Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The pure Indica will be the key to the keydom for you! Just remember it might take a few days to fully seat into your system (balance out the daytime). This should help; Before dinner tack a couple small dots of Indica (a half hour before dinner) as this will start winding you down off the daytime regimen. Then after dinner but 2 hours before bed do your normal nighttime dose. When its time for the rack vap a couple of hits of your Indica oil. Keep this up for a couple of days and once its regulated in your system and you keep this routine up you start sleeping better and better. Remember your brain has been trained also not to sleep good and is like an alarm clock. Train your self how to unwind and relax. Get your breathing regulated and count backwards from 100. Each exhale minus one number. Then with your eyes closed throw in sheep jumping a fence. Keep at this and soon you will be sleeping like a baby. Don't over do the nighttime though as it will unbalance the daytime and you won't feel as active which helps with sleep also. Hope this helps buddy. BTW your anxieties/stess will disappear. Just stick with it and soon you will be reaping the rewards. Stress is a silent killer and was my issue starting with heart attacks. You can go through life buzzing along until stress knocks on the door (its been at the door, just hasn't knocked) and once it comes its a game changer. Once it wears your auto-immune system down you can count on bad health. When it turns into a panic attack (can't control anger, etc.) no med in the world will work until you collapse from exhaustion. That will be a thing of the past. Just give it time to balance in your system. You will fall in love all over again with your sleep number, lol. Seriously!

To touch on your previously asked question, I believe anxiety/stress to be the key factor for me. In fact it was stated a long time back that my anxiety/mood/social issues was one potential cause. The other possible cause was all the wonderful drugs they kept trying to throw at me for my anxiety/mood/social issues. It's also important to note that I had to experience some things through my childhood I could have done with out. It wasn't until they started hitting me with capped out cocktails that I started experiencing mania with mixed depressive episodes. I still can't wrap my head around all the things that happened to me in that time frame. I would have had an opportunity to go after them with malpractice but I was so depressed and my social phobias were soon becoming excuses. I'm so mad at myself for not making an example out of them.

Sadly to this day I still feel that stress should be one of my biggest concerns as there is always something stupid going on at my house and it's just the two of us here. Your research/posts has put a little hope back in me and got me thinking a little. One thing I would like to mention in addition to Cannafan's statement about not trying every miracle cure you can. Same principle but I also want to make sure you go at everything with some optimism. I read your other statements and those constant ups and downs will eat at you.

I appreciate the links bdubs504, believe it or not I was here at this very site 4-5 years ago looking for answers myself. It's nice to see there is some new information and I will have to start looking through as well. I certainly hope the devotion your showing pays off for you.

Not because of the IBS/IBD but I have had a rough last two days myself with today the third proving to be much worse. Whether it's coincidental or not today is the second day I have not had any oil. Took me awhile today but I'm currently decarbing a new batch of blended oil with the suggested 2 to 1 ratio. Mix as follows.

10g CBD Critical Cure
10g Columbian Gold
10g Jamaican Dream

I also plan on making some oil from the Pakistan Valley as it claims to be a pure landrace indica. This will be for the pm dose for the full blanket coverage as Motoco described. I just really hope I can sleep because that was the biggest reason I even deviated to begin with.
Excellent posts Motoco and SmokesDaKush.

It's amazing where the mind can take you...on a physical level. Just the discussions I've had here the last few days, my thoughts have been dwelling on how bad this got for me, and a small level of symptoms began. I've learned through the years to differentiate the "okay" gurgles from the "You need a bathroom NOW" gurgles and pain.

I've also learned to force the symptoms out of my mind as much as possible. That takes practice, and it's not easy. Yesterday the gurgles started. Not the okay gurgles. ;) I took my oil dose earlier than my normal schedule, and by bed time they had quelled. This morning I'm raring to go.

In the evenings when I go to bed and the stresses start bouncing around in the head like a hockey puck is when it can get worse. Physically concentrate on something else, tv a letter...anything that takes your concentration of the stresses away. You aren't going to be able to do anything about most of them at that time of night anyway, so get rid of the thoughts. If you go to sleep thinking of hardships and stresses, you are probably going to be dreaming them too. So your body is getting hit with this 24 hours a day.

