Afternoon otter!
Sorry about the lack of updates here folks. With the cold and the rain, the plants are never outside, which is where the photography happens. This morning it was 46º outside (8ºC), so even though it was sunny, the plants stayed put.
However staying put just became a little different, so here's a Wednesday update of what's happening...
Yesterday, my new tent arrived! It took 3 minutes to get the poles together and another 10 to figure out that I needed to move the couch and coffee table out of the living room to sort out the cover! Here it is all done:
And here it is with the Candidas, the AK clone (on the far right), and the Bedroom Cookies (tucked in the back between the Candidas):
That's the MarsHydro 300 hanging in there about 24" off the tops. I've also got two clip fans on top aimed down, and another fan outside blowing into one of those rectangular flap openings. I have no idea how the three big flowering plants are going to fit in there at night, but fit they must until the nighttime temps in the shed improve.
Note to anyone getting a won't fit three 10g pots unless you quadline no wider than the edge of the pot!
And speaking of the shed, I bought another roll of that reflective insulation ($44 for 4'x25'). I needed to make the oval longer to make room for the plants, though the edges of the plants are no longer under the directly under the strips. I also cut down the old oval and made a double thick pad for the floor.
I lowered the light a bit because - since I raised it on flip day - it's not doing as good a job keeping the temps up. And with lights off last night the temp dropped into the high 40s. Today is the first day to execute the flow chart.
That's what I've got! Stay tuned tomorrow for pics of the three biggies smooshed in the tent