InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Nevermind I got one outside I can clone.
I think the first thought was only in your head because it certainly wasn't here.
I see Luiz’s influence is rubbing off on us all. I’ve been starting to up my game with the grow calendar...
Let’s ship me one o’ those bedroom cookies eh!?
I thought of BL when I made that table, and held off making another column with growth percentage...had to leave something for him to do :).

I'll start checking into FedEx overnight down under :).
In case you missed it, here is a link to this morning's post.

MrSauga must have gotten stuck at work, or at the bar after work...
I'm gonna start calling you Re-Run!

You've got some loyal followers. We be readin' :nomo:
Damn, we got clones to burn around here nowadays.............. Keepem Green
MrSauga must have gotten stuck at work, or at the bar after work...
lol, work never goes past 8 hours, but this last week has been nothing but car repairs and some fence work around the house. And no the two are not related!
I had to replace the rotors and pads all around. Simple job right? Wrong.
Wheellock key twists off inside the lug making it a useless piece of shit. I had to figure out a way to get all tire locks off, one from each wheel. Youtube told me to smash a socket over the lug which is just slightly smaller. Worked, but too tired to do anymore.
Next day all pumped to get going again. Got the wheel off the driver front side, removed the caliper and pads to find the rotor is rusted solid on the axle hub. Smash, bash, heat, curse, bang knucles, throw hammer, kick tire, and went back to Youtube. Youtube told me to use the caliper bracket where the bolts go through and use a jacking bolt to pop that bitch off. Worked, but man did that pop. Grabbed the axle hub and found some wobble. Weird, that shouldn't do that. So, had to plan to replace the axle bearing hub assembly another weekend(this weekend).
Finished up the left side, moved to the front right and repeated everything except the stuff prior to the jacking bolt. I smrat this time around!
So never got to the rears last weekend. Today was the rear rotors, pads and front bearing assembly. Rears much easier to do, but just as seized. The axle hub bearing assembly took a 10lb steel mallet and a Pman blunt to calm me down and she finally released.
All done and car feels great today.

Never did make it to the bar :) I would have toasted Youtube for a job well done.
I was gonna kill clones but then I got high.

I'm gonna start calling you Re-Run!

You've got some loyal followers. We be readin' :nomo:

I wanna know What's Happening Now...
Jeez @MrSauga i need a Pman blunt just reading what you had to go through!! Glad you’re all done now :lot-o-toke:
Thanks HH! As much of a pita that was, it was good to be working outside for a change :)
It's a great feeling to take a break, listen to some reggae in the drive, and puff a fatty now that recreational use is legal. Walking the dog takes a lot longer as I find myself staring at the grass a little more frequently now.
Got a puppy today! About 9 week old rescue that looks like a Shephard mix. No pics because of facial recognition on Facebook but I'll get a shot from the back for you :).
Justin Credible!
Nice one :high-five:
Damn, we got clones to burn around here nowadays.............. Keepem Green
Unlike the old days...
18 months ago we were killing clones. Lol
...when we were killing clones left right and sideways!
I was gonna kill clones but then I got high.
I would have killed them either way.

That's not what's happening now ;).
car repairs
Whoa! Amazing work and praise be to YouTube for helping you out. I can certainly see why you missed posting my update link :).
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