They truly have, but I don't seem to have much luck outside with them, so I've been sticking to photos (except the DDA).
They're tiny buds that broke off in trimming, so they'd vaporize in a microwave! I don't have a dehydrator so I just stick them in a warm spot, like my house lately!
@Homer Simpson posted this on his thread and I watched the whole thing (at 1.25 speed of course). Beyond the mentions of the equipment, it's loaded with good information.
He's recommending the exact same fertilizer ratio that my contact at ProMix said: 20-10-20 and mentions Jack's by name.
He doesn't cover different EC feed rates for different stages of plant growth which I found interesting. He's only mentions 1.3 EC to 10% runoff every time.
And since no one sells ProMix HP around here any more I may build my own using vermiculite instead of perlite based on his recipe and reasons. It's 50/50 peat and vermiculite, with 40g/cu.ft. dolomite lime and 10g/cu.ft. pelletized gypsum.
Vermiculite provides both pH buffering as well as silica. Perlite does neither.
If you have the time or interest, it's worth watching: