I had one outside last year... more of a tester... all my neighbours are much older and always curious about what I got in the garden. All my neighbours were raised in the house I bought... they're all best kind and nice neighbours but i don't know what they would said about weed plants growing.
So I'll have some in fabric pots the summer. That way I can move and hide if anyone comes around.
I've got a 16x8 GH, very basic 2x3 wood and a roll of poly, also I've got a 16x12 garden as well... the soil in my garden isn't the greatest, it was just a couple dump truck loads of topsoil. I've added 2 large cubes of peat, 8 bags of seafood compost, 4 bags of manure, and a lot of my own compost bin and kelp from the beach. It helped but still isn't good soil yet, gonna add more peat and kelp, hoping that will improve it again this year.
Gonna try to grow enough ground cherries to be able to sell them at a market. That are a excellent fruit.