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They talk about that, TLC (this system) and , oops HPLC

So pretty sure they have, but don't see any comparison
Gotta have DEA approval for GC, not sure we can get that


I mean, for what it is it works great, especially for peeps who strain chase , test, or pheno hunt

I used it mainly at 1st for testing my CBD crosses. Get a base of each contributor, then see how the cross shakes out

Works well
What's with that last 10 seconds of the video where they say "heat the card before putting it in the jar for THC testing"? :hmmmm:

There is a few options in the tests
They call them

Hot Prints
Cold Prints

Hot is basically decarbing the test flower for full THC and CBD levels

Cold gives a different cannabinoid testing and levels
A full test is 4 tests on one plate

They discuss them on this sheet
Easiest way to $$$ is like this

The kit has all the tools, the $150 kit, good tools, better for long term use, tools I guess is like $50, so let's kick that out

Now the liquid test fluid, and development powder will easily do 10 plates, closer to 15

So it's costing ruffly $8-$10 per plate if you do like I suggested or if you buy replacement stuffs

So you can do 5 tests per plate, so that's pretty cheap testing

I got the testing tubes online cheap. May have got pipets not sure

So once you understand the system, that will take a few plates, it's a pretty good system
I even had good results with liquid a d powder over a year old
And while I'm here, along with the Vulx comparison update, here is some of what happened on no-nap Sunday:

Almost exactly a year ago, you may remember that I took a cut off one of my potted lemon trees, scraped the lower stem, split it, and put clonex gel on it, and stuck it in some dirt with a bag on top. And left it alone:

It hasn't grown much, but today I transplanted it:

I also spent a long time thinning and shaping the vegging AK-47:

Look familiar? :)

One of the problems with having so many plants and often not seeing them outside every day is that I miss things like this...Ca deficiency on my Candida top clone:

Next time it gets 4.5g/gallon MegaCrop.

And last, this little critter scooted up next to me for a hot second while I was transplanting the lemon. It stayed still and stared at me long enough to get the picture, and then it vanished!

I hope you had a great Sunday. I went to a small Cinco de Mayo party and have learned that I still don't like fish tacos. :)

Haha no fish tacos huh? Aww man sounds like some bad stories there lol.

I had a thought earlier, Shed. My BC clones are looking kinda....limp. It’s been hot here lately and they don’t seem to respond well to it. It could be that they are root bound and need a transplant. That’s entirely possible.
Twin AKs! :bravo:

I can’t imagine that there’s anything to like about fish tacos. Sounds disgusting!

stayed still and stared at me long enough to get the picture, and then it vanished!
Gorgeous! Well captured :D

At least you’ve spotted the Candida clone issue now... I’m sure you’ll sort it out :)
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