New Member
Dude I don't see a problem passing that man!. Amare is the truthYo, its hard to put into words for real. It takes some time to get used to for sure. Im used to this purple light from Mars. And I havent had enough grows to judge the quality of the actual performance. But as far as everything else. They are Tony the Tiger all day. I love how they even come with the little metal brackets so if or when you want to buy another, it can just be hooked up together to make one light kinda. Its a very high quality light. Now again...I reserve the right to change my mind down the road, and if I dont like something. I will for sure say it. Hopefully I wont get into trouble again. But it is what it is and people not only have the right to know, but they NEED to know the truth about these products. good and bad. SO far from AMARE....GOOD. But I wont really know until after I do a full photo run. That way I can some what compare to the grows Iv have in the past under the 192. And although I will be growing different strains, I should Always get at least 2zzs a plant. Anything over 3zzs is AMARE as in the 3 grows Iv had with my 192, none have yielded 4. Of course that may be due to me using 3 gallon pots. I read that you can expect a zz per gallon of soil. IDK how true but makes sense. I only really need 3 fat zzs per plant but would love 4. I dont know if AMARE will be able to bypass that problem but we shall see.
No comparison to Mars man . The se250 killed my pro160. I just thought it didn't but I didn't know how to use . Once a couple guys told me how to use it . It destroys the Mars
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