InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Too bad about the GA3 girls plants- you gave it a helluva try- I thought at least one would be spewing a little pollen by this weekend...Good luck with the STS!
And happy harvesting! That DP is a real might finally be time to enter the NOTM contest- the camera loves purple pot!
that’s a bit more info than, “it gets me high”!
True but it's not a strain variety report that would drive anyone to try growing it! Now if we could find out why it was a favorite, that would be progress! Alas...
^^^ what he said!
Thanks Amy!
The stankberry will vary in taste also as you likely have read. Mine I saved isn't the full blown blueberry muffin one I believe, however it is a huge yielder and excellent taster if one likes not too fruity sweet.
Unfortunately, no one in my family can discern flavor, so the goal is to have less Blueberry than ATF so it doesn't lean to hard to the indica side. I'm giving it a go either way though. Might end up with males even!
Dang, I was really hoping those dirty Candidas would turn for you this time. That DP looks most pleasant though!
Thanks DAB! I'm going to give the STS a shot next, since @Chris Scorpio is having luck with it on Candidas.
I don't blame you for cutting them , they look in pain ! the Durban is a Nice purple , hope the harvest is/went well
Thank you sb, they really never made up their mind as to what they were doing. I guess hormones can do that! Durban Poison came down and Colombian Gold is in bags, a bit too dry. More on that later.
Too bad about the GA3 girls plants- you gave it a helluva try- I thought at least one would be spewing a little pollen by this weekend...Good luck with the STS!
And happy harvesting! That DP is a real might finally be time to enter the NOTM contest- the camera loves purple pot!
Thanks carcass! I think four different plants with four different dilutions of GA3 is certainly a helluva try :). And thanks for the encouragement on entering NOTM...though GDB may not be pleased if I do ;).

It's the Super Bowl this afternoon, and though I'm not a huge football fan, I will be watching in the hopes that KC beats TB. I am so over Tom Brady. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hope the Harvest of the Durban went well Shed, looking forward to see how it turned out!

It's the Super Bowl this afternoon, and though I'm not a huge football fan, I will be watching in the hopes that KC beats TB. I am so over Tom Brady. :cheesygrinsmiley:
^^ This :thumb:
Since you asked N, here is the late Sunday night harvest update for the Durban Poison, taken down yesterday on flip day 69, vegged for 79 days, and a total of 148 days above ground!

Here it was Saturday morning:

Then I took off the big fans and all the supports:

Chop time!

Washed and ready to hang:

Save the bones for Henry Jones. If you still don't know why after all this time, click this link...seriously!

This one was a royal pain in the ass to trim...almost 5 hours for two people! :( Hope it was worth it...

Hung to dry:

I took down the Colombian Gold last night to make room and put it in turkey bags, and this morning they were all in the 56-57% RH range, so I sliced a lemon and put a wedge in each bag.

They're moving up slowly, so hopefully by Monday morning I'll take them out. I want the bags to be around 65-68% RH so I can burp them down to 62% over the next two weeks.

I hope everyone had a great weekend (never had a chance to get my oil changed though) and the week gets off to a smooth start. :ciao:
Looks like another nice harvest Shed! Really like the colour of the Durban buds!
Save the bones for Henry Jones. If you still don't know why after all this time, click this link...seriously!
I did! Now that songs gonna be stuck in my head during my next harvest!
I took down the Colombian Gold last night to make room and put it in turkey bags, and this morning
I keep seeing other members here curing in the turkey bags, that’s something I want to try on my next harvest. I’ve tried the paper bag and they dry to quickly and putting them right in the jar just causes the humidity to shoot back up right away and is such a pain to take the buds in and out of the jar.
And thanks for the encouragement on entering NOTM...though GDB may not be pleased if I do ;).

Not true, Shed. I don't hate on winners! :Rasta:

Well, there is one exception:

Some folks don't like winners
Unless reflected in a mirror
It doesn't make much sense

And as a winner piles up wins
Rather that accept what reality is
These folks just get more incensed

I understand, I really do
I've had these feelings myself,
But I fight them and hope they'll pass

I try to be gracious
But I have to admit
Tom Brady can kiss my...
I sliced a lemon and put a wedge in each bag.
Highya Sheddie.

An alternative to the lemon is to soak a piece of terra cotta pot and use that.
Or a salt shaker with a moist piece of sponge inside will work too.

