ItsChrome - Reborn - Hempy + CFL - WW - Blueberry - Twilight - Mekong High

Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Transplant phase day 4 (of 5): Every one

not a whole lot to report today. Every one is healthy and happy as we wrap up their 5 day transplant period. Growth is steadily increasing , no negative coloration or leaf mutations. The little blip with the blueberry does not seem to be carrying on to the next leaf set. They received their 2nd dose of transplant nute mix today.


clock wise from noon: Twilight, Blueberry, Orange Bud, Kandy kush.

Also any discoloration of the top layer of perlite is not algae but rather merely caused by the wicking of water from the peat pellets up to the surface.
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Chrome I am growing blueberry too today is day 23 for me my journal is on here and i have the same funky leaf thing it happens randomly but has had no adverse affect on them as they are growing great so far!
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Veg day 7 : every one.

Ok before you all wonder just how bad I am at math let me explain, I count the transplant days as part of the veg. How ever I track out the first five days of the transplant as for feeding reasons.

There are no photos right now how ever they look amazing! I gave them their first veg feeding today and they should be looking even better soon! The veg feed was 1/4 strength of the veg stage nute mix. If you want exact measurements of how much and of what I can post 'em.

there is a bit of a snag coming up in the grow which does worry me a bit. There have been some personal developments that are requiring me to move 225 miles.. Yay.. I am worried about how the ladies will handle the move. any one have any advice on transporting them to help reduce risk of shock?
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

I drove just rooted clones about 200 miles witn no issues. I used a box that had an insert kinda like a cass of glass bottles.
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Veg day 7 : every one.

Just popping in to post a quick photo of the ladies. so you all can see how lovely they are!


clockwise from top: Twilight, Blueberry, Orange Bud, Kandy Kush

PBRMJ: thats cool, gives me some hope. I still feel nervous about it though. I mean they are my babies!
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

dam man your ladies got real nice they showed some good growth goodluck..lates
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

They look great Chrome make sure you fasten their seat belts! It's been one thing after another for you... how's your knee doing?
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Veg day 8: every one.
Total time: Blueberry, Twilight: 24 days - Orange Bud , Kandy Kush 15 days

So the ladies where looking sexy and asked that I share some photos. I love this stage in the grow when they are growing so fast they look different every time I look at them.




xbox4him: They are perfect aren't they. My perfect little angels. :smokin: As for transport they wont be getting any light unfortunately as I fear the sunlight will shock them worse than the dark. I picked up a wine box with dividers for their transport.

ComoradeBudds: Glad to have you aboard! theres snack and drink over there in the corner, help your self!

420buddha: Thanks brother! they are growing so fast now that they have been getting the veg nutes.

BlueDog: Thanks brother! You better believe they will be buckled in :laughtwo:. yeah its been a trying period the past few weeks/months but its going to get better after the move. I have to believe that. The knees much better still weak some times but 90% better, thanks for asking.

I promise to make some rounds to all your grows as soon as I can, things have been crazy over here.
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Looking great, man. How many cfls are you using?
Keep it up!:smokin:

high Fester!

Thanks man, I'm so happy with them right now. At the moment I am using 12 23watt bulbs. 8 6500k and 4 2700k. Though I am really only utilizing the 8 6500k and the 4 2700k are not directly acting with the plants.
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

Holy cow guys. I have totally forgotten about this place for the past week.

Well a quick update. they all seem to be doing well. they got a little in shock for a few days but growth is back on track. Yesterday while at wThe blue berry shot up into the lights and burned her self real good. missed the main shoot though so she will be just fine.

My space is less than Ideal as it is way to small and I cannot fit enough lights in to it. I will be hunting down alternatives shortly.

They will be starting on full nutes next week and will be transplanted in a few days as well. will try my best to get a photo update soon. Life is crazy.
Re: ItsChrome: Reborn> Hempy + CFL - WW/Blueberry/Twilight/Mekong High

That cool bro pics if you have them, keep up the good work.
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