Irie's Grow Show

Oh yeah forgot all the other plants in between our main ones we’re focusing on, they’re all heading to new homes soon :dude-knocking:
Hey 420 members! :ciao:
Iv'e had some good fun growing indoors with DIY setups and iv'e finally bought myself a 1.2 x 2.4m (4x8) tent. It's improved my growing environment quite a bit and i'm looking forward to having some more space to work with. I'll be using this thread to mostly journal my grow in the tent, but will update my propagation station here as well. :meatballs:
The Setup:
So we've got the 4x8 tent with 2 x 600w ballasts - so 1200w in total. :idea: Got two big fans doing the job well and iv'e got two small clip on fans ready for when we start building our canopy. 6" fans for extraction & ventilation.
8 plants in 20L fabric pots. I do have 40L fabric pots i can go to if need be, but working with 8 x 40L's is gonna be hard work but i'll do it if we have to. I'm planning for another 2-3 weeks veg but we'll see how it goes.

The Soil Mix:
My soil mix consists of: Coco coir, Compost, perlite, vermiculite, Bone meal, Fermented probiotic bran, Organic nutrients, worm Castings, Volcanic rock dust, vermiculite & gypsum with a few extra amendments like Calmag and kelp extract. I am having great results with the soil. I will touch base on the few nutrients i am feeding with at a later time.

The Plants we'll be blooming:
So i was vegging 20+ plants and just looking out for the ones with the most potential. So here we are with the final 9 plants.

Left side of the tent: (2 x Cheese in front & 2 x Double Glock at the back)

Double Glock #1: She's a quad of some sort but she's been opened up nicely and growing at a great pace.

Double Glock #2: She was grown out without training. The strain has shown me in the past that it's got great side branching and the lower ends generally make their way to the canopy. I tied down her top branches and defol'd her last night to improve light penetration and to help the lowers catch up. She's strong and healthy!

The cheese plants:

Cheese #1: She's sort of a quadline. Been opened up really nicely.

Cheese #2: Received similar training to the other cheese.
Middle of the tent:
So in the middle of all 8 pots i'll be blooming this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that iv'e been having fun with the last month or so. She's basically a mainline. Same age as the other plants but growing like a monster, i'm adjusting ties daily on her now. She's still in a 10L pot so she will be getting a 20 or 40L within the next 2 weeks.

Right side of the tent:
Alright so long story short here - during my last round i took cuts deep into bloom so i could experiment with reveging clones. I'm not gonna get into my findings here but it resulted in the plants going through a faze of confusion, crazy branching, shooting single leaves, growing outta that into normal leaf structure, sudden rapid growth and before i knew it they were where they're at now. Through all of this and in between all my normal clones i mixed up tags and i'm not longer 100% sure what's what here. I'm not fazed as i know it's good genetics and i will obviously know what is what once we are blooming. These were all grown without training and yesterday i started removing leaves from above bending down the top branches to open things up and encourage the lower branching to make it's way up. I'll be labeling them as Reveg #1 - 4 to keep track of them.

Reveg #1:

Reveg #2:

Reveg #3:

Reveg #4:

Sweet that's it for now brothers and sisters. I'll post of a few pics tomorrow when i'm doing more work in the garden.
Welcome to everyone who joins in - and let me know how things are looking, i appreciate all of your comments :yahoo:

Happy growing :meatballs:
Wow irie , a brilliant journal start to put mine to shame. Love the detail and pics too. thisbis going to get very interesting with a mainline in the mix too. i have been caught out big time before when i went that route with 12 on my 1st return grow after 10 years. needless to say it kicked my ass and i got root rot when electricity dmfailed for 2 days in nft trays. I have been to scared of their potential size to try them again since. lol scary growth when they find their feet. Looking forward to this one with you fella. peace and blessings. (where was the sub /invite !!!!!. lol ).
Oh yeah forgot all the other plants in between our main ones we’re focusing on, they’re all heading to new homes soon :dude-knocking:
I feel ya mate. dont want to get attached to the poor ones not staying.
I'll drop seeds 1 Sept and if my deck is done I'll be hooking up some cfls for gas lantern vibe. No reveg this year. Tent looks happy bro.
I think that’s gonna be the best way to go. Thanks bro, hope all is well on your end.
I’m in lion! Everything lookin great in here so far!
Thanks Magoo! Glad you made your way here.
Looking forward to this one with you fella. peace and blessings.
Thanks GG! I’ll put up an update of that plant as I did loads of work on her tonight. Hope all is doing well on your end, big harvest coming your way soon! :slide:
Hey everyone! Here’s an update on this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that i’ve been working on. Gave her a stripping and we’ll see how she reacts over the next couple of days. :meatballs:
Middle of the tent:
So in the middle of all 8 pots i'll be blooming this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that iv'e been having fun with the last month or so. She's basically a mainline. Same age as the other plants but growing like a monster, i'm adjusting ties daily on her now. She's still in a 10L pot so she will be getting a 20 or 40L within the next 2 weeks.

Today before the pruning & tying down:

After pruning:

Under shot:
Madness, Irie, madness I say!
Fantastic but of fun, though :)
Starting to look like an original lightaddict style flux there mate! Love to try that myself when I have the space. And the stash to give me the extra veg time. Should that read vveeegggg tttiiiimmmmeeeee.
Nice one :high-five:
Hey everyone! Here’s an update on this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that i’ve been working on. Gave her a stripping and we’ll see how she reacts over the next couple of days. :meatballs:

Today before the pruning & tying down:

After pruning:

Under shot:
holy batshit mate. they are amazing. i cannot wait to see them growing out Irie. They are going to be huge.
Madness, Irie, madness I say!
Fantastic but of fun, though :)
Starting to look like an original lightaddict style flux there mate! Love to try that myself when I have the space. And the stash to give me the extra veg time. Should that read vveeegggg tttiiiimmmmeeeee.
Nice one :high-five:
lightaddict did an amazing deathstar grow too i think. master of the flux.
lightaddict did an amazing deathstar grow too i think. master of the flux.

He started a new journal to grow another death star, but in Doc's kit and with a sponsored light as well. I've been wanting to do a Flux for 5 years, but never had the space and time.
He started a new journal to grow another death star, but in Doc's kit and with a sponsored light as well. I've been wanting to do a Flux for 5 years, but never had the space and time.
he has some pioneering skills down.
Hey everyone! Here’s an update on this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that i’ve been working on. Gave her a stripping and we’ll see how she reacts over the next couple of days. :meatballs:

Today before the pruning & tying down:

After pruning:

Under shot:
I've never seen such an abomination to God or humanity, but that's cool as hell. Do they call that the "fishbone technique"? If not, they should. I can't wait to see how she grows from here.
Hey everyone! Here’s an update on this Durban Poison X Sour Grape that i’ve been working on. Gave her a stripping and we’ll see how she reacts over the next couple of days. :meatballs:

Today before the pruning & tying down:

After pruning:

Under shot:
Looking good buds
Brotha Irie!

Hope you are well... cruising thru to make sure you give them trimming hands a break, long enough to blaze this b.

Stay lifted cuz!
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