It started by Accident


420 Member
Hi all I am new here very new to growing. I have a plant that started outside by accident. It's now about 4 months old and 6 feet high but has not produced seeds or buds. It's huge and smells wonderful but seems totally asexual...any ideas..trying to attach pic
Hi @Bakers61 Welcome to 420
It will start to show its sex when the days shorten, closer to 12/12
Equinox is around 21 Sept so you may still have a while to wait
Welcome aboard @Bakers61.

My suggestion is to read several descriptions of the life cycle of a Marijuana plant. Easy enough to do a google style search using the phrase:
life cycle marijuana plant
and then read the first couple of suggested links. I would suggest one from this message board but I can't come up with one that is complete.

You will want to know about the vegetative stage and the flowering stage. By the looks of it you will have to read up on how to tell when the plant is sexually mature which it looks like your plant is already at that stage.

Once it starts to flower then it is time to figure out if it is a female plant or a male so spend some time looking at photos of flowering plants so you can learn to identify the females. When people grow their plants inside under artificial light they turn on the lights at once but outside there is a bit of time in the morning when they sunlight is slowly getting strong and again in the evening when it is slowly getting weaker. Being in Oklahoma I figure your plant will start to flower in about 7 to 12 days.

Your plant is a good sized one. Most likely you will need to do some some soil fertilizing very soon to support the needs of the plant once it starts flowering. Doing that and you should get a good harvest. Read up on fertilizing methods for soil and which fertilizers to use.

There is a sub-forum for Oklahoma growers. I will post the link below. I do not know how active it is but if you say hello there it might get a response from someone in the state. You could also ask when other outdoor growers have noticed their plants starting to flower.

OK, not very active at all but who knows, maybe asking will perk the fellow Oklahoma people up.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Bakers61

Nice looking accident you have there. :green_heart:
Will you try your hand at indoors growing this winter?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Welcome aboard @Bakers61.

My suggestion is to read several descriptions of the life cycle of a Marijuana plant. Easy enough to do a google style search using the phrase:
life cycle marijuana plant
and then read the first couple of suggested links. I would suggest one from this message board but I can't come up with one that is complete.

You will want to know about the vegetative stage and the flowering stage. By the looks of it you will have to read up on how to tell when the plant is sexually mature which it looks like your plant is already at that stage.

Once it starts to flower then it is time to figure out if it is a female plant or a male so spend some time looking at photos of flowering plants so you can learn to identify the females. When people grow their plants inside under artificial light they turn on the lights at once but outside there is a bit of time in the morning when they sunlight is slowly getting strong and again in the evening when it is slowly getting weaker. Being in Oklahoma I figure your plant will start to flower in about 7 to 12 days.

Your plant is a good sized one. Most likely you will need to do some some soil fertilizing very soon to support the needs of the plant once it starts flowering. Doing that and you should get a good harvest. Read up on fertilizing methods for soil and which fertilizers to use.

There is a sub-forum for Oklahoma growers. I will post the link below. I do not know how active it is but if you say hello there it might get a response from someone in the state. You could also ask when other outdoor growers have noticed their plants starting to flower.

OK, not very active at all but who knows, maybe asking will perk the fellow Oklahoma people up.
Hi it's been a little over a week since my first post. I haven't done much different except added some miracle grow the one time I watered it. Growing like crazy but I still can't tell if she is bud. Here r a couple pics close up.



Sure I will take all the advice I can get. I walked off the back porch this morning and that funky smell hit me in the face. The plant is as tall as my house bit won't flower...or seed...not sure why.
It won’t flower until the light from the sun is out 12 hours then night 12 hours.

The buds that you smoke are the flowers. When the flowers are pollinated they develop seeds within the buds. The flowers or buds, same thing, only happen with a female plant. Males have a totally different thing and you can’t smoke it. The males are the ones that produce pollen.

Your best friend is patience. If you are smelling it I’d like to say you probably don’t have a lot of time to wait before you can see some of the bud sites start to put out white hairs.
It won’t flower until the light from the sun is out 12 hours then night 12 hours.

The buds that you smoke are the flowers. When the flowers are pollinated they develop seeds within the buds. The flowers or buds, same thing, only happen with a female plant. Males have a totally different thing and you can’t smoke it. The males are the ones that produce pollen.

Your best friend is patience. If you are smelling it I’d like to say you probably don’t have a lot of time to wait before you can see some of the bud sites start to put out white hairs.
If I am understanding you right, if I was growing indoors I could control the amount of light and make the plant bud sooner but since it's outside I have to wait on mother nature to adjust lighting is that correct? If so, would it help or hurt the plant to move it to indoor lighting now? Fortunately in Oklahoma it does not start to get cold at night until October so should I just leave it where it is since it's doing so well?
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