Is This Your Homework Larry? Seedsman Skunk #1 In Soil

I just picked up Skunk #1 and Super Skunk from Sensi. I had such good luck with their Hindu and their Northern Lights, why not try their skunks. Not sure when I will run it, but soon hopefully.
I know what im watching tonight
It really is my bible lol, a path through this fkd up life. Sometimes when I get too opinionated or irritated I remember that, what would the dude say
Thanks for the kind words Van! And im glad you pointed me here!

Hey there Urban! Never knew you did LOS, did you just start? Your in for a super treat with that soil!! Im excited! My mix is nearly identical so I'll definitely be following along to see you do work :high-five:

You gonna throw some red wigglers in your bins/pots? I credit them for supercharging my little 10 gallon pot thats been sitting for ~5 months! My strawberry glue has absolutely exploded compared to the other two, one is in a rather small pot tho. Other than worms in the one, I've done nothing different!


Hope you dont mind the picture!

Edit: I know that one pot should be mulched! Just havent gotten around to it lol.
Thanks for the kind words Van! And im glad you pointed me here!

Hey there Urban! Never knew you did LOS, did you just start? Your in for a super treat with that soil!! Im excited! My mix is nearly identical so I'll definitely be following along to see you do work :high-five:

You gonna throw some red wigglers in your bins/pots? I credit them for supercharging my little 10 gallon pot thats been sitting for ~5 months! My strawberry glue has absolutely exploded compared to the other two, one is in a rather small pot tho. Other than worms in the one, I've done nothing different!


Hope you dont mind the picture!

Welcome LH!

I am in the same boat, didnt realize you did soil, I try to follow more soil and los journals than hydro/dwc/brix. I Have realized I can only retain so much information AND smoke cannabis lol.

I started with this LOS thing right from day 1. I document that journey a bit inmy first intro thread, but it was work, especially breaking down some local clay I harvested. That was some labour.

I started using 1gallon smart pots then 5 gallon for flower. But now I use the 32 gallon plastic totes.

I have had improving results each round but I have a lot of soil, and up to this point I was recycling the used grow medium back into the main soil supply. My first crop was a bit dissappointing but learned that I didnt need teas or foliars yet. The soil was very capable on its own, yet my buds were thin and airy, and some suspect it was because of too much nitrogen.

In between rounds I added some sawdust to try and tie up some nitrogen and dilute the soil a bit. Second round went better. Didnt feed foliars or teas. Still not great but I am not using big lights so, there are other variables. Better result but I could tell it needed more work.

This last round, I worked a bag or two of black earth into the mix, more humus with little nutrient value. I still thought I had too much N as I would see the odd clawing in the leaf tips. I also added a small kitchen bag stuff full of shredded paper from work. I want activity and processes to be going on as it sits around. The results are my best to date this time. I think the soil is getting better but, I still have a lot to learn.

I love the idea of adding some red wigglers. Been pondering that for a while. It might be time. I also should add something to the top of the soil like bark or hay. Just improving the site for micro herds and soil organisms any bit by bit.

Despite my challenges and growing pains, the weed I have grown is tasty and does the job. Plus LOS has been like flying on autilot with my feet on the dash and a donut in my hand.

Glad you popped in, my house is your house, drop photos any time you want. I am looking forward to watching our plants respond to the LOS
Welcome LH!

I am in the same boat, didnt realize you did soil, I try to follow more soil and los journals than hydro/dwc/brix. I Have realized I can only retain so much information AND smoke cannabis lol.

I started with this LOS thing right from day 1. I document that journey a bit inmy first intro thread, but it was work, especially breaking down some local clay I harvested. That was some labour.

I started using 1gallon smart pots then 5 gallon for flower. But now I use the 32 gallon plastic totes.

I have had improving results each round but I have a lot of soil, and up to this point I was recycling the used grow medium back into the main soil supply. My first crop was a bit dissappointing but learned that I didnt need teas or foliars yet. The soil was very capable on its own, yet my buds were thin and airy, and some suspect it was because of too much nitrogen.

In between rounds I added some sawdust to try and tie up some nitrogen and dilute the soil a bit. Second round went better. Didnt feed foliars or teas. Still not great but I am not using big lights so, there are other variables. Better result but I could tell it needed more work.

This last round, I worked a bag or two of black earth into the mix, more humus with little nutrient value. I still thought I had too much N as I would see the odd clawing in the leaf tips. I also added a small kitchen bag stuff full of shredded paper from work. I want activity and processes to be going on as it sits around. The results are my best to date this time. I think the soil is getting better but, I still have a lot to learn.

I love the idea of adding some red wigglers. Been pondering that for a while. It might be time. I also should add something to the top of the soil like bark or hay. Just improving the site for micro herds and soil organisms any bit by bit.

Despite my challenges and growing pains, the weed I have grown is tasty and does the job. Plus LOS has been like flying on autilot with my feet on the dash and a donut in my hand.

Glad you popped in, my house is your house, drop photos any time you want. I am looking forward to watching our plants respond to the LOS
Heck yeah man, theres no other way (there actually is)! Lol I love the autopilot thing, I work some crazy hours during harvest so it fits my schedule perfectly!

That soil will get there..So you've progressed to no-till rather than recycling it back to soil supply? That alone will be huge! 32 gallons is also a good bit of volume to work with.

