It started by Accident

If I am understanding you right, if I was growing indoors I could control the amount of light and make the plant bud sooner but since it's outside I have to wait on mother nature to adjust lighting is that correct? If so, would it help or hurt the plant to move it to indoor lighting now? Fortunately in Oklahoma it does not start to get cold at night until October so should I just leave it where it is since it's doing so well?
I grow outdoors myself so I’d leave it out. It’s also huge so you would either cut it in half or something drastic.

But yes you do understand correctly. When grown inside every single variable is your responsibility. People grow in veg (the stage of growth when the plant puts on size and branches) untill they have the size plant they want or get the training they want done, then they change the lighting schedule to “flip” to flowering growth ( when the plant starts to make buds or male pollen junk). Those are the two main growth stages aside from germination and seedling.

It is a lot of fun to grow and you may want to look into getting a grow tent setup if you think controlling when the plant flowers sounds good to you. But for the current plant you have I’d personally just watch it and learn what you can. Then get some good seeds and put in some effort next grow, indoor or out. Your plant is incredible as it is and nature should take care of the light. You have a beautiful plant going.
Thank you for the knowledge and the link to the OK forum. I never intended to be a grower but I'm pretty sure seeds are Bubba Kush cause that's what we get normally...not sure can smell it from feet away though...I have the growing bug now lol
Growing is very addictive and fun. Can be stressful at times too. But the hobby is very rewarding after a bountiful harvest.

When I lived in Puerto Rico many years ago we used to throw all our weed seeds in this planter just off the front porch. Well one day we are all sitting around after a long day of surfing on the front porch. Drinking beer and rolling up a number when we realized there was a little pot plant growing in the planter. I never got to see how she turned out cause I packed up my stuff and traded my car for a one way ticket home. Great times....I miss those carefree days.
Growing is very addictive and fun. Can be stressful at times too. But the hobby is very rewarding after a bountiful harvest.

When I lived in Puerto Rico many years ago we used to throw all our weed seeds in this planter just off the front porch. Well one day we are all sitting around after a long day of surfing on the front porch. Drinking beer and rolling up a number when we realized there was a little pot plant growing in the planter. I never got to see how she turned out cause I packed up my stuff and traded my car for a one way ticket home. Great times....I miss those carefree days.
I feel you sounds like one of those times to remember! If this plant didn't grow like it did I wouldn't be here. She is a monster and I can't wait to see what happens.
Hi @Bakers61. Nice plant! If I may make a suggestion, give fish emulsion fertilizer a try. It stinks but it's organic, way better than Miracle Grow and just as easy.
Good luck with her. I'm gonna tag along and watch her soar.
I appreciate you and the entire forum you guys are awesome and don't treat newbies like me badly cause we don't know what we dont's nice to be here



I appreciate you and the entire forum you guys are awesome and don't treat newbies like me badly cause we don't know what we dont's nice to be here



Man when your here at 420 your family. Great bunch of people here that treat everyone with respect and kindness. Hell I'm a greenhorn here myself. Have a great evening.
I will look into that thanks..but I'm kinda in a "if if ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda mindset this close to the finish line.
You are not even close to the finish line:). There is the second half of the life of a cannabis plant still to go, at least 8 weeks and maybe up to 10 or 12 as long as the weather holds out. Even some of the fertilizers that are recommended for these plants can change as flowering starts.

I do not see any signs that the plant has been tied up so as to keep it from falling over during a strong storm come this fall. You have to figure that one out.

Hopefully you have done a bit of research so you know what the female flower and the male flower looks like for starters.
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