InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Ha! I couldn’t decide if I should heart that comment or laugh! Such a dilemma.
When do you decide if it’s a spog or not? At first pistils? I agree, Candida and NL would look fabulous in there! I need the quick timetable of autos to stock the shelves... unless they’re all spogs!
A spog® would be an auto that goes into flower with no side branching, creating a single bud on a stick type cola. But anything that flowers small I would pull.
Thought about the real natural way, stick it in the soil and just add water. Works in most cases in wildlife, you should go check on it once in awhile we happen to forget how it works sometimes.... LOL! :cheesygrinsmiley:
So how come you're not growing outside now? Wild seeds don't sprout in October unless you're growing winter wheat. Or south of the equator!
Why not call it a Shed instead of a Spog...? :)
Shed doesn't stand for Single Point Of Green duh. Remember, spog® is an acronym. And on the plus side, I haven't had a spog® in quite a while now. Still not a fan of autos for me.
So how come you're not growing outside now? Wild seeds don't sprout in October unless you're growing winter wheat. Or south of the equator!

It's illegal to grow Marijuana or as they say here Hasch Plant.... and u live in a much more temperate climate than me its just under 10C here now during day time so I'm guessing its hard. BUT I have sprouted Salad outside here in Feb once! But that year had no winter...

Shed doesn't stand for Single Point Of Green duh. Remember, spog® is an acronym. And on the plus side, I haven't had a spog® in quite a while now. Still not a fan of autos for me.

Still only pulling u in the leg....
I almost forgot,tomorrow's the day...
Good Luck,Shed!
I have and I am. I was under for my colonoscopy with propofol, which while it killed Michael Jackson, is a great knock-out drug! When I was out for my last hernia repair it was Fentanyl and Versed. It took me a long time to be able stand up and go home after that combination.
Enjoy brother!
Damn slow international post...

Hope you’re getting a nice relaxed day and evening before the day of surgical insult buddy :love: (That’s what the hospital pain management specialist after my partner’ surgery kept calling it. Surgical insult - seems such an appropriate term.)

Will be thinking of you :circle-of-love:
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