JadeLotus First Stealth Grow!

Things are looking nice and green!

Cloning can be a pain in the are lol I still haven't mastered it yet. Sofar cheap OK stim root powder.

Water cloning or bubble cloning also works for me. Just make sure the water is around 75c. Aeration helps but isn't needed for a few clones.

Just doing a drive bye. Hey you might wanna water till you get 10-20% run off. Always good to throw some extra water at her. And let her get fairly dry between watering. Once you get use to the pot you'll know by the weight. And not sure what kind of soil your using as a non-soil? I assume you are talking soilless substrate as in no food values. I kind of like being 'god' as far as what I feed mine. There are a lot of nice goodie you can throw in there. I see your feeding so sounds like you have something with all the macro nutrients. Good looking plant. I'll have to go back and see what's what. But you can clone straight in soil. You have to keep the temps right and the humidity right but it is do able for sure. You can look up willow water for cloning too. Seeping willow tips in water, something like that. Well GL if you give her a shot and Keepem Green
Thanks for the looksie Norcaliwood!! The soil is a coco mixture and I didn't realize it. I will get a pic of it in the morning. I haven't actually watered her so that there would be runoff. I am using Fox Farm liquid nutes, but not the powder. Just don't have the money for them. I'm mixing them with rainwater! :) I thought I was doing the right thing by skipping a day of water but she was all droopy the next morning! I'm determined to clone her! Ill probably try a few different ways so hopefully one will work!:thumb: seriously tho this plant is growing like crazy! Had to move the light up again.

Thanks everyone for subbing! :thanks:
Thanks for the looksie Norcaliwood!! The soil is a coco mixture and I didn't realize it. I will get a pic of it in the morning. I haven't actually watered her so that there would be runoff. I am using Fox Farm liquid nutes, but not the powder. Just don't have the money for them. I'm mixing them with rainwater! :) I thought I was doing the right thing by skipping a day of water but she was all droopy the next morning! I'm determined to clone her! Ill probably try a few different ways so hopefully one will work!:thumb: seriously tho this plant is growing like crazy! Had to move the light up again.

Thanks everyone for subbing! :thanks:
As your plant grows you will be adjusting your watering schedule. I've found out with my soil grow that many factors can affect your plants requirements. Best thing to do is just check them at least once a day, try to do it at the same time each day if your only checking once. Getting familiar with your plant and seeing what it does each day is the key to keeping problems under control.
Hi JadeLotus i have been cloning my plants with plantella rhizopone last time and it works great.Just cut the clone put it in rhizopone and put it in soil,i noticed the growing after 3-3,5 weeks.I got 8 of 10 clones and i didn't care abought them too much,they was on balcony and at the night under the cfl.I heard that someone use honey as a root stimulans,i didn't try that so i can't judge.But i know that honey is antibacterial what is not good for roots i think,because bacteria in soil is necessary for plant.Anybody correct me if i am wrong but i have read abought it somewhere on the net.I have also try with pure water and i didn't have any problems with that.Just take clone cut it alongside of stem abought 1cm for beter root development(i do this all the time),put it in cup of water for 24-48 hours and then put it in soil and wait for veging again.you will see how often you need to water soil,soil allways need to be wet.I didn't have any problem with that kind of cloning so far.Sorry for bad english and i think i helped a little.:goodjob:
This is picture of my clone grown with rhizopone.
I was looking for an inexpensive way to clone. I work from sun up to sun down so I check my plant before work and after. Just recently she has been wilty. Again this morning, but not as bad. I put enough water through till it ran out the bottom. Hopefully that helps.

I tried 2 clones last night and ill probably take 2 more right before I flip to 12/12.

I have Pro Mix for soil! :)
Just looking back in. If you do decide to get some cloning solution, I know there are tons out there, myself I use the Vitagrow. Like 20$ for a supply that wood last forever. Well damn near anyways. There are also rooting powders that are a lot cheaper you can get on E-Bay for cheap. I've never used the powder myself but I know afew who have with good results. Them 'brownies' like Haze is using work great also Just need to put a dome over them to keep the humidity levels up close to 100% for awhile. GL and Keepem Green
I found some really cheap rooting powder that will work until I can get somewhere to get anything better. Let me just say it was hard to find any kind of rooting hormone. But there are limited garden centers for me to shop at. If the stuff works, great! If not, not a big loss since MY SEED ORDER ARRIVED! Woo!!
if you clone in plain water make sure its a dark container that no light can get into
if you clone in plain water make sure its a dark container that no light can get into

Thanks Chronichemphog! Ill keep that advice in mind for next time. They are currently in the jiffy expanding pucks. The container is clear because my dog ate the one that came with the pucks. :)
You should try training that plant a little. Check out what I'm doing with my single plant small grow. It is the second link in my signature.
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