Is this mold or insect poo?

It's probably one or more light green, slender caterpillars that eat cannabis. They are hard to find... camouflaged.
Kinda like this one?

Found this on one plant last year. I kept watch for a day. The caterpillar moved off somewhere within an hour or so of taking the picture. Never did end up with any sort of insect problem, just mold and mildew like so many other outdoor growers mentioned.
Kinda like this one?

Found this on one plant last year. I kept watch for a day. The caterpillar moved off somewhere within an hour or so of taking the picture. Never did end up with any sort of insect problem, just mold and mildew like so many other outdoor growers mentioned.
Something similar ..It was shorter and little fatter than this one
You spot on.. I found a green lean caterpillar today ..It was eating the okra plant. All my okra plant have 0 leaf right now....I tried to take it off but I couldn't... I think I have a phobia with insects..damnnnn
chop sticks? 🥢🐛
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