JadeLotus First Stealth Grow!

:rip: let's have a moment of silence for my lady. :rip:

My mother-in-law showed up right on time to help trim. Said it reminded her of when she used to grow as a kid and grabbed the extra scissors and joined in. As we were chatting, smoking, and listening to the rain, she said we should throw the bottom of the plant back in and finish in a week or two. She has experience so I went along with it.

Here is what's left.
Condolences and congratulations lol

Letting the bottom half finish is like a double edged sword. U might gain a bit of quantity and a bit of quality. But the stress it puts the plant under might cause second half to Hermie. Had it happen once to me, but I'm still not quite sure if it was because I started feeding again or the stress of chopping 3/4 of the plant. I've read people with same expierence.

Either way looks like your going to have some nice smoke real soon!

Congrats again and +rep for completing first harvest!
I was talking with the hubby about changes to the larger cabinet after this harvest.
1. Install another socket and Y fixture to double the number of CFLs.
2. Add the Mylar on the walls like the little cabinet.
3. More holes in the shelves for better airflow.

Not sure if this interests you or not. But when I did cfl 4 or 5 years ago. On eBay I found 4 socket splitters for photography. Holds 4 bulbs into 1 socket. And they don't take a ton of head room, like splitting 2 y connectors. This way I was able to mix spectrum if I wanted to aswell. I think they were under $20 each.
My buds have always been loaded with crystals the stress of the first part of harvest seems to make the plant try and protect herself so is a lot more resinous and sticky so imo oppinion no it doesnt stunt it actually helps and there is still new growth when the cola comes down if you check back on my first grow theres about 6/8 plants I done it with and shows trich production :roorrip:
My buds have always been loaded with crystals the stress of the first part of harvest seems to make the plant try and protect herself so is a lot more resinous and sticky so imo oppinion no it doesnt stunt it actually helps and there is still new growth when the cola comes down if you check back on my first grow theres about 6/8 plants I done it with and shows trich production :roorrip:

Took a glance at your completed journal. I had considered a partial harvest but hadn't heard back from anyone trying before.
Good info.
As a fumbling, stumbling gardener I adore a bit of good root action. You have made my evening. And a jar of nugs is the cherry on the icing on the chocolate of the cake. The bottom and the tops all in one post. Top of the shop, Ms. Lotus.
I heard back from the seedbank. They will replace the seeds that were crushed when I place another order. I wish they would have sent them now. I didn't plan to order anymore anytime soon. I have plenty to play with. Then I looked at their august promotion and decided I'll order something for the free seeds. :) I really wanted to do the Pineapple Express before the Amsterdam vacation. :passitleft: :bong:
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