it has been 95 outside for the last 2 months and 100% humidity.... I can’t wait to grow in the winter!!!
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