InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I have been running 10/14 this entire new grow
But no one ever called you sane! What's your hurry? Does the old saw "more light bigger buds" not apply on the surface of the sun? I can see running that in flower but why from seed unless you want it to flower as early as possible, like Agemon suggested.
In my calculators I do have a page of what each 5ml of products I use adds to a gallon of water in terms PPM's
And if I wanted to add MegaCrop I could either use they're nute calculator or the one you posted.
I can't believe I just typed any of that.
LOL! We do all sorts of crazy things here :). I'm looking forward to Chris' response:nomo:
Nice job on the Clones Shed, I'll be setting up a veg area and trying out your tek. Got myself dip and grow :thumb:

You got the high Humidity too, I opened my tent during lights off and it was at 95% Felt like it was gonna rain within the tent. I'm still in veg so it shouldn't hurt em. It's a good thing that you weren't further along in flowering.
he harsh reality sets in about how much you've screwed up when not a single family member would come bond me out. I rode out that whole 30 day sentence, in the clink. But.... I finally detoxed.
Blessing in disguise sometimes P milly. Almost like we are programmed to abuse/consume dope and alcohol? Cocktail hour growing up?
Got anxiety? Here's some benzos. Got aches and pains? Here's some opiates and muscle relaxers. Opiates make you foggy, can't concentrate, and sleepy? Here's some amphetamines. Can't sleep because you're wired on amphetamines? I got a pill for that too. Next thing you know, you're cramming 11 pills in your face, h
They have been hiding Canna from us and making billions/millions? Why heal everyone with one plant when we can make rivers run pink in China making toxic pills? Behind as usual so skipped over the last 15 pages um. Sorry Shed.
Nice job on the Clones Shed, I'll be setting up a veg area and trying out your tek. Got myself dip and grow :thumb:

You got the high Humidity too, I opened my tent during lights off and it was at 95% Felt like it was gonna rain within the tent. I'm still in veg so it shouldn't hurt em. It's a good thing that you weren't further along in flowering.
I'm hoping by the time I've got buds on, the weather will be warmer and the lid will be off the oval and I'll have more air circulation.

But I rarely know what I'm gonna get with RH. Whatever the wind is blowing in! The shed is uninsulated so it's pretty much the same as outside. When it's not raining it's been pretty dry this winter.
Behind as usual so skipped over the last 15 pages um. Sorry Shed.
No worried Kismet. You're always welcome to drop by any time!
And if I wanted to add MegaCrop I could either use they're nute calculator or the one you posted.

My plan with it is start with 1g per gallon at day 1 and increase 1g per week (there about, maybe sooner than a week depending on growth) until I'm at 5g per gallon. That would basically be the same (replace g with ml) that I'm doing now with the Foliage Pro. The Mega Crop is 27ppm N per gram, Foliage Pro is 24ppm N per milliliter. Then with the Foliage Pro I'm adding a bit more N via Cal Mag. FP has 2% Calcium, MC has 5.6%, so I don't think I'll need to supplement that anymore. So it's all about a wash.
Soaking Friday Update!

Wet wall in my son's room but no drips yet...could be by now though :).

Mostly root pics today because the plants all look the same. But let me lead with what the temps were in the shed overnight with the light at 250w:

The RH is higher both from both the incoming storm and the fact that there is 3 gallons of water in the pots now. But the overnight low was 56º and the high was only 67º, not the balmy high of 81º when the lights were at 300w. So before I closed them back up for the day I bumped it to 270w to see if I could find a sweet spot where I get heat but not burn the tops of the Sour G. They're dark when I get home so I never know until the morning. I did rotate them all 180 degrees because they don't really fit under the light.

Here are the clones on the heat mat:

The two top left that look wet got sprayed with iso/water in case anything is hiding under the leaves. I'm pretty sure the top row is PC, Candida, PC and the bottom row is all Sour G.

I mentioned yesterday to @Dutchman1990 that I watered them with MegaCrop at 4g/gallon, which is the same strength that the Candidas and the AK clone get. He mentioned that was mid-veg strength, but these clones all have solid root growth and actually are mid-veg by age. I forgot to get a TDS on the MC solution but I think last time it was only around 300 TDS without the water. I'll check next time.

Here, in no particular order, are the roots in the cups:

Before I up-pot any they will probably be completely root-bound.

The supercrops on the Candida had bounced back up so I bent them again (no knuckle yet) and hung some weights from paper clips to keep them down.

I don't think there will be too many pics for a few days as the sun won't be out until Monday. Maybe I can sneak them out for a photo-shoot if it stops raining though.

Brighter days to all!
Nice roots shed! Definitely more developed than my critical clone roots! Good to know I’ll be bumping up MC each feeding.

