Well-Known Member
did a bit of training today!
Not sure how I'm going to deal with my one non topped in amongst a bunch of scroggers but I'll figure it out somehow!
Got a COB setup Im wanting to put in but I need to think of how I'm going to A) fit it in and B) what height to run it at...
I don't want to spend all the time training the other girls so their colas are the same height and then have Herman Munster towering over and taking all the rays. I'm going to have serious think about about pulling it out of the room and revegging.
Does anybody have experience running two techniques so close by like this?
I can only assume that because my light is further away from the majority of the canopy due to Herman's height that it will hinder the general quality and size of the rest? Initially I wanted to replace the Peyote cookies I snapped as I felt I'd loose out in final yield but that now is less important to me than the quality of my entire room!
Thanks everyone for their defol info! Im gonna try 1 minor defol day after tomorrow and then a bigger one after stretch is done.
This is how off the beaten path my brain works, wrap the pot to keep the grow media in and lay it on its side drill a hole in top to water