Jeff Sessions Once Again Hints That A Marijuana Crackdown May Be Imminent

One more question then im done talking politics. If Trump does legalize cannabis and backs medical marijuana 100% would that change any anti-Trumpers views on him? Or would you still think he is a clueless, racist, anti immigrant, woman hater?

I'm curious, how does Trump's support or lack of support for cannabis have anything to do with him being or not being clueless, racist, anti-immigrant, woman hater, etc? They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If he's a racist he's a racist, if he's not a racist he's not a racist, his support or lack thereof for cannabis does not change that fact. Or are you saying that you can be clueless, racist, anti-immigrant, and a woman hater, but if you support legalizing cannabis then suddenly you're none of those things because supporting cannabis cancels them out?
Not to sound too political. And this is in no way supporting past administrations or candidates. But, how many things has trump flipped on after making promises to his voters? I honesty don't think trump gives two shits about cannabis. He's not smart enough much less adept at reading the facts. I mean, if he realizes that the fed govt. holds the patent on cannabis oil he'd try to brand it. Sessions has his hands full that they don't have the resources to stop the cannabis movement across the country. He can't stop it. States and counties want the tax revenue but most are taking a slow approach at loosening laws. They want to see what other counties are doing with their laws and correlate crime with cultivation/retail before they loosen their own ordinances. It's a generational shift that is taking its own time. Jeff Sessions does have authority to direct the dea in any state to crack down. He's already instructed the justice department to enact mandatory minimum sentences for the most serious crimes. Including trafficking across state lines and exceeding the states limits on cannabis cultivation. He does have that authority.

He won't be there much longer. Until then I'm following state guidelines and staying under the radar.

I'm the mean time I'll fire up a bowl and watch these idiots rip the country apart.

If only you were President Yea? I don't think I'm "smart enough"
I'm curious, how does Trump's support or lack of support for cannabis have anything to do with him being or not being clueless, racist, anti-immigrant, woman hater, etc? They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If he's a racist he's a racist, if he's not a racist he's not a racist, his support or lack thereof for cannabis does not change that fact. Or are you saying that you can be clueless, racist, anti-immigrant, and a woman hater, but if you support legalizing cannabis then suddenly you're none of those things because supporting cannabis cancels them out?
:tokin: You make a good point. Fair enough Ill delete the second question. There is a middle ground your right. I think most of us agree on most things. We need to just meet in the middle on all the issues. Seems like the middle ground has disappeared in this country. :passitleft: Imo trump is in the middle on most of the issues.
We will see. If he flips on MJ I will be surprised. It is funny though how the media tries to portray trump as clueless but in the next breath try convince us that he colluded with Russia to win the election. Which is it? If he did work with russia he did such a good job that global "intelligence" agencies have yet to provide any proof, even though they illegally had trump and his entire team under surveillance a year before he was elected. The only real conspiracy is that the Dems rigged the primaries against Bernie. Lots of proof of that but not much media coverage. Hmmm? They report what they want you to know and how they want you to know it. Someday i hope everyone can burst the bubble they are in and see the truth. But i wont hold my breath.
I do agree though that Jeff Sessions needs to go. He is much too socially conservative for my liking.
The Teen Titans get it.


To respectfully reiterate

He's a fuktard. The bubble will always be inflated with differing takes and pointed opinions. When the bubble bursts, they just blow another bubble.
Yup CNN has been caught in soo many lies its not funny. Yet people still watch and think they are getting the "news" when infact its just political spin and manipulation. Sad that these supposedly neutral media outlets have become nothing more then the PR branch of the Democrat Party. If Hitler had the propaganda power of today, we would all be speaking German right now.

All news organizations have been caught reporting stories that were not properly vetted. The right slants their news, embellishes things, gets caught. The left slants their views, embellishes things, gets caught. What makes news channels for the most part fundamentally honest is people acting as the checks and balances for a free press. For the most part. Between all that people need to do one thing. Just let the facts speak for themselves, make decisions based on facts and what is good for the common people. Not the rich.

No more politics.

More plants.
One more question then im done talking politics. If Trump does legalize cannabis and backs medical marijuana 100% would you support Trump then?

That's a tough question. If it passes the house and senate, i doubt he'd sign it into law with all the super conservatives and religious hypocrites wanting to keep the private prisons full of low level offenders. Prisons get paid 50-100k per year per inmate. If it were properly taxed and the taxes went to things like improving impoverished communities, get rid of welfare and give people real opportunities to get out of the ghetto that politics and biased zoning ordinances created. Metallica wrote it best.

Hardwired to self destruct.
I totally agree. This corporate owned for profit prison system needs to end. I think Trump would more then make up for the religous right by picking up Libertarians and moderates. Plus help unite the country. If he would rethink the entire war on drugs BS. That money could be much better spent on education and treatment forhard drugs and opiates. Free methadone clinics.
I totally agree. This corporate owned for profit prison system needs to end. I think Trump would more then make up for the religous right by picking up Libertarians and moderates. Plus help unite the country. If he would rethink the entire war on drugs BS. That money could be much better spent on education and treatment forhard drugs and opiates. Free methadone clinics.

In the meantime let's go back to growing and moving this forward. Ya got a grow journal?

In the meantime let’s go back to growing and moving this forward. Ya got a grow journal?

No journal currently. I’m on a growing hiatus at the moment due to a severe case of sativanoia :grinjoint: but i am working on a new grow room for next year. Ill stop over your way though and see what you got going.
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