I have found it very helpful when having way too many stresses on me at once to make a list of the majors. Being overwhelmed sometimes forces us to procrastinate on handling the issues. Each day I would pick one from the list and handle that one. This helped my mind to release the others, in a sense, because I knew they were still there but set aside until I was ready for them and as a result tricking my mind into thinking they were being handled, or at least acknowledged. The next day, pick another from the list and get it handled. The end result is that you feel even better, just because of the satisfactory feeling of having taken them on and WON. LOL helped me big time. Some of them may take more than a day, but at least they were handled finally.

Positive thinking brings Positive outcomes. :)
This post is an additional thought on handling stresses. Prompted by a phone call from a family member trying to lay something on me to handle that is not anything to do with me. Another thing I've learned through this thing is to say NO to people where necessary. LOL

How many of you find yourselves taking on other peoples' stresses? In our attempts to be caring and compassionate people to help others through their troubles, sometimes we take on things that we don't need to...and when suffering illnesses such as what we are talking about here, certainly things we shouldn't!

Evaluate the things that are causing anxiety/stress and ask yourself how that directly affects YOU. If you can't give a good solid answer on how you can personally fix it, or that it has anything to do with affecting your own life, you need to push that into the filing cabinet in your brain. You can't take care of others until you properly take care of yourself.

Wow... this thread Rocks. :popcorn:

Thanks to SmokesDaKush, Motoco, and Cannafan for stellar posts. I would love for you guys to know how greatly and swiftly this thread and you all's input is changing my life for the better in so many ways. From cannabis dosing, to IBS entirety, to lessons on how to make it thru chaos and in to peace.

Cannafan, I love the idea of making a list of major projects/stressors that you've got weighing you down, and then using that to become free.

Motoco, man it's great to have your expertise here. Thanks so much for finding value in this thread and contributing. Very interesting the technique you described, particularly the part about using a bit of Indica during the day time for full coverage. Makes sense.

SmokesDaKush, I really find a lot of value in your perspective, and your recent post about stress has really changed my thinking about its role in my life, and my life's consequences if I don't get it under wraps. Ditto Cannafan.

I have had a very challenging night and morning, gripped with fear of being out of meds, but I found a few g's of flower as it was my rainy day fund. So I had something last night to help calm me down, and my belly, and then again this morning.

To make a long story short, and with the help of you guys' posts, I'm taking my health, my happiness, my life more seriously. I see now a whole new way of caring for myself, showing kindness to myself and others... All of this is too precious to throw away or waste on things that don't matter.

I'm committed to the cause, to this plant, to the brave people who soldier thru adversity and distrusting doctors and pharmasuicides ... Too much BS and not enough facts...

So, what I've seen in the last day or two: horrible, horrible stories on the web about people who are suffering with this condition, not able to work, live, play, all because of something that has no origin and no known cure. (Except Cannabis??)

I refuse to live the rest of my life controlled by this. I am committed to giving Cannabis a full and fair shot at treating and managing my symptoms so that I can begin to live my life again.

And what a great way to do it! Using Cannabis!

I'll close this lofty piece ;) with some info on meditation and mindfulness, something I've recently begun to practice, that helps a bunch in general but also with what we're talking about. Maybe it'll ring true with some of you as well.

Thanks and Peace Y'all

WebMD Article

The Relaxation Response, Dr. Herbert Benson

Mindfulness and IBS, a Study

Another Study

PubMed for Science
Spot on Canna...misery loves company doesn't it. Being a caretaker has more stress than I ever imagined. Especially if they don't believe in the concentrate. First and foremost, heal yourself first, learn the oil first hand. Toss the negatives and grasp the positives. Great post!

This post is an additional thought on handling stresses. Prompted by a phone call from a family member trying to lay something on me to handle that is not anything to do with me. Another thing I've learned through this thing is to say NO to people where necessary. LOL

How many of you find yourselves taking on other peoples' stresses? In our attempts to be caring and compassionate people to help others through their troubles, sometimes we take on things that we don't need to...and when suffering illnesses such as what we are talking about here, certainly things we shouldn't!

