InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

So is Candida basically the CBD go-to for pain relief and such? I've been avoiding getting knee replacement a few years now (all the cartilage is gone from an ACL replacement 30 years ago that disintegrated and ground around inside the knee cavity for a couple a years) and I really could use something to reduce the constant inflammation and pain! Who knew ligament pieces are like 80 grit sandpaper?
So is Candida basically the CBD go-to for pain relief and such? I've been avoiding getting knee replacement a few years now (all the cartilage is gone from an ACL replacement 30 years ago that disintegrated and ground around inside the knee cavity for a couple a years) and I really could use something to reduce the constant inflammation and pain! Who knew ligament pieces are like 80 grit sandpaper?
Hey Schnookie, been a while since you've stopped by!

Candida is the CBD plant I (and a few others) have on hand for CBD, from back when a true CBD plant was hard to find. Back then it was mostly CBD blends that were never really what the breeder says, but Candida was truly 15-20% CBD and 1% or less THC. Nowadays there are a lot more choices of almost entirely CBD varieties (with under 1% THC) including many from our seed sponsors.

If CBD is something you'd like to grow I'd check a few of our sponsors websites and see who has what you're looking for. Keep in mind that you will be best served to get an almost pure CBD version rather than one that is a blend, since it seems that that ratio is very difficult to stabilize. You can always add some of your own THC flowers to your mix if that's something you want to do, but you get to decide how much or how little to add rather than having it set by the flower at harvest.

I've been growing and using CBD for over 5 years now and a lot of my subscribers have as well, so feel free to ask any questions that come to mind, including opinions on seeds you have in your cart!
Man you killed it on the Killer take down weight , that is alot of one kind of pot / I like a switch up unless i find something extraordinary ... Grandpa's plant and you have done really well with no guilds and not knowing what to expect . YOU ARE THE MAN ! Enjoyed the ride as usual.
Hey smokesbetter! Man, I'm super inspired by how you and others like InTheShed get those kind of results. Can't wait to keep learning and maybe get some similar yields one day. Cheers!
Well, not the BT specifically, but I douse the buds pretty well when I spray so they get pretty wet. Only the China Cat has seen the bud rot. My theory is because its buds a quite a bit larger and denser than my other plant (Sensi Cheese).
Hey BeezLuiz, good point about the morning sprays. I've been considering timings for sprays myself. Appreciate the tip! Stay green.
Yes, that's my thought. I always spray in the morning so that the buds have the warmth of the day to dry out. I usually don't have bud rot issues, but it has been unseasonably cool this past month.
That's an interesting observation, BeezLuiz. I've been careful with my water sprays. Now you got me thinking about the density of buds. Thanks for sharing!
Damn Shed this this thing is still going. Hope all well man. I have kinda scrolled back a bit but will be watching from here on out. My original account was closed or is inaccessible so I will just watch from this new but similar name. Only ONE HACKER anyway. Lol. 420 said they gonna do something about getting me access to my old account, and sent a message they say. To my old account that I can't access I guess🙄.
Any way Green days old friend and valued colleague.
Try a little CBD-A in the mix. The acidic version is supposed to be much more efficiently absorbed by the body, something like 10x! Also is supposed to be more water soluble like steeped in a tea.
I've been reading on that Azi. I'm seeing the same for the purpose of anti inflammation. Looking at my Candida report all I have to do is not decarb. I decided to wait on making. I have a month of caps that drained my loose oil jar. I'll procrastinate for a bit and do other seasonal things I have to get done.
So is Candida basically the CBD go-to for pain relief and such? I've been avoiding getting knee replacement a few years now (all the cartilage is gone from an ACL replacement 30 years ago that disintegrated and ground around inside the knee cavity for a couple a years) and I really could use something to reduce the constant inflammation and pain! Who knew ligament pieces are like 80 grit sandpaper?
I don't know your situation Schnookie. I was in your shoes and waited until I could hardly walk. At age 60, 8 years ago, I got both replaced and they are the best working part of my body! having working legs is big! Bigger than I thought! I was under the impression after the new knees I'd have to be old and slow. Come to find out I'm that anyway but have no knee pain and can get around like no ones business! Get the job done if you can and follow the Physical Therapy program + 10%!
Speaking of cbd Shed. The recipe for my caps gives me 10 mg cbd/cap and I take three at a time, three times a day. I wouldn't mind getting that done with two caps.

If I increase the amount of bud I use in olive oil by 33%, will I get the same dose I got with three caps with two?

That increase would make a jar of infused oil last that much longer too. Thanks!
Damn Shed this this thing is still going. Hope all well man. I have kinda scrolled back a bit but will be watching from here on out. My original account was closed or is inaccessible so I will just watch from this new but similar name. Only ONE HACKER anyway. Lol. 420 said they gonna do something about getting me access to my old account, and sent a message they say. To my old account that I can't access I guess🙄.
Any way Green days old friend and valued colleague.

I sent you a PM to this account, you did not reply, then you sent a PM to a different admin.

Your account was never closed, you said you just lost access to your email.

