Fuck the council
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Please forgive the intrusion, just wanted to post this in a few of the higher profile journals.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Man jaga sorry to hear bout the council tarzaning from your balls. That's no good. The temp drops could be a good thing if the girls live through it. silver linings brotha . positive thinking.
Maybe do a full layer of chicken poop across the floor out in the shed. It actually creates it own heat. Maybe even put a layer across the top of the soil. I have heard of people in colder climates using chicken poop in their soil mixes to help combat the cold. Never tried it just somethings I read.
Man that sucks buddy
Really sad wish I could do something for ya bud
Darn right it does suck big time stylie
But you have only to feel happyyou did do something
soon the council will be outta my hair again the house will have I hope better electric sockets
And really I guess it may just be a good time to clear things and get ready for a whole new grow in a few weeks
I can only hope an pray it will be only just over a week
Wishing you things to come sir
Top of the Day to you Jaga and a happy thurweedday. Dam your in a scary situation. Haven't read back so not sure what is going on but you will get it figured out. I'm thinking of getting my medical card so I can grow again. There is talk of trying to get it passed to grow our own which would be great. Medically we can grow 6 plants but as of now recreational you can't grow. grrrr Hope you and Padi are doing good. Be safe. Bill
Fuck the council
Good day Jaga!
OMG candles I was just saying some ones gonna have the ideaWhat is the temp sir? Any light running at normal schedule will prevent shock. If you can get the temp anywhere around 40f......they shouldnt shock.....for a week. Candles?
A couple or so years back I had a similar thing when they upgraded the kitchensMan I just sorta had to do the same thing.. My building was going under maintenance for a week I had to pull some crazy shit but I David blaine'd their asses and made a room of my place disappear and they never noticed because my building has so many floor plans..hahaha but I was so scared when they were in here looking around.. And I didnt know what day they were coming. Its a nightmare but You can do it bro and I think the plants will live through the cold in the shed.. Go adopt a bunch of kittens to go in there as body heaters.. Hahaha I dont know that's terrible.. think of something they are so beautiful...but if there is no choice dont get busted. Chop
I like that as well but wht also happened is family the better halfs side smoke an he likes a toke in the shed with me and I dont want anyone knowing plus I think ts just time for me to have a week maybe lil longer holiday from growing Nah dont work still feels like crap And hey I am sory fo missing all of these posts I was as high as last night so im all good like tat ,,I am also doing this to see how well it can be cleaned up so far so good 5 years an mess an dust get every place weed an allPut a bunch of doves in there or chickens.. And put the plants up high.. Or use fireblankets to make teepees over the plants and put candles inside the teepee.. Or something..what about coal in a bbq grill.. Let the fire go out where is just smoldering coals and close the lid and put it in the shed..the metal lid and bowl would stay hot for a while right.. Idk just trying to brain storm
Love ya jaga .
Keep those spirits high don't let em knock ya down bud. I got ya bro.
That was an idea that even now im still contemplating soz for missing these postsPut the plants in garbage bags till council leaves