Evaluate the things that are causing anxiety/stress and ask yourself how that directly affects YOU. If you can't give a good solid answer on how you can personally fix it, or that it has anything to do with affecting your own life, you need to push that into the filing cabinet in your brain. You can't take care of others until you properly take care of yourself.

Your very welcome! The cannabis concentrated oil does it all from A-Z. Learn your strains, how to dose properly, stay hydrated, eat 6 times a day and your on your way to the best health ever, it really is that easy. Start 'tacking' lol.

Wow... this thread Rocks. :popcorn:

Thanks to SmokesDaKush, Motoco, and Cannafan for stellar posts. I would love for you guys to know how greatly and swiftly this thread and you all's input is changing my life for the better in so many ways. From cannabis dosing, to IBS entirety, to lessons on how to make it thru chaos and in to peace.

Cannafan, I love the idea of making a list of major projects/stressors that you've got weighing you down, and then using that to become free.

Motoco, man it's great to have your expertise here. Thanks so much for finding value in this thread and contributing. Very interesting the technique you described, particularly the part about using a bit of Indica during the day time for full coverage. Makes sense.

SmokesDaKush, I really find a lot of value in your perspective, and your recent post about stress has really changed my thinking about its role in my life, and my life's consequences if I don't get it under wraps. Ditto Cannafan.

I have had a very challenging night and morning, gripped with fear of being out of meds, but I found a few g's of flower as it was my rainy day fund. So I had something last night to help calm me down, and my belly, and then again this morning.

To make a long story short, and with the help of you guys' posts, I'm taking my health, my happiness, my life more seriously. I see now a whole new way of caring for myself, showing kindness to myself and others... All of this is too precious to throw away or waste on things that don't matter.

I'm committed to the cause, to this plant, to the brave people who soldier thru adversity and distrusting doctors and pharmasuicides ... Too much BS and not enough facts...

So, what I've seen in the last day or two: horrible, horrible stories on the web about people who are suffering with this condition, not able to work, live, play, all because of something that has no origin and no known cure. (Except Cannabis??)

I refuse to live the rest of my life controlled by this. I am committed to giving Cannabis a full and fair shot at treating and managing my symptoms so that I can begin to live my life again.

And what a great way to do it! Using Cannabis!

I'll close this lofty piece ;) with some info on meditation and mindfulness, something I've recently begun to practice, that helps a bunch in general but also with what we're talking about. Maybe it'll ring true with some of you as well.

Thanks and Peace Y'all

WebMD Article

The Relaxation Response, Dr. Herbert Benson

Mindfulness and IBS, a Study

Another Study

PubMed for Science
Thanks Motoco, I certainly hope it's a missing link. So far PV has the total package with smell, weight, excellent trichome coverage and easily hits full term under 9 weeks. I have already tried a Bubba Kush grown full term with no success and I have a real different Bubba from everything I've seen.

Thank you for the dosing tip/scheduling. I am using the oil I made yesterday for now as I want my PV to get a bit proper cure before I turn it into oil. I pulled my concentrate pen back out and got it soaking today as well.

Lol, last night I tried the 100 backwards. Was going ok until I added the sheep. It was hilarious, suddenly the sheep starting jumping the fence very quickly. It was hard to keep up. What's your take on that?

I hear you Motoco, stress has single handedly changed my game. I'm calling a substitute and cannabis oil is stepping in right on the front lines.

I wish I had a sleep number. My bed is a rv mattress that I have to lay on the floor and pick back up every morning. It's certainly not ideal specially considering I had a back injury that took me out of work for a few, awhile back but I still pay for it. Oddly enough we have talked about it recently but it's out of our budget currently. It's been a long time (years) since we slept in the same bed. She sounds like a freight train coming full bore and her train is modernly equipped with air brakes I guess because in between every snore is a big old pssssssss. :thedoubletake:

I started doing a little research on some of the strains I have to better inform myself for my next choice. I'm thinking I will try a high THC & CBG strain next. CBG's have shown to play a role with IBS so perhaps I just need more of a full spectrum to be at complete ease. I really want to try Goji OG from Bodhi but they are regs and will eat up two spots for now.

Thanks friend.

Cannafan, thanks for the wealth of information you posted as well.

