InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

when I woke up I found a three-person team was just finishing pulling the fans off. :thumb:

Yay! Harvest elveses! :cheer:

Great stuff on getting it done Shed. I know that problem of RH rising in the jars when you burp them :eye-roll: ... been there! You’ll get them there, I’ve no doubt :D

one DDA seed (Dark Devil Auto), so I dropped it and an Amnesia Haze auto into bowls.

:slide: :popcorn:
We have 3 German shepherds

Awwwh, I got one 6 year old girl her name is Ginza. She is a handful, broke her back leg when she was one year old. :thedoubletake:

Thanks Crazy! I have to say this water was nastier than any of the other recent harvests (which is why I posted it). I don't know why though...

You ever get that black sot from diesel exhaust, I get it here in my windows clean them every 6 months but this black sot just keep coming. Never had that a few years back. You living in the most car populated city in the world should have lots of it, but you may not have as high percentage of diesels as we do....?
Long overdue drive-by...

Congrats on the harvest.... Bummer bout the rott....

Be careful with it.. Bad shit on one's lungs..

Was a pretty plant,,,,

Keepem Green
Nice update Shed... the water is very similar to my bath water once I'm done. I'm thinking that can't be good.
Yeah man, you gotta stop letting the dog get in the tub with you, It’s just not sanitary Mr. S.
What do you add to your soil for Aeration. I know perlite is the most common but what else ? any pumice or other rock maybe Hydrotons
Another great harvest shed , I didn't see a scale reading on the AK LOOKS like a lot if all that in the tent is it ?!? >> Hey Crazy i have a German Shepard shes 1 YO today << broke her hind leg a few months ago , Had a cast put on and went through all the good stuff that goes with it >2000.00 Later running and jumping like nothing happened . I had started some training with her , have done it in school before (( the good old choker Chain )) really set things back a few notches for obedience . :peace:
On the dogs

Tiggernado, Dutch shepherd, best thing I ever did was spend $1700 on personal professional trainer

Shepherds are different for sure, why I didn't want a puppy...I got both, but rescues kinda pull at those heart strings

Bummer yer pup broke his leg, I worry about Tigger too, he gets so ballistic and retarded when he plays

Kids I tell ya
Another great harvest shed , I didn't see a scale reading on the AK LOOKS like a lot if all that in the tent is it ?!? >> Hey Crazy i have a German Shepard shes 1 YO today << broke her hind leg a few months ago , Had a cast put on and went through all the good stuff that goes with it >2000.00 Later running and jumping like nothing happened . I had started some training with her , have done it in school before (( the good old choker Chain )) really set things back a few notches for obedience . :peace:

For dog walking I like a standard leash for training and keeping the dog in the heel position on my left. If the dog starts to pull a slight tug on the leash as a correction works great. Don't forget to reward your pup when they are walking in the heel position too. some treats in your pocket may help to keep them in heel while walking. Praise and a food reward should do the trick.

I also like to have my dogs sit when I stop, whether at a light, or to speak with neighbors. Helps to keep the dog calm and not all "OMG A NEW FRIEND!!!!"

I've found that dog training is more about my attitude not the dogs.
Most training is for US...LOL

we did non treat training, works fantastic

He does great in off leash training, biggest challenge still is other dogs, he want to meet and play with
E colar and training colar work great together

I'm now working on his separation anxiety, I'm his 4th home, but he is getting there, a little bit every day
Another great harvest shed , I didn't see a scale reading on the AK LOOKS like a lot if all that in the tent is it ?!? >> Hey Crazy i have a German Shepard shes 1 YO today << broke her hind leg a few months ago , Had a cast put on and went through all the good stuff that goes with it >2000.00 Later running and jumping like nothing happened . I had started some training with her , have done it in school before (( the good old choker Chain )) really set things back a few notches for obedience . :peace:
I Love GSDs or German shepherd Dogs We have three we have taken them to Obedience classes and our youngest, Now 4 went through three Obedience classes Agility classes and tracking classes so she knows what to do its just a matter of getting her to do it Lol. I had Great Pyrenees and did a lot of training I actually came in third in the US in Obedience with one of my GPs we also showed in Conformation. Our other GP did good in state but we stopped there, Lots of Politics in Conformation. But it is worth the training, You wouldn't know ours were ever trained if you came into our house. I would like to do some schutzhund training. If you don't know what that is, It is the training the police and military use,,,, check it out This ………. :surf:
Most training is for US...LOL

we did non treat training, works fantastic

He does great in off leash training, biggest challenge still is other dogs, he want to meet and play with
E colar and training colar work great together

I'm now working on his separation anxiety, I'm his 4th home, but he is getting there, a little bit every day
When I first started training dogs back in the 80s we stuck to No Treat training and I think it is best, Now for tracking you have to use treats but not in Obedience training I think the dog should do what you ask of it with out a treat, The praise is what is needed when doing Obedience more then a treat, Make it fun Give Lots of praise they want that more then a treat it is more of a positive reinforcement then treats on the other side of things a tug on the chocker collar is a negative reinforcement Dog training is as varied and wide as growing Cannabis Lots of Opinions on what is best.
For dog walking I like a standard leash for training and keeping the dog in the heel position on my left. If the dog starts to pull a slight tug on the leash as a correction works great. Don't forget to reward your pup when they are walking in the heel position too. some treats in your pocket may help to keep them in heel while walking. Praise and a food reward should do the trick.

I also like to have my dogs sit when I stop, whether at a light, or to speak with neighbors. Helps to keep the dog calm and not all "OMG A NEW FRIEND!!!!"

