InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Congrats on the harvests. Looks like you got pretty good quality buds and a good amount out of Carnival. :high-five:
Remants of tropical storm Genevieve are moving through southern California, and it's hot here as well (daytime temps in the 90s, night time still in the 70s).
She's on her way up to us now. With all the fires that are still burning out of control from last weekend's lightning strikes, we are all holding our breath that we don't get a repeat of that with Genevieve. :nervous-guy:
I recalled my son to help with that, which we finished about 1:00am. He starts college (remotely) tomorrow!
Ugh! It's stressful enough to start your first year of college under normal circumstances, but to have to do it remotely has got to be super tough. I hope the very best for him.
Carnival is looking good Shed. That's what next up for my tent grow. Looking forward to your smoke report. I here it is a really fun upbeat kind of high, Sounds Great to me. Congrats on your harvest
The drying tent is at 62% RH and 84ºF and the fans are all blowing, because you can't get more moisture from the buds than the ambient RH, and 62% is ideal as long as they don't mold!

Congrats on the harvests. Looks like you got pretty good quality buds and a good amount out of Carnival.
Thanks BL! Considering the PM that it had in the beginning of flower and the browning leaves, I'm pretty happy :).
Ugh! It's stressful enough to start your first year of college under normal circumstances, but to have to do it remotely has got to be super tough. I hope the very best for him.
I think it's less stress for him to be home and taking the classes online. No getting used to roommates or dining hall food or getting lost on campus with only 3 minutes before you need to get to your class. Might be the perfect transition for him!
Carnival is looking good Shed. That's what next up for my tent grow. Looking forward to your smoke report. I here it is a really fun upbeat kind of high, Sounds Great to me. Congrats on your harvest
Thanks PCa! I make no promises on the smoke report other than "It got me high."
out of trim jail in a hurry
8 hands make quick work. B99 helps too!
Congrats on the harvest Shed!
”Who will help me smoke this weed?”
Who won't?
CONGRATS! That’s a big deal. Luckily he is probably very tech savvy and wont skip a beat!
He had his first Zoom class at 10am this morning so I'll find out when I get home. I don't think it will be much of a challenge, as opposed to my wife's online Saturday morning yoga class, which never seems to Zoom smoothly!


I heard back from Greenleaf Nutrients about the nitrogen. They said:

Thank you for your previous reply. Here is an official response:

Nitrate Nitrogen is the only suitable nitrogen source for hydroponics, so all hydroponic nutrients will be Nitrate Nitrogen. Also, please see paragraph 3 from the Perdue University article you linked below

Nitrogen fertilizers contain N in the forms of ammonium, nitrate and urea. Upon application to the soil, urea-N rapidly hydrolyzes to ammonia, thus it shares similar characteristics as ammonia-based N fertilizers. When nitrate-N based fertilizers are applied to the soil, plants take up N in nitrate forms. When ammonium-based N fertilizers are applied to soil, soil bacteria convert ammonium into nitrate under aerobic conditions and with warm temperatures. Therefore, nitrate is still the primary nitrogen form taken up by plants in ideal crop production conditions. The nitrification process (bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate) releases hydrogen ions (H+), which react with hydroxide ions (OH–) released by plants during the process of taking up of nitrate. The overall effect on soil pH is close to neutral. However, in reality, we often over apply ammonium-based N fertilizers to compensate for the nitrate leached from the soil, thus soil pH is reduced over time, partly because of the accumulation of H+ released through nitrification process.

So Ammonium Nitrogen is eventually converted to N type nitrogen even in soil grows and absorbed by the plant. Slightly pH changes are expected, and should be easy to deal with. MegaCrop optimal pH range is from 5.5 - 6.5 range but will still work very well close to outside of this range.

I'm not going to get into a back and forth with them as I don't have the scientific knowledge to respond, and they obviously won't be changing their formulation. I do know that they are cherry picking from the Purdue article because it's specifically about how acidic our crop soils are getting, and therefore nitrate N would be better. I also know a lot of folks in hydro use nutrients that are not 100% nitrate-based nitrogen.

On Saturday I gave the flowering two a final straight Orchid Fert watering, and the Orchid/MC/Si blend this morning. Next time they need water I will run a slurry test and see where they are.

Happy Monday!
The drying tent is at 62% RH and 84ºF and the fans are all blowing, because you can't get more moisture from the buds than the ambient RH, and 62% is ideal as long as they don't mold!

Dry, cure, do with when ya feel like it. Me likey. :cheesygrinsmiley:

That's something I‘m wanting to explore and put together. Just haven’t had the time yet.
I figure that as long as I can get them through the first 48 hours without molding, I can leave them hanging as long at I want at 62%!