I still get the occasional clawing on light feeders...just wait a bit longer to top dress is all I do. I found it imperative that I topdress almost monthly with kelp/neem and even ewc, or they run out of steam pretty quick! I also try and grow plants like Vans :drool:so they get pretty big and hungry fast!
Heck yeah man, theres no other way (there actually is)! Lol I love the autopilot thing, I work some crazy hours during harvest so it fits my schedule perfectly!

That soil will get there..So you've progressed to no-till rather than recycling it back to soil supply? That alone will be huge! 32 gallons is also a good bit of volume to work with.

I still get the occasional clawing on light feeders...just wait a bit longer to top dress is all I do. I found it imperative that I topdress almost monthly with kelp/neem and even ewc, or they run out of steam pretty quick! I also try and grow plants like Vans :drool:so they get pretty big and hungry fast!

Yeah I wanted a more robust ecosytem and the 5 gallon pots werent big enough at the time. Its no till for now, and I think this round should be the test. If I get better results this round that will seal the deal.

I will be top dressing at flip I think. Give them some fresh soil and bat guano for a boost.
Sub'd for the flower pics. Good luck with the little ones Urb.

Super soil? I'm in, if ya don't mind?

Are you thinking SubCool?

This is MUCH closer (almost exact) to Clackamas Coots recipe. AKA no-till.

I’m definitely interested in learning to make my own super soil that can be re used. Growing Seedsman seeds myself. Awesome!

Coots style recipe - this is no-till can be used indefinitely depending on how well you treat the soil microbes and worms should you get lucky enough to hatch some.

Amendments mix:
Acadian Kelp Meal @ 1/2 Cup per cubic foot
Neem Cake and Karanja Cake 50/50 Mix @ 1/2 to 1 cup per cubic foot
Crustacean Meal @ 1/2 Cup per cubic foot
Malted Barley @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot (ground fine in a coffee grinder)

Mineral Mix:
Gypsum Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Brix Blend Basalt @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Glacial Rock Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Oyster Flour @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Mix with:

1/3 humus = Compost/EWC/Vermicompost
1/3 aeration = Rice hulls or Perl-lite
1/3 CSPM = Canadian Spagnum Peat Moss (look on bag for country of origin = Canada. Puts the "C" in CSPM, eh?)

1 cubic foot of soil = 7.5 gal

Amend at up pot with 1 cup of the amendment mix and 1 cup EWC then into flower.

This is the soil mix I use - "Coots Mix" as it were. I thank Clackamas Coots for this soil recipe. Can go no-til for several rounds without needing to change it out. Amend at up pot, water FTW. All you need.

Substitute like you're baking a cake ... not really many subs for the above. It's a balanced soil mix and as you can see very minimal inputs. THE most important part of the mix is the HUMUS portion. Home make compost/vermicompost is the best. Don't skimp this part.

In the US bagged top quality is:

BU Blend from Malibu Compost (west coast)
Coast of Main Lobster Compost (east coast)
Black Swallow - Canada (they even make a coots blend already mixed)

link:Black Swallow Living Soils, Brantford ON

Little bit of work up front, then its water for the win, hardest part is trimming bags of weed.

Don't feel bad, I generally dislike most people, but I found a home here at 420. There are some great people and growers on here. Good luck bud.

There are a lot of us here like this ^^^

So true, we practice socializing.

Top dress with EWC/Kelp Meal/Malted Barley Powder and don't forget mycos at up pot.

Red wigglers should find there way in with compost. Can harvest local EWC that will get you cocoons and worms eventually. Gotta feed the worms they in tern feed the plants and micro-organsms live in their guts just like us humans.
Humans evolved from worms. Could explain anti-social feelings. Keep us in the dark and feed us a pile of shit. Hanging with the mushrooms.
I forgot I took these photos. This is between my second and third rounds. I added a bunch of black earth, shredded office paper, and uncooked rice leftover in the pantry...can’t recall my thoughts at the time. Wanted to dilute the available nutrients and add some soil organism food.

Then I filled the bins, but as a bit of an experiment I layered some amendments in only ONE of the two bins. It was the back one. It grew two rather nice and juicy Gift of Fire F2. The cola shown was grown in that amended bin.

But the unamended bin did fine too. Should probably top dress this bin before the juveniles are added.
Red Clover is a good cover/companion crop. It will eventually just die back if it doesn't get enough light from a big ass cannabis canopy. Yer on your way!

Its an perennial too so if you keep the soil moist it will come back with the next round of girls and light.

GL with the little ones.
Red Clover is a good cover/companion crop. It will eventually just die back if it doesn't get enough light from a big ass cannabis canopy. Yer on your way!

Its an perennial too so if you keep the soil moist it will come back with the next round of girls and light.

GL with the little ones.

Thanks Bob. Got a little gun shy with some of the processes and stopped doing everything. Plants showed zero issues, I think it’s time to work some back in.

I got two massive packages of clover so I won’t be running out anytime soon. I will sow some more directly into the soil after the skunk seedlings take hold.
Ok, it wouldn’t be an UrbanAchiever journal without a photo dump here and there:

Took some photos of my curing Gift of Fire F2. They got the lights and makeup treatment tonight.

Damn it is sticky and frosty.

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