J6K - GreenSun Led ZNET4 Test Run

Well, as has been the case the past 4 times I contacted Amy, she replied within an hour or so and:

A) answered final questions in a few emails (all answered within mere minutes)
B) sent me the invoice via PayPal and then...
C) within 5 minutes of paying she acknowledged receipt of the payment and...
D) explained the 3 business day (in my case, just when I happened to order, your waiting time may vary, etc...) assembly time and that she would contact me as soon as the unit was ready to ship.

She has been extremely polite and quick to respond, always. She has THE BEST PRICING IN TOWN as well as a fantastic warranty. And let's not forget the large monetary investment to become a sponsor (Thank you to all of our sponsors!) and then the knowing that her product would stand up and perform so she delivered samples for us to critique and, well, abuse for our own personal amusement. lol

Great English. Well, not perfect but far better then half the folks on the internet (our forums excluded of course. lol)

Seriously I can't see the downside yet and I promise I agonized for a real long time over this whole "is the time finally NOW for LED's???".

It is from what I can see by TOPLED's performance with fine folks such as Jimmy with his grow.

PINKY- I am sooooo ungodly jealous you got a picture!!! I don't even know you and I loathe you right now! (of course I'm joking, thanks for whetting my appetite for this darn set of lights even more!!! lol

No more words can let me feel so good.I work very late everyday,sometimes very frustrated and tired,Buuut I really love working with you.Members on 420 are really nice.
Well, as has been the case the past 4 times I contacted Amy, she replied within an hour or so and:

A) answered final questions in a few emails (all answered within mere minutes)
B) sent me the invoice via PayPal and then...
C) within 5 minutes of paying she acknowledged receipt of the payment and...
D) explained the 3 business day (in my case, just when I happened to order, your waiting time may vary, etc...) assembly time and that she would contact me as soon as the unit was ready to ship.

She has been extremely polite and quick to respond, always. She has THE BEST PRICING IN TOWN as well as a fantastic warranty. And let's not forget the large monetary investment to become a sponsor (Thank you to all of our sponsors!) and then the knowing that her product would stand up and perform so she delivered samples for us to critique and, well, abuse for our own personal amusement. lol

Great English. Well, not perfect but far better then half the folks on the internet (our forums excluded of course. lol)

Seriously I can't see the downside yet and I promise I agonized for a real long time over this whole "is the time finally NOW for LED's???".

It is from what I can see by TOPLED's performance with fine folks such as Jimmy with his grow.

PINKY- I am sooooo ungodly jealous you got a picture!!! I don't even know you and I loathe you right now! (of course I'm joking, thanks for whetting my appetite for this darn set of lights even more!!! lol
Thank's Guess,:thumb: I believe you meant to say GreenSun but it is very easy to get mixed up when researching good led company's.No big deal.:tokin:
I am happy you decide to try GreenSun and hope you are as satisfied with them as much as I am so far.
It's ok, I am envying myself right now. LOL! Just kidding, I am counting the minutes! Good luck getting yours soon too!:Namaste:
Well it won't be long now,as I hear you will soon be getting the tracking # today.:party:
I'm "oh-so-close" to being able to PM and ask this, sorry to have to do it here. Jimmy, I have re-read all these pages and I am not sure I ever did see the optimum height and a definitive answer to the discoloration spots early on. Did you decide that was the light being too close or to a cal/mag issue? From the pics and what you wrote I am thinking you settled in the 18-30" range for distance from LED to canopy but I'd love to learn from your experience where ya landed exactly. I will need to rework the room a bit for these new lights and this will help me decide what I will have to do to get it done.

Thanks again for the help buddy and your grow looks fricking fantastic sir! So good it made me buy these LED's! lol
I started with them at about a foot,then after reading and doing more research I found that good led's do not need or do you want them that close.I have since kept them at 2 foot,but I would say that 18-30 would be perfect range to shot for and build around.
just went threw your journal, awesome man nug field is coming out great :D
Thank's aztec,It's my first time flowering with led.So far I am liking what I see.End result's will say it all tho.
Great update J6k plants look Happy and Healthy
Thank's Chronic,and pop in any time and say anything you want to in this house.:circle-of-love::Namaste:
No more words can let me feel so good.I work very late everyday,sometimes very frustrated and tired,Buuut I really love working with you.Members on 420 are really nice.
You are doing great Amy and we are all great full for all the long night's and hard work you put for us.:thanks::circle-of-love:

I will be up-dating tonight or first thing in the morning,I still need to get the defoliation done.
I have been a little busy getting back to work and now have the rest of the week off so I'll get it done for sure.
Thank you J6K:joint:

The circle of love continues... :circle-of-love:
Well I got the girl's defoliated,but do not have a camera and do not want to use my phone or any other device's.I just do not like the quality I get from them.I will get them up,just as soon as I can get some decent shot's with a camera.
I will say that the bud's at this stage are just as dense and tight as I get from hps.I am not just saying that.I am an hps in flower kind of guy and am hoping they continue to show me that they can do just as good and even better as far as bud size and quality.
I am surprised and very happy with the way that they are budding now,so we shall see how it go's.:thumb:
Thanks for the update. Defol is my current reading so fantastic timing. I think if my LEDs take the temp down a few degrees (and I know that isn't a guarantee) then the growth and bud formation will pick up. That is what I am rationalizing spending money with at least.
Well I got the girl's defoliated,but do not have a camera and do not want to use my phone or any other device's.I just do not like the quality I get from them.I will get them up,just as soon as I can get some decent shot's with a camera.
I will say that the bud's at this stage are just as dense and tight as I get from hps.I am not just saying that.I am an hps in flower kind of guy and am hoping they continue to show me that they can do just as good and even better as far as bud size and quality.
I am surprised and very happy with the way that they are budding now,so we shall see how it go's.:thumb:

Cool!I have heart a lot from growers that LED are working well for veg but not as good as HPS,Now we can tell them that LEDs will do a perfect job !
Jimmy- Thanks for bringing this to my attention. So embarrassed to have used the wrong name! I've felt bad for 2 days about this now, very very sorry.


I will have to write that 100 times on the chalk board as penance. So sorry to have mis-named the vendor. 1000 apologies!!!

Can't wait to get my lights, very, very excited. I think Amy should make me wait a few extra days as punishment! lol
What one's did you get?:bravo:
Me Pinky? If so, 3 of the ZNET4's with the latest combo Jimmy has with the 2 whites per cluster. I'm super envious you have room for the ZNET16!

If not, pardon me intruding...

Have a great weekend all!
That is so awesome Guesstimator! I am going to put it in a 4x4. Do you think that's ok?:Namaste:

I just subbed to your journal after reading thru it all. You got your tracking number, and that is awesome news! I am so jealous dude, that is fantastic. Congrats indeed! The plants look great and I'd be likely to agree with you and others on the humidity thing, but I am far more new than you my friend so take it for what it's worth. lol

I think that light is going to kill that area (in the most fantastic of ways!). That'll be great I reckon! I am so excited to see your pics when it is installed! I truly am happy for you man, it's nice to see good people happy! (and to know my lights are right behind yours!!! lol)
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