I just took off some leaves and a couple small branches from the bases in preparation. On New Years Eve my plants will be 50 days.
I want to chime in on the defoliation debate. If you can actually see through your plant in even its thickest parts then don't ever cut a leaf. I cut my plants because I HAVE to. The monster fan leaves smother the base of my plants. The air circulation is for poop *I'm gonna edit my language for the ladies present (Freak). I don't cut all of them... I dig growing leaves larger than my size 13 feet, and i know they come in handy in late flower, but I will never have a shortage of leaves.
DWC, when done correctly, will rock the roots, make a huge stem, And a million and a half leaves in a season. If I take a leaf I know it will be replaced with a larger one in less than a week.
So, i get the defol. debate. But let's look at it on a case by case basis. If youre growing Dr. Grinspoon, or some other exotic sativa you will never need defoliation. But I may take 50 leaves off of an indica during its life for a few reasons. 1. Ventilation, 2. To get that bump in growth just before I flip. 3. It seriously helps manipulating branches etc. in the scrog. 4. If I don't, i will grow cabbage. The leaves grow into each other and I need to comb my fingers through the leaves daily to get them to separate. What I try not to do is take leaves within a few nodes from the top. 80% is in the middle of the plant
I totally get the leaves are the plants solar panel, and the whole transpiration gig, but in my situation if i pull one I have 10 more behind it. I've read through a few spicy discussions on this and the problem is people lump this topic onto ALL pot plants. Even funnier are the people who can't understand why defoliating outdoor plants isnt as popular. Or that God made the plants like this for a reason. We need to treat this topic just like all the other factors in this game. Some plants like nutes some dont. Some plants you top, some you don't etc. Keep it on a case by case basis.
There are a few discussions that really get people going in our chosen hobby (not so much here thankfully). Which light is best... Which nutrient combo is best... and should one defoliate. As for the later, i do, i see immediate results, and i will never stop.