Is this mold or insect poo?


Well-Known Member
So I put few small plants outdoor. They are flowering and the weather is not so good.
It gets 90+% humidity.
I usually check the plants every morning and today noticed this black things in the oldest plant. Now I have never seen a mold or bud rot before.
It's very black and small and though may be its some insects shit .. Didn't touch it yet.
What do I do guys?


for sure gotta be insect poop,, a caterpillar or similar i might suggest,,
brush it off, or spray it off perhaps,, not in direct sun tho

and also,, what is the bug eating to make that much poop,, if it was a tomato horn worm your plant would be gone
shake the bug poop off or use empty pump sprayer to just blow air

Nivek nailed it - green worm…. caterpillar / moth.

what you need is BT bacillus thuringiensis…… but don’t be confused by BTi bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (mosquito bits or mosquito dunks)

indoors grower here but always insist on bud wash at harvest
shake the bug poop off or use empty pump sprayer to just blow air

Nivek nailed it - green worm…. caterpillar / moth.

what you need is BT bacillus thuringiensis…… but don’t be confused by BTi bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (mosquito bits or mosquito dunks)

indoors grower here but always insist on bud wash at harvest
When u wash ur bud...wont u loose trichomes?
Yep that’s it

3 bucket solution…. clean & sanitize all buckets like for food prep.

first bucket is your wash solution depends on what you are mitigating
- some use 1/2 cup baking soda 1/2 cup lemon juice (chefs method)
- for pm or heavy critters some use H2O2 (nuclear cleaning)
dip your colas and swirl gently, don’t bang them into sides of bucket
second bucket = plain lukewarm water this is your first rinse
third bucket…. same as above and your final rinse

personally I do more of a bud soak than a bud wash, same deal I just leave them submerged longer
and forgo the cleaning agents

helps if first bucket is white, once you see all the dirty water from your colas you will never go back to unwashed nugs… also suggest low & slow fridge curing

it will be the best tasting weed you ever torched….
with a bit of simple maintenance you can clean that stuff off the plant. eliminate the cause and move on. a simple rinse with water and a bit of hydro peroxide after the trimming and you are fine to go. if you want to rinse again after the peroxide that is good too.

all this talk of bud rot is just silly, sry
Clean the insect frass off the plant however you want. It would take a large caterpillar or moth to leave something like that behind.

Most important question is why is it there. I do not see any evidence of insects eating any of the leaves. But I do see those twisted and curled up single bladed leaves coming out of the buds and wondering if some sort of larger insect was around and was able to lay eggs and has left.
Clean the insect frass off the plant however you want. It would take a large caterpillar or moth to leave something like that behind.

Most important question is why is it there. I do not see any evidence of insects eating any of the leaves. But I do see those twisted and curled up single bladed leaves coming out of the buds and wondering if some sort of larger insect was around and was able to lay eggs and has left.
So I am growing in a greenhouse but leave the door open..I using it coz of cold weather and also the hell rasing possum.. They have destroyed all my outdoor plants .
So ya I think I did see a black caterpillar a few days ago.. I am a new grower in general and really hate insects.
So ya I think I did see a black caterpillar a few days ago.. I am a new grower in general and really hate insects.
Be on the safe side and be sure of what you are spraying for. Remember that spraying for a predator insect means you could be killing off the very thing that is protecting your plant. I leave all spiders on my plants since the #1 food for them is other insects. Let nature work it out; it already has a balance that has worked well for 10s of thousands of years.
Be on the safe side and be sure of what you are spraying for. Remember that spraying for a predator insect means you could be killing off the very thing that is protecting your plant. I leave all spiders on my plants since the #1 food for them is other insects. Let nature work it out; it already has a balance that has worked well for 10s of thousands of years.
I have bought any insecticides or anything like that.
I did buy 1 litre of neem seed oil for killing gnats as it was going out of control but never actually used it.
So ya I think I did see a black caterpillar a few days ago.. I am a new grower in general and really hate insects.
It's probably one or more light green, slender caterpillars that eat cannabis. They are hard to find... camouflaged. Or could be another color... brown/grey. If it's a very light infestation, just remove them. If it's heavy, people use BT for this... I haven't had to. I occasionally find these caterpillars, but only one or two... seems seasonal in my location.
It's probably one or more light green, slender caterpillars that eat cannabis. They are hard to find... camouflaged. Or could be another color... brown/grey. If it's a very light infestation, just remove them. If it's heavy, people use BT for this... I haven't had to. I occasionally find these caterpillars, but only one or two... seems seasonal in my location.
You spot on.. I found a green lean caterpillar today ..It was eating the okra plant. All my okra plant have 0 leaf right now....I tried to take it off but I couldn't... I think I have a phobia with insects..damnnnn
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