InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

How about a transplanting/clone splitting update of a Thursday? Most of these pics are from this past weekend, though some are from a few weeks back. Let's dive in...

First up, I transplanted the tops of the Amnesia Lemon Kush and Le Creme CBG back on March 24th since they were really bursting out of their solo cups (cut on Dec 26th). Here's the ALK:

The roots (scored):

The result:

Here's the LeC:

Roots (scored after the pic):


I don't add any mycorrhizae when I upcan mother plants since encouraging root growth is the last thing I want to do!

Next up is the clone splitting I did last weekend on the Candidas and the second set of LeC cuttings. Here are the Candidas 2-to-a-cup (cut Jan 1, 2023):

I shake, bang, knock, and wiggle, and then I start to work on the actual plants. With enough cajoling, they come apart without significant damage:

I picked two to replant back in the cups (I only need one for the new mother) and tossed the other two:

After that I moved on to the 3-in-a-cup LeCs:

Did the same thing:

And kept one that I forgot to get a pic of because I wanted to replant the LeC that was in the SWICK:

It had a layer of perlite at the bottom and an overflow hole 1" up, and it needed water 2x/day. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Here are the roots with the perlite shaken off:

And I smooshed the roots down and packed it into fresh soil to the bottom:

All done:

I don't actually need either of those last two LeC clones since I have the top in the 1 gallon, so I'll probably toss those when they need to be upcanned. The SWICK one was an experiment (successful, thanks @Azimuth!) so it will be interesting to see how it transitions to all soil, and the other I did just because I like clone splitting. :)

That's it for me! I hope your weather is spring-like and the snow is melting and your spirits are lifting like warm air rising to meet the cooler air above causing your own mini-tornado of fun. :peace:
Shed are you going to swick the plant onward, or are you going to change up the hydration? What was in the experiment?
You have such a green thumb Shed. Those clones are amazing.
We were in San Diego last week and the Airbnb owner where we stayed had an emergency with a lemon tree in the backyard that she was worried would “bother” us, because there were people there trying to save it when we checked in. Of course, it was no problem for us and I was amazed at how such a small tree could have soooo many lemons on it (probably why it fell over - that and all the rain… :eye-roll:). It made me think of you and your lemon tree and sprouts. Anyhoo….I don’t understand the Rumsfeld link.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I assume you're aware of the ongoing solo cup challenge @DYNOMYCO is running.

I swear, sometimes I think you should change your name from "InTheShed" to "InTheTrash!" :laugh:
Shed are you going to swick the plant onward, or are you going to change up the hydration? What was in the experiment?
I am not. I've shoved all those roots down into the new soil, so the new experiment is how well the plant transitions from SWICK to soil. Here are the roots after 5 days:

so below soil it's the fastest root growth I've ever seen. And they look damn happy not to be in perlite any more!

I'll get some pics of the tops this weekend.

Oh the original experiment was just to see how a clone going from perlite/water to perlite/SWICK did compared to the others that went into soil, and it did just fine (as you can see in the pics before replant).

Nice upcan and splitting Shed thanks! Splitting gives me the shivers!
You should try it sometimes with those clones you have too many of. Once you get the hang of it you lose the most things!
You have such a green thumb Shed. Those clones are amazing.
Thanks Boo!
We were in San Diego last week and the Airbnb owner where we stayed had an emergency with a lemon tree in the backyard that she was worried would “bother” us, because there were people there trying to save it when we checked in. Of course, it was no problem for us and I was amazed at how such a small tree could have soooo many lemons on it (probably why it fell over - that and all the rain… :eye-roll:). It made me think of you and your lemon tree and sprouts.
I'm going to consider it sweet to be associated with lemons. :) I hope you had a great trip!
Anyhoo….I don’t understand the Rumsfeld link.
It's what he said in 2004 when explaining his approach to the Iraq war, and it comes in handy for home projects as well! Here's a bit more context:
Well the clone in the Sip did have some big/fat roots will give it that but two times a day watering would be s PIA .
Indeed it was! Of course with the new root growth, it will probably be at least daily any minute. :rolleyes:
Nicely done Shed. Thanks for showing us how.
I'm always glad to show how I do stuff in the cannabis department!
I assume you're aware of the ongoing solo cup challenge @DYNOMYCO is running.
I am, thanks GDB. The original rules included starting a new journal so I didn't join. I've already shown what I can do in a Big Gulp so I'm okay missing it. Funny thing is they still haven't sent the MOTY prize yet. ;)
I swear, sometimes I think you should change your name from "InTheShed" to "InTheTrash!"
The Candida mother plant is next to go! ♻️
Hey friends. Gonna be lazy and drop a few pics here (sorry in advance). Can someone offer some input on potential issues with this soil plant? It's my friends and have no clue how to grow weed in soil. It's sunshine mix #4. Thanks in advance. Hope everyone here is doing well. 🙏 also gonna be in SB this weekend uncle shed!