Positivity is my primary focus and why I concentrate more on that "mood management". Your much better to cope with things when you can smile for sure.

I learned to say no like a year or two ago. This definitely took a large chunk of the load off. I like and will employ your list idea. Perhaps I can utilize a couples list as well to allow us to accomplish some tasks together as that seems beneficial.
We will get you to sleep! More than one way to skin a cat brother. If Indica has traces of sativa it keeps the wheels turning unless it is absolutely grown full term. Afgan Kush 95% & Master Kush 95% work excellent grown full term. Hindu Kush and landrace strains at 100% of course are excellent.

LOL at counting the sheep. For me counting backwards helped but I threw the sheeps jumping the fence in because when I follow fan blades turning it works asap if not sooner. Toss out the sheep, lol. Its a learning curve brother. Most expect immediate relief but training your mind/body to relax is a learning curve, its gets easier and easier. Even on Indica you might feel relax but focus on relaxing and you find you still are uptight. Focus like a Jedi :).

So the wife snores like a freight train, heh, lol. Most snoring is caused by overweight or physical in-activity. Daytime insures activity and weight loss so share the oil.

A helpful tip on different strains; find the 3 oils you need (daytime: cbd/thc and indica) as trying strains after strains can become confusing. Also when trying new blends it takes around 3 days for the old to get out while the new is coming in. What happens if you don't wait long enough is you don't get a true read on the new oil. This last year I've probably made over a hundred different combo's. I can tell you Lemon Haze although very potent didn't make that good of oil for 'tackin' vaping/smoking (just not my opinion but from many patients as well). On the other hand I love vaping the flower for all the different taste :). Once you find what you like keep cloning and keep them going. It goes a long way in feeling confident you have what works for you.

Thanks Motoco, I certainly hope it's a missing link. So far PV has the total package with smell, weight, excellent trichome coverage and easily hits full term under 9 weeks. I have already tried a Bubba Kush grown full term with no success and I have a real different Bubba from everything I've seen.

Thank you for the dosing tip/scheduling. I am using the oil I made yesterday for now as I want my PV to get a bit proper cure before I turn it into oil. I pulled my concentrate pen back out and got it soaking today as well.

Lol, last night I tried the 100 backwards. Was going ok until I added the sheep. It was hilarious, suddenly the sheep starting jumping the fence very quickly. It was hard to keep up. What's your take on that?

I hear you Motoco, stress has single handedly changed my game. I'm calling a substitute and cannabis oil is stepping in right on the front lines.

I wish I had a sleep number. My bed is a rv mattress that I have to lay on the floor and pick back up every morning. It's certainly not ideal specially considering I had a back injury that took me out of work for a few, awhile back but I still pay for it. Oddly enough we have talked about it recently but it's out of our budget currently. It's been a long time (years) since we slept in the same bed. She sounds like a freight train coming full bore and her train is modernly equipped with air brakes I guess because in between every snore is a big old pssssssss. :thedoubletake:

I started doing a little research on some of the strains I have to better inform myself for my next choice. I'm thinking I will try a high THC & CBG strain next. CBG's have shown to play a role with IBS so perhaps I just need more of a full spectrum to be at complete ease. I really want to try Goji OG from Bodhi but they are regs and will eat up two spots for now.

Thanks friend.

Cannafan, thanks for the wealth of information you posted as well.

Positivity is my primary focus and why I concentrate more on that "mood management". Your much better to cope with things when you can smile for sure.

I learned to say no like a year or two ago. This definitely took a large chunk of the load off. I like and will employ your list idea. Perhaps I can utilize a couples list as well to allow us to accomplish some tasks together as that seems beneficial.
Good Morning, or afternoon where ever you are good ppls!

Because this thread is full of great information on controlling and preventing this affliction now from all of you, I'm going to add to it with a couple more of my own experiences on what irritates and promotes my symptoms.