I replied to the same PM again just now, so please reply to me there and I'll help you :high-five:
There was a time when I'd drop a link to watch the video. What the hell happened to Toto, they're not in Kansas anymore...
Once there was a way to get back homeward...
Damn Shed this this thing is still going. Hope all well man. I have kinda scrolled back a bit but will be watching from here on out. My original account was closed or is inaccessible so I will just watch from this new but similar name. Only ONE HACKER anyway. Lol. 420 said they gonna do something about getting me access to my old account, and sent a message they say. To my old account that I can't access I guess. Any way Green days old friend and valued colleague.
Looks like Rob has you sorted below, so welcome back Madd! I'm looking forward to that old avatar. :)

Also, you dropped in right when there's nothing growing for flower, just a couple of clones. But feel free to stop by and say hi when you're in town!
I don't know your situation Schnookie. I was in your shoes and waited until I could hardly walk. At age 60, 8 years ago, I got both replaced and they are the best working part of my body! having working legs is big! Bigger than I thought! I was under the impression after the new knees I'd have to be old and slow. Come to find out I'm that anyway but have no knee pain and can get around like no ones business! Get the job done if you can and follow the Physical Therapy program + 10%!

I hope Schnookie comes back to read yours and my reply...she hasn't liked or commented yet. :hmmmm:
Speaking of cbd Shed. The recipe for my caps gives me 10 mg cbd/cap and I take three at a time, three times a day. I wouldn't mind getting that done with two caps.
If I increase the amount of bud I use in olive oil by 33%, will I get the same dose I got with three caps with two?
That increase would make a jar of infused oil last that much longer too. Thanks!
Technically yes, if you can fit that much in the MB and still get it covered by the same amount of oil. You might find it easier if you run the first batch for 4 hours and then add the rest of the flower, since the first flowers will be completely macerated by then.

90g decarbed flower in 2 cups EVOO gets you to 16.17mg/ml. Since 00 caps are 0.91ml, it would take a hair over 6 capsules to get you to 90mg.
I've been reading on that Azi. I'm seeing the same for the purpose of anti inflammation. Looking at my Candida report all I have to do is not decarb. I decided to wait on making. I have a month of caps that drained my loose oil jar. I'll procrastinate for a bit and do other seasonal things I have to get done.
After reading the NIH link I posted I've been taking a CBDa capsule in the morning along with my CBD. I had made them a while ago after VG posted the link about CBDa and COVID but didn't use them. I made the oil the same way I usually do but without decarbing first.
Want be long and will update here for you both !
:popcorn: :green_heart:
I sent you a PM to this account, you did not reply, then you sent a PM to a different admin.
Your account was never closed, you said you just lost access to your email.
I replied to the same PM again just now, so please reply to me there and I'll help you
Thanks Rob!
Technically yes, if you can fit that much in the MB and still get it covered by the same amount of oil. You might find it easier if you run the first batch for 4 hours and then add the rest of the flower, since the first flowers will be completely macerated by then.
I'm going to try that. Once it macerates it'll be ok I think. I'll show and tell at my place. Thanks for the numbers! In a week or two. I'll be trimming til then!
Hey Shed thanks for thoughts on CBD. I have some nearly ready to test CBD Infused Warlock. Only a bit but much more coming.

The stated aim of the starin was a 1:1 THC:CBD Ratio of above 5% each or something quite low maybe 4%. And they hit something like that - just before they started selling it - a Co Lab between CBD Brothers and Serious Seeds two top breeders of their respective specialities. But a legit test in Canada they got 12% - 12% which is madness!

The most excited I’ve been about a strain in ages!

I mean I don’t need for pain or stuff like that m, fortunate am I. But dunno 1% cbd is the highest I’ve had tested imbibed. We get even 4% of each it would be a most excellent experience!
Greetings all! Been offline for a few days with college football (watching, not playing) and getting the taxes done, but I did want to stop by with an update that includes a smoke report (say what?) on the 5 Killer Cookies from @ChefDGreen.

We have a friend who is a bit of a cannabis connoisseur, so when I need a good smoke report I try to get some to her. We happened to be at the same gathering on Saturday so I brought along a baggie with a few buds in it for her to try. I didn't give her any details on its parentage so as not to sway her.

This is the report I got on Sunday:

"Fabulous strain. It tastes fruity to me like maybe fig, pineapple, or honey. Maybe a smidge of tangerine . It made me tingle and very relaxed but not tired. Also made me happy, I felt a bit floaty. I am not sure I have ever had this strain. At first I was a little anxious so I thought it was Sativa but after about 10 minutes I would say it is a mix of indica and Sativa but heavier on the Indica side since it is not heady at all. I really do like it thank you for letting me test it. I hope this is helpful."

At which point I offered her more, seeing as she liked it so much and I have a few ounces. ;) She said:

"Thank you so much! I would love more it is really one of your best I think! Great job."

Not too shabby I'd say! :thanks: Chef for the genetics.

In other news, the crickets really did the trick as the lime tree was 60" tall this weekend:

Here is the lanky looking thing:

Since it's going into a huge pot eventually rather than the ground, I took about 2 feet off:

I'm hoping to get some new shoots near the top so I can shape it similarly to the lemon tree to its right.