Plants kinda got that droop happening 🙃
Hey friends. Gonna be lazy and drop a few pics here (sorry in advance). Can someone offer some input on potential issues with this soil plant? It's my friends and have no clue how to grow weed in soil. It's sunshine mix #4. Thanks in advance. Hope everyone here is doing well. 🙏 also gonna be in SB this weekend uncle shed!

Plants kinda got that droop happening 🙃
Hi Dab, tough one.
Sunshine 4 doesn't need feed to be ph'd as it's buffered I read so unless ph is off the chart that's good.

Purple stems - I get them when a plant wants more mag in my soil so I supplement with cal/mag. I may be off reasoning but that happens.

Light color green - hungry for N?

Droopy - over/under water?

Fall colors - Is it cold in there?

She looks on the verge of ok to me. One thing is off I think. She's hungry. Why? Hmmm. The plant in front of it looks healthy.

I don't know. Seeing the shape of the leaves is weird too. The soil may have gotten missed or old and needs help with its buffering. I need to know the soil ph by using the slurry test I think to see if the soil ph is holding her back from feeding to check that off the list. Looking for 6.2 to 6.5
Hey friends. Gonna be lazy and drop a few pics here (sorry in advance). Can someone offer some input on potential issues with this soil plant? It's my friends and have no clue how to grow weed in soil. It's sunshine mix #4. Thanks in advance. Hope everyone here is doing well. 🙏 also gonna be in SB this weekend uncle shed!
Hey Them, nice to see you round these parts! In addition to Otter's excellent thoughts and Azi's link, have you considered that leaves also droop from too much light? Front right plant is loving whatever you're doing though.
I’m thoroughly enjoying reading your early cloning adventures Master Shed so you ever going to try more gold leafs?
Thanks Twelve and I hope you and the family are doing well! The Gold Leaf was a clone from a guy who doesn't grow anymore, but I have plenty of seeds to get through so I don't think anyone will miss it.

I just noticed you started a new journal so I'll head on over and sub in. You might want to drop a link in your old one so folks there can find your new hideaway. :)
Thanks Twelve and I hope you and the family are doing well! The Gold Leaf was a clone from a guy who doesn't grow anymore, but I have plenty of seeds to get through so I don't think anyone will miss it.

I just noticed you started a new journal so I'll head on over and sub in. You might want to drop a link in your old one so all your old friends can find your new hideaway. :)
Ah I felt so bad for ya but glad you made it passed it, I did start one before my daughter was born not it’s still on hideous. I am growing a auto right now but not making a journal for it because I don’t have time between work and the family. With that being said they are doing great Scarlett is growing super fast and Dante is doing well he’s a little under the weather this week hoping he’s better by Sunday for….MONSTER JAM imma keep on reading and learning your trade secrets don’t mind me ;)
Ah I felt so bad for ya but glad you made it passed it, I did start one before my daughter was born not it’s still on hideous. I am growing a auto right now but not making a journal for it because I don’t have time between work and the family. With that being said they are doing great Scarlett is growing super fast and Dante is doing well he’s a little under the weather this week hoping he’s better by Sunday for….MONSTER JAM imma keep on reading and learning your trade secrets don’t mind me ;)
I hope Dante feels better soon 🛻 and great news on Scarlett growing like a weed. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Things here will be a little slow for a bit while I wait to drop the summer seeds, but there's always something happening in the shed!
I hope Dante feels better soon 🛻 and great news on Scarlett growing like a weed. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Things here will be a little slow for a bit while I wait to drop the summer seeds, but there's always something happening in the shed!
Thank you kindly we tried giving him cold medicine today kids more stubborn then his mother lmao wouldn’t take it now she’s threatening him with the doctor good times. What’s the plans for the summer seeds? I’ll send you a death bubba seed if you wanna grow it :hookah:
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