Yep, you read it ALL the time. ((....groan....Et Tu cannafan?)) Smoking. I had to quit smoking, because of the cancer risks of course, and the extreme cost!, but mostly because I found a direct correlation when I smoked to the severity of my symptoms. Within 5 minutes of smoking a cigarette I would become nauseous and my appetite would be gone. Not good for a person trying to maintain what little weight they already have. LOL

Right along with that was my morning coffee. The caffeine/sugar in the morning also suppressed my appetite and made me uncomfortable throughout the morning with bad gurgles and pain. This is the main reason I am going to try to make the water Kefir. I need something to drink in the mornings and be healthy for me at the same time. I always put creamer and sugar in the coffee, so that probably added to the negative effects. I cannot stand the taste of coffee (or the unsweetened sugars), whether decaf or regular, on it's own. So the only choice here is to give it up.

Getting rid of all of the bad stuff one by one will be a tremendous assistance to healing and controlling this.

Anybody else notice connections on these things?
Motoco, See I need to take this seriously then. Would you believe I had a clone version of Master Kush quite awhile back. While I did not make S1's, I did cross it with Afghan Kush. I also crossed it with a Blueberry Kush and an OG Kush all fem.

You hit the wifey on the nose. I certainly am not bad talking her but yes she chooses to do nothing about it. Even though we have some equipment she can use. I practically killed myself bringing one of them home. Treadmills are heavy... As far as giving her the oil that's a bit of a touchy area. I am not exaggerating this in anyway but one time she ate about a 1/4 inch little chunk from my brownie. She was tripping. She had a spiritual experience and said that she left her body and was looking down at herself laying there in third person view. I am so jealous as I have never had a spiritual experience. Needless to say she is terrified of the oil because she knows if something works for me, it will destroy her. I have explained the tacking but it still scares her. Also she is not medical, just I.

I definitely am feeling better today and I did get what seems to be normal 4-5 hours sleep last night with a few wakeups. Good enough for me for now. I have patience and I know things aren't going to happen right away. I take each day at a time anymore. I will be making a smaller batch of PV today so I can start it for the weekend here, we'll let the rest cure up.

That's really interesting about the Lemon Haze. I grew that one for awhile and it was very pleasurable as a smoke. Straight up lemon head candy. Thanks for your continued support Motoco.

Cannafan, I can confirm smoking was an irritant for me as well. Quit cold turkey a few years ago. Coffee does bother me but I get angry quite often and tell my stomach that if I want to have coffee, I am going to have it. Lol, I can usually drink it for a week straight or so before it really starts getting me and I have to take a break. I am an all black coffee guy though.

EDIT: Oh I got my kefir grains soaking now too.

One thing I noticed that helped was sticking with the organic coffee's and I found this low acid coffee made by PUROAST. While I don't completely like the flavor it does seem to help. If you add cream and such perhaps this would be good for you so that you may enjoy a cup every now and again.

bdubs504, Lol. Back in the day I used to play golf, had a horrible shank. Friends would yell out "Hey mulligan man" LOL
Thanks for that tip Smokes!

Well, I have a question that may not seem relevant here, but actually it is. It's related to our comfort when sleeping through this nasty disease.

I checked out the sleep number beds, and they are still out of my budget. Budget....what the HECK is a budget. LOL
So, question for the folks here is; Have any of you tried the memory foam pillow top mattresses? There are several out there, and I know I have to pay attention to how many inches of actual memory foam is in them, but I would like to know the durability and how long they last?
They also have them with "cool tops" because the foam can retain too much heat.
This is probably the route I will go, but I really need some input if you can. Our money is hard earned....who wants to spend it on something that isn't going to be beneficial?

Morning Smokes,

Your on the right path now brother! Use yourself as a billboard and maybe the wife will catch on. I was the 'test' pilot if you will. The wife seen such dramatic turn around regarding my health she started asap. What is hard is not having someone around to talk about it, lol.

The Lemon Haze had the taste you talk about, that was good, my cut had so many trichs it would coat my throat and make me cough more than norm. Just wasn't my favorite strain for oil.

Your sleep will keep improving and soon you will be waking up refreshed looking for your morning dose, after breakfast of course :). Keep at it Smokes. After our Nana passed away (the wife and I would wake up every couple of hours taking care of her) it took a few weeks to get to 6-8 hours sleep. Eight hours is all I can get max as I wake up looking for a full day of activities.

