Time for the (Norcali-driven) Wednesday update!
Let's start with the big news of the day...two new plants to add to the chaos
. We have liftoff on the Lemon Potion auto and the DTF:
That's 48 hours from peat to sprout, not too shabby. The SLH should be up tonight if it's playing along. The DTF already has a tap root on the bottom so it goes in a solo cup tonight, and the LPa will go into a 7g fabric pot if it shows a tap tonight.
Next up, the final weight on the AK-47 harvest, as it took me this long to get the RH back up to 62% in the jars. 93 grams/3.3oz of air:
And last for this morning, the leaves on the Candida top:
Have a terrific Wednesday all