Commercial greenhouses (for plants other than cannabis) focus more on ppm of N and use it for their dilution rates of their injection feeders. To me, ppm alone isn't the best metric. Say I feed my plant 300 ppm, but 100% of it is Nitrogen. I'm likely to turn it into a crispy critter. On the other hand, I can feed it 1000 ppm of fertilizer, as long as I keep the N portion of that 1000 under 150. I find it a convenient way to compare nute lines and their different NPK ratios. Keep the N PPMs the same between the 2 and see the effects of the additional P and K in the blends. The Mega Crop is fairly heavy on the K. Their explanation on a single blend that works for grow and bloom is logical and is as follows:

Cannabis and Hemp Veg and Flowering nutrient requirements are different, yet fairly similar. Usually, a dedicated “veg” formula will have slightly more Nitrogen, and less Potassium, while similarly a “bloom” formula will have less Nitrogen, and more Potassium.

MEGA CROP uses a universal formula that can be used for the entire plant life, we accomplish this in a few ways.

  1. Plants take up what they need, so during different phases of growth, the plant will search for what it needs and uptake it from the soil or nutrient solution. As long as you are providing in sufficient quantities, the plant will have optimum growth uninterrupted. This is the same concept that organic outdoor growers will use to get fantastic results, at the beginning of the season they do their “soil mix” which has everything that the plant will need for its whole life-cycle, from start to finish. Through the plants life, it takes what it needs from the soil mix, and as long as everything is in sufficient quantities, it will have optimum growth.
  2. We use extremely high quality and low Ammonium type nitrogen ingredient sources, this reduces the possibility of “overfeeding toxicity” that you would get from normal hydroponic fertilizers using too much nitrogen, even at higher doses. So, having extra nitrogen beyond what the plant needs will not harm it.
  3. The Feeding Schedule calls for increased dosage for different parts of the plants life. By following the feeding schedule, the plants will always have what they need ready. During each phase, there will be slight excess of nutrients that the plant doesn’t need as much of, however this will stay in the soil and be available in later phases.

Awesome info Farside! I just started using MC as well and the ease of mixing is wicked! Excited to see how it does through the remainder of the grow!
Thanks Amy, I'll go have a second look. :Namaste: I suppose I was expecting something along the lines of GWE, but I ended up at Canna University! :adore:

We've got quite a bit of water here too. A good push broom, will help with all that water, although I'm guessing you don't really have a space just waiting for gallons of water...
Yeah I had a push broom and a shop vac lol! Looked like an idiot to the birds probably. Could have sworn I heard some crows cackling at me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
But I rarely know what I'm gonna get with RH. Whatever the wind is blowing in! The shed is uninsulated so it's pretty much the same as outside. When it's not raining it's been pretty dry this winter.
And you’ve grown some fine plants even when Mother Nature doesn’t give you the perfect VPD we all covet!;)
Serious question though, is cannabis grown indoors superior? Not trying to start a war here or anything. You’ve obviously got access to the best grow light ever, but how much does the imperfect environment affect things?
Yeah I had a push broom and a shop vac lol! Looked like an idiot to the birds probably. Could have sworn I heard some crows cackling at me. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Happens to me all the time where I live. I take my GSD out to the field to throw ball and the Big Crows or Ravens (thought they were the same) start heckling us too. HAAAA HAAA HAAAA!!!! Just like mallards on the golf course when you get to the water holes. Thing is the ducks laugh before you hit the ball!

Great question about indoor vs. outdoor. You know there's really only one way to find out. Same strain in dirt, coco, hydro... What an experiment!
Great question about indoor vs. outdoor. You know there's really only one way to find out. Same strain in dirt, coco, hydro... What an experiment!
Agreed and even then there’s probably too many variables. I guess what I’m pondering over here is if we can grow under the sun, why grow indoors at all and worry about temp/humidity. Aside from the legality and potential theft issues of course, which can’t be discounted.
I think the answer lies somewhere between how good your weather is locally and whether it’s legal for you to grow.
Shed will be pleased when i show up on his door step one morning.
Yes. Yes I will!
My plan with it is start with 1g per gallon at day 1 and increase 1g per week (there about, maybe sooner than a week depending on growth) until I'm at 5g per gallon. That would basically be the same (replace g with ml) that I'm doing now with the Foliage Pro. The Mega Crop is 27ppm N per gram, Foliage Pro is 24ppm N per milliliter. Then with the Foliage Pro I'm adding a bit more N via Cal Mag. FP has 2% Calcium, MC has 5.6%, so I don't think I'll need to supplement that anymore. So it's all about a wash.
I was of the same mind on the calcium, which is why I'm flying without it for now. And I'm guessing the MC is cheaper/gallon than the DG, so if you end up with the same results that should seal the deal.
You’ve obviously got access to the best grow light ever
Same one you have in your backyard. You're actually a bit closer to the light as well, inverse square and all ;).
Serious question though, is cannabis grown indoors superior? Not trying to start a war here or anything. You’ve obviously got access to the best grow light ever, but how much does the imperfect environment affect things?
I would bet that of two clones grown with the same nutes on the same lighting schedule, the one grown in the controlled environment of the tent would be be better than the one grown in my crazy environment!
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