How about a Thursday night update!
It was time to play split the clones this afternoon, so I thought I would walk through the process again for those who haven't seen it before.
I don't have a lot of room for cloning, so I usually put at least two cuttings in every solo cup (sometimes three), and once I've got a good root system on both cuttings, I take separate them and put them in separate solo cups. They stay there until the roots fill the cup again, and then they go into 1 gallons. I wait for them to dry out as it's much easier to get them apart that way.
Here are the Fruit Punch clones, taken on February 23rd:
I squeeze and tap and roll and wiggle the medium until I can get them completely separated without damaging any roots. Some folks cut theirs apart but I like a challenge:
Then I wet the roots down with a spray bottle of water, and sprinkle Mykos on them:
Then I put about an inch of fresh ProMix HP at the bottom of a clear solo cup with holes, lower the roots in, and fill the cup the rest of the way. Remember, when you're compacting the medium, let the plant go down as you push. Otherwise you will rip the roots off!
Here they are practicing plantular distancing (no leaves touching
) :
I also did the Golden Tiger clones. They all got completely saturated with 3g/gallon of MegaCrop, and they're back on the heat mat at night.
@Fastass419 posted a pic of a tall oscillating fan that he got, and it reminded me that I have one sitting unused in the garage. Tent upgrade!
And on the
LABs front, mine is done:
I separated the liquid from the cheesy goop on top and put it in the fridge. The smell of the cheesy goop burned my throat as I tried to get it out of the jar, and it's hard to clean off. :feh:
I'll be testing the LABs as a PM spray tomorrow.
That's all I've got tonight. I hope you are surviving the lock-down with minimal side-effects (we're on two weeks tomorrow), and that you all remain healthy and happy!