Canna; Toppers can help immensely! As you mention the heat always bothered me and the wife. Sleep Number has a new topper out (not saying get theirs-their more pricey than most) but they have one that has silicone infused into the topper so when you feel the surface its cool to the touch. So if you see the toppers with the silicone infused that might be the direction you want to go. Just make sure on thickness. 4" seems the best but make sure your sheet sets cover them or that is an added expense. Did you happen to look at the links for refurbished ones? Knock your boss upside the head and drop some hints for christmas, lol. Your on the right track checking out a 'topper'.

Motoco, See I need to take this seriously then. Would you believe I had a clone version of Master Kush quite awhile back. While I did not make S1's, I did cross it with Afghan Kush. I also crossed it with a Blueberry Kush and an OG Kush all fem.

You hit the wifey on the nose. I certainly am not bad talking her but yes she chooses to do nothing about it. Even though we have some equipment she can use. I practically killed myself bringing one of them home. Treadmills are heavy... As far as giving her the oil that's a bit of a touchy area. I am not exaggerating this in anyway but one time she ate about a 1/4 inch little chunk from my brownie. She was tripping. She had a spiritual experience and said that she left her body and was looking down at herself laying there in third person view. I am so jealous as I have never had a spiritual experience. Needless to say she is terrified of the oil because she knows if something works for me, it will destroy her. I have explained the tacking but it still scares her. Also she is not medical, just I.

I definitely am feeling better today and I did get what seems to be normal 4-5 hours sleep last night with a few wakeups. Good enough for me for now. I have patience and I know things aren't going to happen right away. I take each day at a time anymore. I will be making a smaller batch of PV today so I can start it for the weekend here, we'll let the rest cure up.

That's really interesting about the Lemon Haze. I grew that one for awhile and it was very pleasurable as a smoke. Straight up lemon head candy. Thanks for your continued support Motoco.

Cannafan, I can confirm smoking was an irritant for me as well. Quit cold turkey a few years ago. Coffee does bother me but I get angry quite often and tell my stomach that if I want to have coffee, I am going to have it. Lol, I can usually drink it for a week straight or so before it really starts getting me and I have to take a break. I am an all black coffee guy though.

EDIT: Oh I got my kefir grains soaking now too.

One thing I noticed that helped was sticking with the organic coffee's and I found this low acid coffee made by PUROAST. While I don't completely like the flavor it does seem to help. If you add cream and such perhaps this would be good for you so that you may enjoy a cup every now and again.

bdubs504, Lol. Back in the day I used to play golf, had a horrible shank. Friends would yell out "Hey mulligan man" LOL
Thanks so much....yet again, Motoco. LOL
Yes, I did check out the refurbished and couldn't see a single sleep number mattress. Maybe I didn't see that actual link you were referring to, I just did a site search because I couldn't see a refurbished link on the mattresses page. I'll try again today, or if you have time maybe you could PM the link to me?

I have been looking over the Select comfort line that states "Sleep number" in their ads. Not sure if that means it's a true sleep number or not, but they did have the silicone cooler top and the foam was 3 or 4". So we're on the right track!

Now I just need to pin down which seller or site.

Thanks again, and to Smokesdakush....I have Master Kush here and it's what I made my first oil from. It rocks! I didn't have any trouble growing them either, and it was also my very first grow.

What's up guys and gals...

I hear you Motoco, stress has single handedly changed my game. I'm calling a substitute and cannabis oil is stepping in right on the front lines.

Dude... I hear you. The last few days, literally, have significantly changed how I view the role of stress in my life. Particularly not having my meds (or barely flower) has put this stress issue front and center. I have always had problems with stress. I haven't said this yet, but I have bipolar disorder (yep, you might have guessed that ;)) and it has totally wrecked much of my adult life. Anxiety and stress have played the largest role. So, my point is, what you said clarified what I was thinking about last night: I realize that the hell I'm going through these last few days has largely been not having sufficient access to a medicine that I am depending on for my health. I realized that if I missed doses, or had inadequate doses of my mood stabilizer, or my anti-psychotic, that I would have significant symptoms and side effects of a quick withdrawal, plus just plain not having a sufficient dose hurts as much as well. Same with cannabis. Bottomline, it has been a process for me, in my own mind, to truly embrace and accept cannabis as my first and most valid choice of MEDICINE. I realize that sometimes I am feeling guilt and shame related to my use of it, so even me... even me, with all of my support for the medicinal use and movement, I am still suffering the stigma that is and has been in place about this sacred plant. It's just really stunning to me... but it only reinforces the absolute benefits that I can personally attest to in my conscious, responsible, informed, medicinal use of the plant. Cannabis is on the front lines. Thanks, brother.

