I got one fem THC Bomb seed and I grew it out...it had some trouble in veg (twisting foliage)...so I put it into flower early...it grew out of the deformity and turned out to be a beautiful plant..excellent yield dispute it's short veg period...Very tight hard nugs...great smoke
I left some of the lower growth with the plants to maybe light shock it to hermie and hopefully produce fem seeds
I put it in the bathroom on the other side of the house under an led light (the light is small but has plenty of power to flower a larger plant...I have done it a couple times)
I gave it 24 hrs of light then put it on a 12/12 schedule...it gets a couple (light leaks) a night...it has been in there for two weeks...no sign of bananas
I have never tried to produce seeds before...I do not really know what I am doing
I also have a super critical that has been in flower for almost 3 weeks and I would like to shock it into producing seeds...I am trying to decide whether to pull out the THC Bomb and put in the super critical or just leave the bomb in and continue to flower the super critical
I highly respect your opinion McLoadie...any advice is greatly appreciated