January 2016 - Outdoor Grow


New Member
I want to start by saying Happy New Year! :partyboy: This is my January outdoor grow journal, and I'm already planning a March grow. For this round I have 2 separate batches of bagseed. I won't know if I have sativas, indicas, or both until I get some growth. Today I made terrariums for each respective batch of seeds. One batch has small, black seeds, while the other has noticeably larger, lighter colored seeds. This Sunday (New Moon) I will put them in small pots for the first 2 weeks as seedlings, and transplant into 1.5 gallon white pales on Full Moon, which will be day 1 of veg. They will stay in the pales until sexing and from there all females will go the distance in 5 gallon white buckets, while all males get chopped and removed from the area. There are 19 of the smaller seeds and 21 of the larger, so I'm starting out with 40 total. I will be happy and comfortable if I only end up with 10 females. For my area, rain water (not at all true for some areas!!!) and moderated sunlight are my biggest allies, as to where chokeberry gall midges (tiny orange fly maggots/borers) can be my worst nightmare if I miss an application of Sevin Dust. And of course there will be a freeze or two yet which I will be able to protect the plants from fairly easily as they won't be stuck directly in the ground. So far I only have pics of the homemade terrariums to show you, but should have some decent updates within the next couple of weeks.

I'll be happy to answer any questions anyone may have throughout. I'll try to explain things the best I can as I go and as they grow. I'll be so embarrassed if these seeds don't grow because I did keep them in the freezer for the past couple of months and hope I didn't ruin them.


Outdoors in the United States, hope you don't mind me tagging along and watching your grow. This is going to be a good one. Front row.... Thanks for the journal.

New Moon is actually Saturday, but close enough.
Thank you, Mtn Dew, for pointing out the correct date of New Moon. For some reason I was looking at the wrong time zone, which put it the next day. I will indeed be planting Saturday, then, because I'm adamant about following the moon phases. I was about to make a grave mistake and you saved my arse. :high-five:

Edit: Not only was I off on the date of New Moon, but Full Moon as well. Thanks again, Mtn Dew!
Okay, it's show & tell time, ladies and gentlemen, first a little tell. There is some good, and some bad. Out of the 19 small black seeds, 17 germinated on time, the other 2 got trashed (not waiting for them). Out of the 21 larger lighter seeds only 4 germinated on time and 17 got trashed. So the count is down to 21. I'd still be quite content with only 5 females. :) I mean, who needs a buttload of white buckets drawing attention from possible low-flying planes. I have some pics and commentary if you're interested.

This is the soil I chose. It feeds for up to 3 months, so it says. I'm not rich and I've had good enough results with it before.

These are the small black seeds' roots. I poked holes for each individual root's according depth using a #2 pencil, then covered lightly with a finger-rake of side-soil. Some should meet sunshine within a couple of days.

These are the 4 that I kept out of the 21 bigger seeds. I think it was just a bad/slow batch of seeds because the freezing didn't seem to affect the other batch.

I planted them all in their respective small plastic containers keeping the 2 batches separated. It was 34°F/49% humidty when I sowed these. Here they are afterward along with my 7-day weather forecast. They will have to come indoors some nights just to be on the safe side.

These are the white paies they will be going into in 2 weeks. I'll wash them real good like I did the little black plastic pots and then a whole lot of hole drilling for drainage. I'll do the same with the white 5 gal. buckets upon sexing.
Good start. 21 is a good number. I wish my 7 day forcast looked like that. You must be much farther south then i am. :thumb:

Dead center South, friend. My state was originally in the title of this thread, but a spot-on moderator removed it and pointed out that it is in everyone's best interest not to have "illegal" states named in threads to keep 420magazine's lawyers happy. I agree!

My bones ache thinking about the frigid northern cold. We definitely get a taste of what you guys send us, just not as severe. Below 70 is too cold for me. Mark my words, it'll be in the 90's/100's in May and by then I'll be chasing shade by 2 p.m. with my March grow.

I have 5 gal. buckets lined up under the edge of my roof to catch rain water. The air here is clean, so in areas more congested like large cities or areas nearby it's probably not a good idea to use rain water. It has always worked miracles for me.
Hello Tokey :ciao:

Looking good so far :thumb: i also have just popped 3 seeds into a propagator if any or all of them make it, we will be on the same timeline. My weather is not too far off yours; have you done an outdoor grow before?

I am all subbed up - keep em green :cheer:
Hello Tokey :ciao:

Looking good so far :thumb: i also have just popped 3 seeds into a propagator if any or all of them make it, we will be on the same timeline. My weather is not too far off yours; have you done an outdoor grow before?

I am all subbed up - keep em green :cheer:

Well hello there! :D

This year's gotta be better than last. I started 3 journals last year, never got to finish a single one. I kept meeting with disaster, myself.:blalol: You can check 'em out if you want. I have only done outdoor grows, know nothing about growing indoor. The few times I attempted indoor I ended up with plants that looked like spaghetti. The sun brings on the beef. I'm hoping for sativas this grow.

Did you start a journal, too? *Edit: DUH! I just saw your signature. :)

Thanks to everyone for the subs. :)
Thank you, Mtn Dew, for pointing out the correct date of New Moon. For some reason I was looking at the wrong time zone, which put it the next day. I will indeed be planting Saturday, then, because I'm adamant about following the moon phases. I was about to make a grave mistake and you saved my arse. :high-five:

Edit: Not only was I off on the date of New Moon, but Full Moon as well. Thanks again, Mtn Dew!

You are welcome my friend. I follow the Moon's cycle myself. Fishing in this part of the States is a blessing this time of the year and feeding patterns for fish have a lot to do with the Moons Cycle.

I noticed the title change and was trying to figure out what was going on, thanks for the heads up on changes. Damn good Mods take good care of their members.
You are welcome my friend. I follow the Moon's cycle myself. Fishing in this part of the States is a blessing this time of the year and feeding patterns for fish have a lot to do with the Moons Cycle.

I noticed the title change and was trying to figure out what was going on, thanks for the heads up on changes. Damn good Mods take good care of their members.

I can appreciate a "good" mod.:bravo:
Howdy do, and welcome back. Some of my hopefuls met sunshine for the first time yesterday, the rest today. It'll still be a little while before there is much worthy of looking at.

This is the batch of 17, and 1 of its seedlings up close.


And this is the batch of 4, and 1 of its seedlings up close.


This is part of my outdoor protection against bigger varmints.
And 1 more thing. Can someone please explain to me how to make a hyperlink for my signature using my own words? I'm not too savvy when it comes to computers.:icon_roll
And 1 more thing. Can someone please explain to me how to make a hyperlink for my signature using my own words? I'm not too savvy when it comes to computers.:icon_roll

What I meant is using the title "January 2016 ~ Outdoor Grow" to click on instead of having to post the actual link underneath.
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