I've got Spider Mites, now what do I do?

Where did u hear this? Can u provide a source? Got my info previously provided From Jorge Cervantes' Marijuana Horticulture indoor/outdoor medical growers bible. Don't believe half of the crap u hear especially if the person can't back the info. Honestly soap dissolving an insect or spider sounds absurd. I would have a problem using soap on myself if it dissolved another type of flesh. If that's the case soap would dissolve all spiders I would think. Think about it. Kids would be spaying bugs like they dump salt on snail or a magnifying glass on ants. Make sense? Hope so. I suggest that u do a little reading 4 urself. :peace:
Insecticidal soap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia says "Insecticidal soap works only on direct contact with the pests. The fatty acids disrupt the structure and permeability of the insect cell membranes. The cell contents are able to leak from the damaged cells, and the insect quickly dies."

Not exactly dissolving, but close....

I've used Safers Insecticidal Soap for years and it's good stuff.

It dissolves the hard coating on insects like scale and lets the inside juices out and they die.

Not sure about mites though. I'll have to find mine.

Smells good and will wash off with a good rinse or 2.

ladybugs eat everything takes 3 to5 days to get them 16 dollars for 900 they will last your grow notoxic.how far into your grow are you?send in the tanks lol
ladybugs eat everything takes 3 to5 days to get them 16 dollars for 900 they will last your grow notoxic.how far into your grow are you?send in the tanks lol

LOL. Got a good visual of like a war scene in A Bug's Life o somethin. The Cricket Commander shouts "send in the tanks" and in come lady bugs.
Ladybugs for mite control according to Cervantes

I don't doubt it. I've had conversations where they said if they stay and don't fly into the light then they're the shit.Others have said they can't keep up withe mites because they can only eat so much. In optimal conditions mite are said to lay up to 200 eggs and they hatch every 10 days. I also read that a ladybug can only eat a few mites and eggs a day. I'll probably have to edit this after I comb thru some literature ti verify what I'm sayin. Just read thru my Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor Medical Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes and according to it, I'm pretty much on point. If u've had success with ladybugs ur doin somethin right. The bible states "Most of the predators and parasites that do well in an indoor HID garden cannot fly. Insects that can fly often head straight for the lamp. Ladybugs are a perfect example. If 500 ladybugs are released on Monday, by Friday, only a few diehards will be left. The rest will have popped of the lamp. If using flying predators or parasitoids release when its dark. They will live longer." (Cervantes 356)
Re: Ladybugs for mite control according to Cervantes

I had mites once, I went all out. First I removed as much soil as I could without damaging the roots and then re-potted them in new soil. I bought this stuff you can find at Lowes, Home Depot, or maybe a Hydro store called Diasticious Earth (I think its mispelled) and covered the soil with 1/2-1 inch layer, that stuff is supposed to dry them up when they walk on it. Then I got some neem concentrate dissolved it in water and watered every 2-3 days during night cycle(keep mixture cold). I had them in grow bags so I covered them and cut a 3-5 inch square whole and covered it with pantyhose to feed and airate. After you do that you basically keep what is in the soil there and when they surface they get dried up, and the neem takes care of the ones that are in the foliage. Oh and I forgot, I gave them 3 Bottles of lady bugs as well to devour the little bastards. So far its been a few months without them, if in flower though I would skip the neem concentrate on the foliage because it will make your buds taste like crap and might cause mold.
Sound like u pulled out all the bells and whistles. However, I don't know how neem and lady bugs mix. Interested to see tho. I would have used the lady bugs 1st and when they seemed to have died off I would have applied the neem. I'm not sure mites occupy soil too much. They suck fluids from foliage, not roots. They lay eggs on the underside of leaves so the young begin life eating foliage as well. Not sure diatomeaceous earth is an effective control for mites. Now had u said u were gonna dust the leaves with it well.......never mind don't try that. That was my imagination speaking.
sounds more like dehydrating by osmosis. Diatomaceous earth has a similar effect. good read, thanks.

Sort of, yeah. The soap dissolves the coating and the DE puts scratches in it. Bugs can't repair the scratches like we would scab over a cut and dehydrate.

I would be hesitant to put DE on a plant. It comes from the skeletons of diatoms and while non toxic, is pretty much like super fine ground glass. Nasty stuff if inhaled or ingested. I've used it in my garden (wear a mask!!), but only on the surface around the base of plants. Never ON the plants and for sure never on my veggies.

Also, don't use the soap during flowering. Learned that the hard way with orchids and I guess it would be the same with grass.

Sound like u pulled out all the bells and whistles. However, I don't know how neem and lady bugs mix. Interested to see tho. I would have used the lady bugs 1st and when they seemed to have died off I would have applied the neem. I'm not sure mites occupy soil too much. They suck fluids from foliage, not roots.

The lady bugs were dying like crazy, but that is why I had to buy three. I would put them in a day after I would spray and let them live till they died. I was just trying to get them out asap. I don't know what did it but the bastards took 5 of mine with them before they were gone.
stay at home lady bugs can fly but they have 10000 offspring with in a week that are engineered so they cant, 900 goes to 10000.i dont like to spray toxins on my plants an in my grow room. Cover the end of your light with a screen np, I use lady bugs and my copy of cervantes maybe old and i dont need to reference it much anymore, as i have the last 1000 times.I think i am on point here.I would much rather go organic killer then pesticides in my garden.
Is it synthetic or a derived from a natural souce. The mite-rid that is. Heard U speak of it b4. Toxic at all?
According to the company that manufactures it:



MITE-RID has been developed for the specific purpose of dealing with the dreaded red spider and two spotted mite. MITE-RID works by leaf absorption, so the need to get under the canopy of the crop is no longer necessary. When MITE-RID penetrates the leaf tissue any mite that tries to attack the plant will be eradicated. One application is usually all that is needed although an additional spray may be required to clean up any eggs, or if the infestation is heavy.
MITE-RID is quickly setting the standard as an effective treatment with next to no plant sensitivity. MITE-RID is definitely the new product to replace your existing spray program.
Use MITE-RID in both outdoor and indoor, soil or hydroponic applications.
This concentrate (45mls), makes up 18 litres of spray.
You will not believe how effective this organic pesticide is! Fully organic, and derived from the neem tree, the active ingredient is compound called azadirachtin.
I have a problem bringing poison in my home and using it on thing i ingest

I definitely agree, but when my babies started dying imma bring out the "guns." And besides, I used it months before harvest so all of the nasty stuff has been washed off because I spray every day with water during the night period in vegg. Hopefully I never have to but I'll try that MITE-RID if I ever need to... knock on wood.
I definitely agree, but when my babies started dying imma bring out the "guns." And besides, I used it months before harvest so all of the nasty stuff has been washed off because I spray every day with water during the night period in vegg. Hopefully I never have to but I'll try that MITE-RID if I ever need to... knock on wood.


What you can (and will), do for your momma's and veg plants is way different than something in flower.

Then, I can't agree with PitViper more. I've ingested enough poisons by accident without doing it deliberately.

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