J Dubbs First Real Grow

havent posted in a while.. everything is shocked and i am super bummed.. had to emergency e-vac garden to friends and girls have all been under fluorescents again for almost a week now.. light cycle nutrients everything off track now.. hope it all works out soon.. fuck landlords and moving into new places.. horrible timing but what can you do..
sorry to hear about the move mate, never easy halfway through a grow, not something id want to do myself, they should pick up though mate, just make sure your not over or under watering, and if your still in veg leave the lights on 24 hours a day till they pick up, then you can bring the lighting schedule back down or keep it at 24-0 till you flip 12-12 for flower
So finally have everything back up and running and on a consistent nutrient and light schedule! girls seem happy to be back under HPS.
Lost the top to one of the sour d's in transition so i am really bummed about that.. everything else seemed to make it through alright just got shaken around pretty hard unfortunately. haha but never again gotta plan this shit better around any and all moves!! fucking nightmare!! here are some pics of the new room more to come here in the next couple days!
thanks bro! just glad to make it through the move! haha. tent comes next week so can finally start venting into attic as opposed to outside for all the world to smell ;) haha. next on my list is a carbon filter but ill probably have to wait until next go round to afford it.
my tallest now is about 22" away from 1000w HPS :/ i need a fuckin light mover! haha new ceilings are 7.5' where my previous place had 8'! WEAKKK!
i bet them plants are stinking as well, you could always make one of those ona buckets, get some of them ona gel packs, and then drill holes in the sides of a bucket above half way up, then mount a fan in the lid of the bucket so its blowing the air into the bucket and out the vents you drilled in the sides, then put the ona gel in the bottom and fill with water a few inches, then turn the fan on, it will then force the smell through the bucket and into the gel and it will pump nice smelling air out the vents you drilled, have a search around and see what you can come up with, for now i use gel air fresheners and plug in air fresheners and if i start to notice the smell to much i light some of those stink incence sticks, that usually does the trick
lets hope! got some updates coming now need HELP!! if anyone might know whats going down with my leaves. you will see pics and I was not too concerned at first but seems to be multiplying daily and now have these weird spots and leaves on all my girls!! ughhhh haha
most of the above^^ are wk 7 of flowering but a couple of the single shots and hps lighted shots are week 6

and now if anyone can help here are pictures of what my leaves on all my plants are beginning to look like :/
overreacting i know.. but it started last week with one leaf on one or two plants and now is up to anywhere from 5-10 on 6 of the 7 plants
i love the afghani though.. when i had thrips early in veg not one made it to the afghan and with this now every plant is showing signs of what im guessing is some sort of deficiency but the afghani hasnt skipped a beat. BEASTTTT i just am super concerned bc a lot of these deficiencies at this stage will stunt and diminish my harvest :(. haha.. anyone have any ideas..?
are you misting or spraying the leaves, it looks like my plants did, i used to mist mine every few days and then my leaves went like that then some of the new buds started looking burned, i then found out that the water was burning the leaves with the lights on, so now i dont spray the leaves at all as its not needed, if you have to use foliar sprays or you really want to spray then only do it after the lights have gone off so the lights wont cause any problems then, if your not spraying the leaves then id say it might be to much nutes, try reducing the dose slightly and see if that stops the problem, apart from that i cant really help you mate,
Thanks don! Yeah probably went a little too high on the nutes as I am not spraying so I'll probably give em a flush and chill out a little bit with that extra tbsp I tried to slip in ;) hahah thanks man
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