I’d even be willing to set the RH to 55, even 50 fpr the first couple of days to balance out the excess moisture. Then bring it up to 60%-62% for the next 6 weeks there after.
In an ideal world I’d have a drying cabinet at 65F to help mitigate that. IIRC, and I could be wrong, but I thought I read a paper somewhere about terps being ok under 80 (or maybe it was 85), but would have to look into it.

What I have is working, but could always be improved on. (4x2 tent, gentle air flow, runs about 70F @50%-55% RH. I could use a few things to bump it up a hair, but I have to get it down to around the 52-55 % range for the tumble trimmer anyway.

I know Derek Gilman uses a room like that for the first few weeks, then they go into curing buckets. The buckets are handy, a great time saver, and can be adapted to many sized containers as long as they are air tight.
I haven't tried the fridge method, but I haven't seen anyone fail at it yet. Full terp preservation and a beautiful cure. It'd be worth buying a small frost-free fridge for drying.

I have to get it down to around the 52-55 % range for the tumble trimmer anyway
As I recall from @Mr. Krip, below ~55% curing stops and cannot be restarted, as the bacteria responsible for curing die off in the low 50s RH.
I haven't tried the fridge method, but I haven't seen anyone fail at it yet. Full terp preservation and a beautiful cure. It'd be worth buying a small frost-free fridge for drying.
And a small house to put it in!
I make no promises on the smoke report other than "It got me high."
Works for me.

On another note I'm glad Billy got back to you. That must have been one heck of a blunt to put all that together over 4 days or whatever it was. Unfortunately he's likely referring to large crops where the soil is more likely to become acidic, but in small 5 and 7 gallon pots the pH has no choice but to rise over time from the nitrate.
As I recall from @Mr. Krip, below ~55% curing stops and cannot be restarted, as the bacteria responsible for curing die off in the low 50s RH.

Something like that. I can never remember the exact percentage, but it’s somewhere in that neighborhood
Okay, how about a @Weedseedsexpress Tuesday update while we wait for the RH to drop a bit in my neighborhood! I went to burp the Golden Tiger Big Gulp and the RH went up to 70%. :eek:

Since we haven't seen them in a while, here are the two in flower (flip day 36), starting with the Chocolope:

Other than a little PM coming back, this one seems to be humming along pretty well given the pH of the ProMix.

So let's move on to my slight problem child (though it does have cool purple flowers):

Power Plant (you can see the yellowing down below):

It started pushing out new pistils again!

The leaves are curling up at the ends as well as tacoing.

Here are some of the lowers (ignore the white spots...they're related to the citric acid spray):

Besides the pH issues, I wonder if some plants are more sensitive to the citric acid spray. Maybe I should try 0.5% next time... :hmmmm:

Slurry test tomorrow or Thursday depending on transpiration rates today. Thanks for stopping by!
Okay, how about a @Weedseedsexpress Tuesday update while we wait for the RH to drop a bit in my neighborhood! I went to burp the Golden Tiger Big Gulp and the RH went up to 70%. :eek:

Since we haven't seen them in a while, here are the two in flower (flip day 36), starting with the Chocolope:

Other than a little PM coming back, this one seems to be humming along pretty well given the pH of the ProMix.

So let's move on to my slight problem child (though it does have cool purple flowers):

Power Plant (you can see the yellowing down below):

It started pushing out new pistils again!

The leaves are curling up at the ends as well as tacoing.

Here are some of the lowers (ignore the white spots...they're related to the citric acid spray):

Besides the pH issues, I wonder if some plants are more sensitive to the citric acid spray. Maybe I should try 0.5% next time... :hmmmm:

Slurry test tomorrow or Thursday depending on transpiration rates today. Thanks for stopping by!
Its easy to try and fixate on having perfect leaves in flower. I have yet to achieve that...all the more difficult Outdoors as well.

I too strive for it, although you wouldnt know it currently.

But, I say it again, we are growing bud at this stage of the game....not leaves. If your buds are not suffering, trim the leaves that give you OCD, and stay the course. Dont shake things up for the sake of shaking things up.

I believe your slurry test will come up fine and right where you would expect Pro Mix and MC to be. Unless you have reused this soil a few grows.

$0.02 of charge
I believe your slurry test will come up fine and right where you would expect Pro Mix and MC to be. Unless you have reused this soil a few grows.

$0.02 of charge
Thanks for the discount Baron!

This ProMix was past its use-by date when I got it and rang up a 7.4 on the last slurry test. The nitrate N in MegaCrop has raised the pH over the course of the grow, so I've been using a few rounds of fertilizer that is higher in ammoniacal N at the suggestion of the folks at ProMix. Hence the second slurry test this week. We'll see!
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