A helpful tip on different strains; find the 3 oils you need (daytime: cbd/thc and indica) as trying strains after strains can become confusing. Also when trying new blends it takes around 3 days for the old to get out while the new is coming in. What happens if you don't wait long enough is you don't get a true read on the new oil.

Motoco, I've got a couple of Q's if you have some time (but then again, it sounds like you are perpetually seeking cannaconvos, no? lol... love it!):

1. "find the 3 oils you need (daytime: cbd/thc and indica)" - can you elaborate? I was hoping for a list of the three strains, but I'm either not experienced enough to discern what three you mention there, or you didn't quite finish, or I'm just plain ignoramoose!

2. 3 days for the old oil to get out? Can you elaborate on that? I know it takes 30 days or so to get out of your body, but how have you come up with 3 days? Anecdotal case study? Patients' too? Or have you read anything on that? That would be great if there is some science out there on that (I'm constantly building evidence for my dissertation) but I would be very surprised...

Use yourself as a billboard and maybe the wife will catch on. I was the 'test' pilot if you will. The wife seen such dramatic turn around regarding my health she started asap. What is hard is not having someone around to talk about it, lol.

Motoco - "billboard" - I love it! Positive inner health is beaming on the outside!

Last one...

Eight hours is all I can get max as I wake up looking for a full day of activities.

That is a slice of life that I hope everybody can feel at some point in their lives. For the most part the last six months since my sleep cycle switched (yep, problems there too) and I started becoming an early bird, it has been amazing. I go to bed most days around 6pm or so and sleep until 5 or so, when - except for the last few days - I get up raring to go! I couldn't wait for the day to start! Amazing how important sleep patterns are. Love it.

Cheers ppl, hope your weekend is well. Fall football baby, love it! :thumb:

P.S. I am so jealous of you all's grow talk. I cannot wait to get my hands in some dirt!

Hi BW,
just curious...are you on any of the medications prescribed by the docs? I sure don't think I would want to quit all medications cold turkey before I had something to replace them that's natural. I went off one medication cold turkey that I should not have, it caused permanent issues with one of my ears. Imagine hearing billions of grasshoppers singing 24 hours a day. It isn't that bad now, it hits me when I turn my head too quickly. That's been over 4 years ago that I quit the med, and the effects are still with me.

One thing I love to do when anxious is to sit down and read a good book. I have favorite authors and keep up to date with their books. I don't have to do it often, but I know when I want to the books are there. It takes concentration...sometimes I have to read a paragraph several times before I get my brain to go where I want it. Some warm apple cider and good book. Ahhh...comfy LOL

You mentioned meditation....give that a go too.

Sometimes when I'm really nauseated I will eat a couple of crackers to help ease it a bit, but it doesn't always work.

And I really like Motoco's counting method with the sheep. I will have to see if I can get those sheep to bridges.....LOL
Oh, forgot something. Believe it or not, when nauseated too much, I have tried a heating pad over my stomach. I just got comfy on the couch, and laid the heating pad across my tum.
I haven't a clue if that would work for anyone else, but if you have one of those it might be worth a try.

We're here for ya, everyone is on such different time schedules due to where they live.

Edit - How do you delete a post?

Members can't delete posts. You can only edit within the time frame allowed, and I forget what amount of time that is. LOL
Only staff can delete. Best thing to do is just edit out what you didn't want, add something and I usually say oops.
If members to your thread are subscribed via email receipt, they would probably get your original post before you edited. If you had hit the post button.

If you want it permanently deleted for good reason, hit the little triangle with the exclamation point to the left of the post box under your name etc. Then just put your reason in and send. The mods will decide whether to delete or not.

Hope that helps.

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