I've found that dog training is more about my attitude not the dogs.
Dogs pick up on your state of mind or attitude more them people realize training should always be fun for your dog and you should be relaxed when training. Horses pick up on your attitude when training too. Training at home is also VERY important as well, for every hour you spend in class you should spend at least 4 hours at home training. My dad had walker coon dogs so I would help him train the dogs and puppies. We would Drag a sent block then tie it in a tree for them to practice tracking and treeing racoons and you always take an older dog to show the young ones what to do, after a few times the puppies picked up on what was going on and start to track and tree like the older dogs
What do you add to your soil for Aeration. I know perlite is the most common but what else ? any pumice or other rock maybe Hydrotons

Hydrocorn or clay pebbles is the next best thing to perlite. You want to keep the weight down if you are moving around your plants a lot. I heard you could use cat litter sand as well but that poses a bigger weight than perlite, especially when wet.
Awwwh, I got one 6 year old girl her name is Ginza. She is a handful, broke her back leg when she was one year old.
You ever get that black sot from diesel exhaust, I get it here in my windows clean them every 6 months but this black sot just keep coming. Never had that a few years back. You living in the most car populated city in the world should have lots of it, but you may not have as high percentage of diesels as we do....?
We do have some pretty strict emission laws in CA so maybe that's part of the reason we don't need to clean our windows that often. And we have plenty of diesel traffic with one of the busiest ports in the world down the road, but we also might have cleaner burning diesel here...never looked into it.
Long overdue drive-by...
Congrats on the harvest.... Bummer bout the rott....
Be careful with it.. Bad shit on one's lungs..
Was a pretty plant,,,,
Keepem Green
Thanks Norcali! I tried to be pretty aggressive taking out the rot, so I'm hopeful there's nothing left. Not seeing any grey mold growing during the dry which makes me more confident.
What do you add to your soil for Aeration. I know perlite is the most common but what else ? any pumice or other rock maybe Hydrotons
Pumice works as well, but perlite is a lot easier to find. If you need information on pumice, @FelipeBlu is your man.
Another great harvest shed , I didn't see a scale reading on the AK LOOKS like a lot if all that in the tent is it ?!? >> Hey Crazy i have a German Shepard shes 1 YO today << broke her hind leg a few months ago , Had a cast put on and went through all the good stuff that goes with it >2000.00 Later running and jumping like nothing happened . I had started some training with her , have done it in school before (( the good old choker Chain )) really set things back a few notches for obedience .
Thanks SB! I stopped weighing them at harvest because I knew it would be completely irrelevant with all the rot that had to be excised. I just weigh them when I get to 62% now.

Our last two dogs were trained with praise and a choke chain, but my wife decided to try clicker training (oh so many treats :eek: ) because our new puppy seemed to react badly to corrections with the collar or the shake can. She would get really shy and scared.

By the end of the last clicker training class we did she wouldn't even eat the treats...she was so full! Not to mention no one is following through at home during the week (because who wants to walk around with treats and a clicker all the time - but we always have our hands and voices for praise and love), so we will probably seek out another method when we're done with these classes. Chris gave me the name of a company he used that has a trainer in Los Angeles, so that will be my next call.
Kids I tell ya
Kids for sure! Our puppy rarely looks where she's running and got a cut just over her eye last week. Neosporin took care of it but half an inch lower and it would have been trouble.
I'm now working on his separation anxiety, I'm his 4th home, but he is getting there, a little bit every day
Good luck Chris! I'm sure he'll come to realize that he has found his permanent home eventually.
cat litter
Most cat litter is made from bentonite which is clay, and that will absorb tons of water. I'd skip that one and go with stuff designed for aerating soil.


Cracked shells last night and one tiny tail this morning on the Amnesia Haze. I'll probably put them in peat tonight before we all sit down to watch Pop Star again.
The training and E collar can be a bit controversial, but used correctly they are fantastic

I needed work on my tone and state of mind a lot at first, I still do. But Tigger just wants to please, very happy kid, not a lover or petter, wants to play, eat, and eat yer face, eat yer face lovingly of
We do have some pretty strict emission laws in CA so maybe that's part of the reason we don't need to clean our windows that often. And we have plenty of diesel traffic with one of the busiest ports in the world down the road, but we also might have cleaner burning diesel here...never looked into it.

Thanks Norcali! I tried to be pretty aggressive taking out the rot, so I'm hopeful there's nothing left. Not seeing any grey mold growing during the dry which makes me more confident.

Pumice works as well, but perlite is a lot easier to find. If you need information on pumice, @FelipeBlu is your man.

Thanks SB! I stopped weighing them at harvest because I knew it would be completely irrelevant with all the rot that had to be excised. I just weigh them when I get to 62% now.

Our last two dogs were trained with praise and a choke chain, but my wife decided to try clicker training (oh so many treats :eek: ) because our new puppy seemed to react badly to corrections with the collar or the shake can. She would get really shy and scared.

By the end of the last clicker training class we did she wouldn't even eat the treats...she was so full! Not to mention no one is following through at home during the week (because who wants to walk around with treats and a clicker all the time - but we always have our hands and voices for praise and love), so we will probably seek out another method when we're done with these classes. Chris gave me the name of a company he used that has a trainer in Los Angeles, so that will be my next call.

Kids for sure! Our puppy rarely looks where she's running and got a cut just over her eye last week. Neosporin took care of it but half an inch lower and it would have been trouble.

Good luck Chris! I'm sure he'll come to realize that he has found his permanent home eventually.

Most cat litter is made from bentonite which is clay, and that will absorb tons of water. I'd skip that one and go with stuff designed for aerating soil.


Cracked shells last night and one tiny tail this morning on the Amnesia Haze. I'll probably put them in peat tonight before we all sit down to watch Pop Star again.
Tigger did the same thing

Running through the shrubs in the back yard, cut above his eye



I do love his size, about 65#, not as big as a GSD, so happy with that
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