Just a few other options for folks to consider.
Looks like another nice harvest Shed! Really like the colour of the Durban buds!
Thanks N! My DDAs go almost black when they're dry so I'm wondering if these will stay purple. Hope so :).
I did! Now that songs gonna be stuck in my head during my next harvest!
Nat would be very happy about that!
I keep seeing other members here curing in the turkey bags, that’s something I want to try on my next harvest. I’ve tried the paper bag and they dry to quickly and putting them right in the jar just causes the humidity to shoot back up right away and is such a pain to take the buds in and out of the jar.
We dry in turkey bags but cure in jars (unless we're using airtight buckets). Turkey bags aren't actually airtight but they are a hell of a lot easier to burp.
The reason WHY DP, is because it is there to pump you up. Well done Shed, impressive
LOL, thanks dynamo!
Not true, Shed. I don't hate on winners! Well, there is one exception:
I'm with ya GDB!
Highya Sheddie.

An alternative to the lemon is to soak a piece of terra cotta pot and use that. Or a salt shaker with a moist piece of sponge inside will work too. Just a few other options for folks to consider.
Thanks VG! If the lemon wedges don't do it for me (only 60% this morning) I'll dump the buds in a box, pour boiling water into a pyrex bowl in with them, and close the lid for 5 minutes. That worked last time.
Well if it was a PIA to trim at least it was a Good one Good looking harvest Shed !! I was going to ask why you use lemon But remembered you have/had ? trees
Thanks sb! I do have trees, all from the same mother that grew behind my first Los Angeles apartment in 1988. :) Three in the ground, three in huge pots, and two new ones in 1 gallons.

Congrats on the harvest Shed! My lemon question got answered....what are the little straws with tape on them in your bones pic?
Those are pieces of barbecue skewers taped to the stems to support them. The stems broke from the weight of the buds. I'm going to start adding mono-silicic acid to my plants going forward. It's not cheap but (from what I've read) it's much more readily available than potassium silicate, and it doesn't add potassium to you nutrient regimen.
Great harvest shed!! 5 hours of trimming well worth it! I would have dragged that 5 hours into a week in a half!! Lol bravo, well done man!
Thanks Backlip! Most of it was in front of the TV watching UFC with my son, so it's all good. One day you'll be trimming with your kids too. :thumb:
Nice haul on the DP, Shed- Nice job on the trimming, too -10 hours well spent!
..what are the little straws with tape on them in your bones pic?
Looks like they're little splints to support a couple of broken (supercropped) branches...
We dry in turkey bags but cure in jars (unless we're using airtight buckets). Turkey bags aren't actually airtight but they are a hell of a lot easier to burp.
Thanks Shed, sorry bad wording on my part. I meant drying, after the initial dry when they first come down. That’s the step I seem to have the most issues with and I think the turkey bags may just be the ticket.
Nice haul on the DP, Shed- Nice job on the trimming, too -10 hours well spent!
Thanks carcass! I guess it's been a while since I had any PITA plants to trim. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looks like they're little splints to support a couple of broken (supercropped) branches...
You are correct sir! Broken.
Thanks Shed, sorry bad wording on my part. I meant drying, after the initial dry when they first come down. That’s the step I seem to have the most issues with and I think the turkey bags may just be the ticket.
Just wanted to make sure no one thought it was a good idea to cure in turkey bags :).

I got the idea from @Derbybud and it really makes the burping process much easier!
Thanks Backlip! Most of it was in front of the TV watching UFC with my son, so it's all good. One day you'll be trimming with your kids too. :thumb:
Ahh, such a special bonding moment with you’re son. How were the fights? I saw Frankie got KO’d? That’s too bad, I always liked Frankie

to be honest, if her gritty little fingers learn to dip into my jars, she better harvest the entire plant for me! :laughtwo:

yeah help in trim jail is always good... I’m usually stuck trimming my self, the wife never wants to help... I mean, in all honesty, I can see why lmao
Nat would be very happy about that!

Who or what is Nat?

Those are pieces of barbecue skewers taped to the stems to support them. The stems broke from the weight of the buds. I'm going to start adding mono-silicic acid to my plants going forward. It's not cheap but (from what I've read) it's much more readily available than potassium silicate, and it doesn't add potassium to you nutrient regimen.

What is the purpose of adding mono-silicic acid to your growing regimen?
The Durban buds I’m currently smoking are still purple Those colas are very club-like ...could do some damage!
I don’t envy the trim by the sounds if it, that aspect has been noted. another great haul in the jars, almost!
Good to know they keep their color long after the finger cramps are gone :).
if her gritty little fingers learn to dip into my jars, she better harvest the entire plant for me!
LOL! She might convince you to help. Daughters are persuasive that way!
I’m usually stuck trimming my self, the wife never wants to help... I mean, in all honesty, I can see why lmao
On a good night I can get the entire family in to trim! My wife would have helped on Saturday but she was not going to watch UFC, so that was the end of that.
Who or what is Nat?
You would need to click the original link for the answer to that. After all, I post it with almost every single harvest. :)
What is the purpose of adding mono-silicic acid to your growing regimen?
Silica is good for the plant and helps it grow strong branches. MegaCrop really doesn't have much and I think it shows in my plants.
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