In other news, it was prize day today as I received @Herbies Seeds Dessert Mix from my September POTM win:

All solid indicas with some really high THC numbers in there, so I'll have to pick one for next year!

And I also received the prize from the @North Atlantic Seed Co drawing earlier this month, and that's North Thunderfuck from Royal Queen Seeds, along with a cool t-shirt, stickers, and plant name-tag stakes:

They call it "a powerhouse indica" so it was obvious that the weed gods decided I had too many sativa leaners in my collection!

I was over 350 notifications behind this morning, so it may take me a while to catch up, but I plan on getting current by tomorrow. :reading420magazine:

I hope you all had a great weekend and your team won whatever sport they play!

I'm going to try that. Once it macerates it'll be ok I think. I'll show and tell at my place. Thanks for the numbers! In a week or two. I'll be trimming til then!
I'm looking forward to that, when things settle down at your place!
Hey Shed thanks for thoughts on CBD. I have some nearly ready to test CBD Infused Warlock. Only a bit but much more coming.

The stated aim of the starin was a 1:1 THC:CBD Ratio of above 5% each or something quite low maybe 4%. And they hit something like that - just before they started selling it - a Co Lab between CBD Brothers and Serious Seeds two top breeders of their respective specialities. But a legit test in Canada they got 12% - 12% which is madness!

The most excited I’ve been about a strain in ages!

I mean I don’t need for pain or stuff like that m, fortunate am I. But dunno 1% cbd is the highest I’ve had tested imbibed. We get even 4% of each it would be a most excellent experience!
Guess who's back in town today! :ciao:

In the past it seemed that the plants they tried to breed for a blend rarely ended up what they claimed on the specs, so it's nice to know you found something that might be close to the right numbers. Since testing is practically free by you, I'd like to see where yours comes in. Which of your 12 current journals will you post those in? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Closing off the solo grow as soon as the numbers are in weight/testing. So in week there’ll be numbers from that grow.

Harvest is due in three weeks in Graduation where we have 3 very big girls of the same. So a month and then that journal will be shuttered too. That’ll just leave @Canuk Seeds Grow and the “Look. What. Shed. Made. Me Do” as Taylor meant to sing. The giant SIP 😂

One year today since I picked up our first ever cannabis plants, Bruce Banner clones. Some year!

Greetings all! Been offline for a few days with college football (watching, not playing) and getting the taxes done, but I did want to stop by with an update that includes a smoke report (say what?) on the 5 Killer Cookies from @ChefDGreen.

We have a friend who is a bit of a cannabis connoisseur, so when I need a good smoke report I try to get some to her. We happened to be at the same gathering on Saturday so I brought along a baggie with a few buds in it for her to try. I didn't give her any details on its parentage so as not to sway her.

This is the report I got on Sunday:

"Fabulous strain. It tastes fruity to me like maybe fig, pineapple, or honey. Maybe a smidge of tangerine . It made me tingle and very relaxed but not tired. Also made me happy, I felt a bit floaty. I am not sure I have ever had this strain. At first I was a little anxious so I thought it was Sativa but after about 10 minutes I would say it is a mix of indica and Sativa but heavier on the Indica side since it is not heady at all. I really do like it thank you for letting me test it. I hope this is helpful."

At which point I offered her more, seeing as she liked it so much and I have a few ounces. ;) She said:

"Thank you so much! I would love more it is really one of your best I think! Great job."

Not too shabby I'd say! :thanks: Chef for the genetics.

In other news, the crickets really did the trick as the lime tree was 60" tall this weekend:

Here is the lanky looking thing:

Since it's going into a huge pot eventually rather than the ground, I took about 2 feet off:

I'm hoping to get some new shoots near the top so I can shape it similarly to the lemon tree to its right.

In other news, it was prize day today as I received @Herbies Seeds Dessert Mix from my September POTM win:

All solid indicas with some really high THC numbers in there, so I'll have to pick one for next year!

And I also received the prize from the @North Atlantic Seed Co drawing earlier this month, and that's North Thunderfuck from Royal Queen Seeds, along with a cool t-shirt, stickers, and plant name-tag stakes:

They call it "a powerhouse indica" so it was obvious that the weed gods decided I had too many sativa leaners in my collection!

I was over 350 notifications behind this morning, so it may take me a while to catch up, but I plan on getting current by tomorrow. :reading420magazine:

I hope you all had a great weekend and your team won whatever sport they play!


I'm looking forward to that, when things settle down at your place!

Guess who's back in town today! :ciao:

In the past it seemed that the plants they tried to breed for a blend rarely ended up what they claimed on the specs, so it's nice to know you found something that might be close to the right numbers. Since testing is practically free by you, I'd like to see where yours comes in. Which of your 12 current journals will you post those in? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Great smoke report Shed.
Did you share that smoke report with your clan? I certainly would have. And I would have told them this is how you describe effects, not just by saying "it gets me high!"

Hell, free weed will always get folks high. :laugh:
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