JCool09 Cabinet Hydro Caramelicious 9/2009

sorry to hear about the bulb J
i love bulbs almost as much as i love plants
but i do believe you would have to eat/drink mercury to be poisoned
you could just compensate with some walmart 42w bulbs
glad i was able to help with the fans
happy to see you spreading the knowledge too^_^
am sure youll do fine, just keep your head held high
Hey JCool09 if i learned one this in growing the sweet leaf its
do your set-up correctly the 1st time if you need to fix something, remove the plants and CAREFULLY and PATIENTLY fix the problems

the odds of something going right during initial set-up seems to be higher then after you might think you "fixed" it

never do something just because you feel like its right, always do things strategically

btw good luck

PHATBLUNT - thanks for stopping by. You are 100% correct. My patience needs some work and I definitely do not have the attention to detail that I had 10 years ago. I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I find myself (over)reacting to things that I should have expected and shooting myself in the foot. Let's hope tomorrow is better.

Perhaps I'll just keep the doors shut and leave them alone for a day... Nah.
Looking good Jcool....nice stealth cabinet and love the strain,it sounds delicious....never had it myself just watched a couple super Caramelicious grows here at 420 Mag. You broke a bulb... so rest of the grow is a wave brother grower :surf: Just ride it. :passitleft:

Thanks Tunes420. Should we say "break a bulb" to our fellow growers like actors say "break a leg" when they wish each other good luck? :smokin:
Nice cabinet J, everything's looking good! I think the saying I'm going to stick with is "Break a CFL!" just because they're cheap, lol. Hope your babies turn out well! I wouldn't mind a little insight into how you put together your hydro grow since I'm pretty interested in hydro in general but I just don't have the knowledge base to go there, and I've checked thru the other forums and shit only to remain confused lol, anyway, if you have time. I find the hardest part is leaving the babies alone, I always wanna take a peek! I guess it helps when they're in a whole other building too lol. Anyways, good luck in the near future, I'll be back to check in soon!

Lookin good!

May I suggest T5's? I used a couple for veg before I transplanted.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

DocBud, think you for taking the time to post. I thought T5's only came in tubes; I would be interested in hearing you thoughts on placement. Are you thinking along the sides for a Phototron-like effect? My plan is to focus the growth on the tops. I am considering LST or ScrOG in an effort to grow short, high-yeilding plants.

i like your set up!!nice and clean..You wont have any infestation issues with it being that clean.

Grat job + rep

Thanks for the +rep, Butcher! I really appreciate your nice comment. I wish keeping it clean would keep the Algae and root rot away. Those is going to be my biggest enemy in a hot cabinet with a small reservior.

Seedling update
OK so I need to rethink the STG cube germination strategy. It has been a week since they have been in the cubes and I had enough. I had to see what was going on in there. Today I am glad that I did. There was one cube that had a hint of green below the surface that I thought was odd. After removing the top 1/4" of the cube (the first 1/4" or so has a hole punched in the middle, the seeds were about 1/4" below that) I was able to see that one of my babies had sprouted and was trapped! It was time for an emergency c-section! After a little prodding with my trusty awl and some cutting with a single-edge razor I was able to remove the strands of medium that were holding it (her) down. So I repeated these steps on the remaining three cubes and got them untangled. I was able to see that they all have germinated. Now we'll see if they live through this rude interruption in their young lives.

So here is what I now know. I should not embed seeds below the surface in the STG cubes. I should place the cracked seeds in that 1/4" hole and cover them with some perlite or something. The meduim is like a thick cotton and it the seedlings seem to get tangled when trying to make it to the surface.
small rez's mean constant changing of nutes.I prefer a small rez over a huge one if i can get past a big rez i will.and just make sure you cover up the mediumyou are using as soon as you transplant.this will kill the algea for sure.No light no algea.hygrozyme as far as the root rot goes this will help PREVENT and TREAT any root rot, and if you dont mind spending the doe,GET ROOTS EXCELERATOR!! Theres not a product that can touch it on the market today. it just cost.But it is the BEST.
JCool09, sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm here for you bro. Loved the strain, they are almost bullet proof and good yielders. I've enjoyed our PM's and wish you the best. I'll be watchin.
P.S. Thanks for the mention of my Caramelicious grow bro.
Nice cabinet J, everything's looking good! I think the saying I'm going to stick with is "Break a CFL!" just because they're cheap, lol. Hope your babies turn out well! I wouldn't mind a little insight into how you put together your hydro grow since I'm pretty interested in hydro in general but I just don't have the knowledge base to go there, and I've checked thru the other forums and shit only to remain confused lol, anyway, if you have time. I find the hardest part is leaving the babies alone, I always wanna take a peek! I guess it helps when they're in a whole other building too lol. Anyways, good luck in the near future, I'll be back to check in soon!


Good to hear from you Caesar! How about "break a 13W CFL" b/c my 105W beotch is going to cost me about $40. As far as hydro goes it is so simple once you understand the basic fundamentals of what the roots need. It is the craziest thing to see a plant with a 2" thick stem growing without a pot. They take off really fast too... once you go hyro you'll never go back.

I will be going through the setup of my low-cost homemade system step by step while sharing my thoughts in the coming days. I will try to go into detail but there are always questions so either post them to the thread or just send me a PM.

Yeah I get a separation anxiety from my plants after an hour or so. Need to take a peek to see how they're doing. It's kind of stupid at the moment as there is only a small bit of green visibile from 1 of my 5 seedlings. (It's the second one from the left :cheertwo:) The others have taproots and should be showing me some cotyledons in the next day or so. I think my lack of experience with the germination techniques and the proper use of the STG cubes have set me back me 3 days so far. Oh well, the fun is in the journey and the learning experience along the way.

9/22/09 Germination progress
small rez's mean constant changing of nutes.I prefer a small rez over a huge one if i can get past a big rez i will.and just make sure you cover up the mediumyou are using as soon as you transplant.this will kill the algea for sure.No light no algea.hygrozyme as far as the root rot goes this will help PREVENT and TREAT any root rot, and if you dont mind spending the doe,GET ROOTS EXCELERATOR!! Theres not a product that can touch it on the market today. it just cost.But it is the BEST.

You see, THAT's what I'm talkin' about! I had no idea about these products and they are both available at my local hydro shop. You are correct that the Excelurator is pricey at $70 for 250ml! :thankyou:
JCool09, sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm here for you bro. Loved the strain, they are almost bullet proof and good yielders. I've enjoyed our PM's and wish you the best. I'll be watchin.
P.S. Thanks for the mention of my Caramelicious grow bro.

Swampgas I read your threads like a history book. Full of facts and things to help avoid some mistakes along the way. I regret that I wasn't there for the day to day but it was quite a read from start to finish. Your posts even featured a centerfold! :clap:

jcool09 Thats what makes this hobby Sooo great! Never a dull moment!!

Yes, and sooo enjoyable at the end! :grinjoint:
you dont have to get the excelrator the hygrzyme will do wonders by itself. I just mention it cuz as soon as i had the extra cash to buy it i did. And it was one of the best products i've ever spent my money on.the hygrzyme will help keep those roots white and healthy.Proof is in my journal check the root picts out if you havent already.
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